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T i m e v a l u e o f m

The time value of mone

y (TVM) is the concept
that money available at
the present time is wort
h more than the identic
al sum in the future due
to its potential earning
capacity. This core prin
ciple of finance holds th
z at, provided money can
earn interest, any amou
nt of money is worth m
ore the sooner it is rece

Made by
Karan bhatnagar

Present Value and Future Value

Present Value is the same as Time Value as elaborate
d above. It is the money you have currently that is equ
al to a future one-time disbursal or several part-payme
nts – discounted by a suitable rate of interest.
Future Value is the sum of money that any saving sch
eme with a compounded interest will build to by a pre-
decided future date. It applies to both lumpsum as well
as recurring investments like SIP.
a can vary to some extent. Example, in the case of annuity (income
) or perpetuity
(until death) pension payments, the general formula
can have more components. But as a whole, the basic TVM formul

FV = PV x [ 1 + (I/ N) ] (N*T)
FV is Future value of money,
PV is Present value of money,
I is the interest rate,
N is the number of compounding periods annually and
T is the number of years in the tenure.
Five components of Time Value of Money
Based on the above examples, we can say that the compo
nents of any TVM problems or calculations are;
Tenure (The total number of compounding or discounting p
Rate of Interest
Present Value (PV) or Today’s value
Future Value (FV)
The fifth component is Periodic Payments (Pmt) .
Time Value of Money : Compounding & Discounting
The basic principles of TVM are compounding and discounting met
Compounding : When we hear the word ‘compounds’, the first thing
that comes to mind is GROWTH . That means we expect our invest
ment to grow and yield some return (or interest) .

Discounting : Compounding is about the future value of today’s inv

estment, where as discounting is the today’ value (PV) of money to
be received in the future (FV – Future Value). Present value is calc
ulated by applying a discount rate (opportunity cost) to the sums of
money to be received in the future.
Specific variations of the time value of money calculations a
◆Net Present Value (lets you value a stream of future paym
into one lump sum today, as you see in many lottery
◆Present Value (tells you the current worth of a
future sum of money)
◆Future Value (gives you the future value of
cash that you have now )
Determining the Time Value of money
1. Number of time periods involved (months, years)
2. Annual interest rate (or discount rate, depending on t
he calculation)
3. Present value (what you currently have in your pocke
4. Payments (If any exist; if not, payments equal zero.)
5. Future value (The dollar amount you will receive in th
e future. A standard mortgage will have a zero future val
ue because it is paid off at the end of the term.)
Application of time value of money principle
Time value of money is one of the most fundamental p
henomenon in finance. It is underlying theme embodie
s in financial concepts such as:
Net present value ,
Internal rate of return ,
Compound annual growth rate, etc.
It is the basis used to work out the intrinsic value of a fi
rm, a share of common stock, a bond or any other fina
ncial instrument.
Time value of money relationships
In any time value of money relationship, there are followi
ng components:
A value today called present value (PV),
A value at some future date called future value (FV),
Number of time periods between the PV and FV, referre
d to as n,
Annual percentage interest rate labeled as r,
Number of compounding periods per year, m,
An annuity payment (only case of annuities), PMT.

Time Value of Money is important in fin
ancial management. TVM can be used t
o compare different investment options
and to solve problems involving mortga
ges, leases, loans, savings and annuitie

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