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Presented by:- Roll no. GR No. Name

39 182202 Mahesh Khond
42 1710726 Pranav Kulkarni
43 1711074 Ranjeetsinh Lomte
72 182002 Vanchhita Wakode
Presentation Highlights

• Instruction pipelining
• MIPS pipelined data path
• Basic 5 stage pipeline
• Multicycle pipeline
• Performance improvement
• Hazards

• Pipelining is the process of accumulating and executing computer instructions

and tasks from the processor via a logical pipeline.
• It allows storing, prioritizing, managing and executing tasks and instructions in
an orderly process.
• Pipelining is also known as pipeline processing.
Understanding pipeline

• 4 loads of laundry that need to be washed, dried, and folded.

- 30 minutes to wash, 40 minutes to dry, and 20 minutes to fold.
- we have 1 washer, 1 dryer and 1 folding station.

• what’s the most efficient way to get 4 loads of laundry done?

Instruction Execution Cycle

• The time period during which one instruction is fetched from memory and
execute when computer given an instruction in machine language
• Each instruction is further divided into sequence of phases
• After the execution of instruction the program counter is incremented to point
the next instruction to be executed
Instruction Pipelining

• First stage fetches the instruction and buffers it.

• When the second stage is free the first stage passes it the buffered instruction.
• While the second stage is executing the instruction the first stage takes
advantages of any unused memory cycles to fetch and buffer the next
• This is called instruction pre-fetch or fetch overlap.
Inefficiency in two stage instruction pipelining

• There are two reasons

• The execution time will be longer than fetch time .Thus fetch stage may have to
wait for some time before it can empty the buffer.
• When conditional branch occurs , then the address of next instruction to be
fetched become unknown .Then the execution stage have to wait while the next
instruction is fetched.
MIPS Definition

• MIPS stands for "Million Instructions Per Second."

• It is a method of measuring the raw speed of a computer's processor.
• The MIPS measurement has been used by computer manufacturers like IBM to
measure the "cost of computing."
MIPS pipelined datapath
Six stage of instruction pipelining

• Fetch instruction(FI): Instructions are fetched from the memory into a temporary buffer before
it gets executed.
• Decode instruction(DI): The instruction is decoded by the CPU so that the necessary op codes
and operands can be determined.
• Calculate operand(CO): Based on the addressing scheme used, either operands are directly
provided in the instruction or the effective address has to be calculated.
• Fetch Operand(FO): Once the address is calculated, the operands need to be fetched from the
address that was calculated. This is done in this phase.
• Execute Instruction(EI): The instruction can now be executed.
• Write operand(WO): Once the instruction is executed, the result from the execution needs to
be stored or written back in the memory.
Timing diagram for instruction pipeline
Instruction pipelining

• Pipelining makes efficient use of resources.

• Quicker time of execution of large number of instructions.
• The parallelism is invisible to the programmer

• Structural hazards: attempt to use the same resource by two different

instructions at the same time .
• Data hazards: attempt to use data before it is ready - An instruction’s source
operand(s) are produced by a prior instruction still in the pipeline.
• Control hazards: attempt to make a decision about program control flow before
the condition has been evaluated and the new PC target address calculated -
branch instructions.

• https://www.slideshare.net/SaidurRahmanKohinoor/instruction-pipeline-
• https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=
• The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems By M. Mazidi, j. Mazidi
Any Queries?

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