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The “term ideology” was conceived in 1796 by French philosopher
Destutt de Tracy to refer to a new science that endeavored to uncover
origins of conscious thought and ideas. He called this “science of
ideas” ideologie.

Sociologist Peter Braham (2013) stresses that aside from its neutral
definition of being a set of more or less consistent beliefs, ideology is
also “widely used… to describe a cluster of belief not only judged
false or distorted, but also as deliberately concealing some hidden
Simply put , ideology is a set of related ideas or
systematic group of concepts and beliefs about
culture, society, and human life. Often, ideologies
dictate how societies should be structured.
Political Ideology is a more or less coherent set of ideas that provides
a basis for organized political action, whether ideas are intended to
preserve, modify, or overthrow the existing power structure
(Heywood, 2003).


1. it offer an account of existing order, often in the form of a worldview;
2. it provides a model of a desired future, a vision of good society; and
3. it outlines how political change can and should be brought about.
Different Political Ideologies

It is a political ideology that gives importance to the
fulfillment of the individual through the satisfaction of his

Elements of Liberalism
Heywood (2003) identified seven elements of liberalism.
These are individualism, freedom, reason, equality,
toleration, consent, and constitutionalism.

It is the principle of liberalism. The human individual is

given the most importance; emphasis is placed not on social
groups or collective bodies. Individuals in this context are
considered as having the same worth and possessing their
own unique identities.
Is the principal attribute of liberal ideology. Faith is placed
on the individual, who can act according to his desires.
Nevertheless, because the exercise of one’s freedom may
clash with the person’s rights, individual liberty is not
without limitations.
The Civil Code of the Philippines contains provision that clearly
illustrate the above principle. Article 19, 20, and 21 of the code

Article 19. every person must, in the exercise of his rights

and in the performance of his duties, act with justice, give
everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith.
Article 20. Every person who, contrary to law, willfully or
negligently causes damage to another, shall indemnify the
latter for the same.

Article 21. Any person who willfully causes loss or damage to

another in a manner that is contrary to morals, good customs,
or public policy shall compensate the latter for the damage.
Liberals think that individuals have the capacity to correctly
decide matters concerning their interests. Underlying this
thought is the notion that critical analysis and reason can
unravel the rational structure of the world.
The liberal influence is shown in Section 2, Article II of the 1987
Constitution, which states:

Section 2. The Philippines renounces war as a instrument of

national policy, adopts the generally accepted principle s of
international law as part of the law of the land and adheres to the
policy of peace, equality , justice, freedom, cooperation, and amity
with all nation.
Liberals are committed to political equality (one person, one
vote; one vote, one value) and to legal equality (equality before
the law). Their commitment proceeds from the belief that at
least in moral worth, all humans are born on equal footing.

To liberals, toleration assures individual liberty and social
enrichment. They believe that toleration is both a guarantee of
individual liberty and a means of social enrichment.
Consent or agreement forms the basis of social relationships and
authority in the minds of liberals. The consent of the governed is
essential to the existence of governments. Because of this, liberals see
the necessity for representation and democracy.

The limited government that liberals advocate results from the diffusion
of government power through the check and balance mechanism among
the various institutions of government. This mechanism government
Constitutionalism therefore requires government respect for
individual rights, such as the right to equal protection of the
laws, the right to suffrage, the right to form associations, the
right to free exercise of religion, the right to freedom of
expression and peaceable assembly, the right against self-
incrimination, the right to travel, and the liberty of abode.

*Classical Liberalism
Is committed to an extreme form of individualism which underscores the self-interest and self-sufficiency
of human beings.

*Modern Liberalism
Holds that capitalism which is not subject to regulation will merely give rise to injustice.

*Thomas Hobbes and the Social Contract

Thomas Hobbes(1588-1679) was an English philosopher who tortured King Charles II of England. He wrote
the book Leviathan wherein he discussed the “social contract theory”. The Leviathan ‘s rise to power was
occasioned by the social contract between the people and the state wherein the people gave up the right
to kill and steal in order to escape from the chaos that characterized human life before the establishment of
John Locke and the Limited Government
Western liberalism owes much to political philosopher John Locke who wrote Two Treatises of
Government. He rejected Hobbes’ idea of an all-powerful sovereign. In his view, it would be enough if
the government have the power to protect life and property. Locke’s concept of limited government
unique is its recognition of natural law, which antedated man-made law.

First emerged in the late 18th century and early 19th century. It is defined by the desire to preserve
institutions and is reflected in a resistance to, or at least suspicion of, change. The fragile "fabric
society" can be protected by preserving these institution and value.
Elements of Conservatism
1. Tradition- Defense of tradition is an important theme upheld by conservatives. To them,
tradition-time tested values, practices, and institutions-" reflects the accumulated wisdom of
the past". They also regard this as a source of reassurance and of a collective sense of belonging.
2. Pragmatism- Concervatives frown on an abstract principles and systems of thought because of
the perceived limits of human rationality.
3. Human Imperfection- Human beings are weighed down by imperfections. Because of these
imperfections, it requires a strong state which will maintain order, enforce laws, and impose
harsh penalties on lawbreakers.
-conservatives theorize that society is an organic whole which exist as something that is more
than the sum of its individual parts. What strengthens the community and makes cohesion
possible is shared values, aside from a common culture.

5. Hierarchy- an organic society is characterized by a hierarchy positions: individuals occupy

different positions in society because they perform different roles and responsibilities.
6.Authority-produces social cohesion.It gives individuals a clear sense of who they are and what
is expected of them. Therefore, authority-especially when exercised within limits -is a must.
7. Property
-provides security to people.It also gives individuals some amount of independence from the
government, and encourage them to be law-obedient and respectful for the property of others.

Edmund Bruke and Modern Conservatism

- a Dublin-born UK statesman and political theorist, is the father of modern Anglo-American
concervatism. Burke's reputation grew through a series of works, including the Reflection on the
Revolution in France(1790) . He held the notion that wisdom is mainly the result of experience,
tradition, and history and have an unflattering view of government: it could stop evil but does
not always promote what is good.
- is an ideology that stands in opposition to capitalism and proposes an alternative which more
humane and equitable. Competition produces division in society: some become rich, while most
struggle to survive and remain poor. The goal of socialism is to minimize or abolish these class
division. EQUALITY is therefore characterizes socialism.
Elements of Socialism
1.Community- Socialism sees human being as a social creatures linked by a common humanity.
Human behavior is explained according to social factors instead of innate qualities. The
emphasis is placed on what can be nurtured.

2. Fraternity- Humam beings are connected by comradership because they share a common
humanity. Socialist thinks that cooperation is necessary so that people will utilize their collective
energy for the common good.
3. Social Equality
-the paramount virtue of socialism is equality. It guarantees stability and cohesion in society and
encourages emphaty among human beings.

4. Need- Socialists believe that the basis of the distribution of material benefits should be need,
rather than merits or work. This formula is central to Karl Marx's communist principle of
distribution, which is "from each according to ability, to each according to his need".
5.Social Class- “level of people”
- Socialism is often associated with a form of class politics. The socialist goal is to eradicate
economic and social inequalities.

6. Common Ownership- some socialist see common ownership as the end of socialism itself,
while others see it simply as a means of generating broader equality. For socialist it enables
material resources to be harnessed for the common good.

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