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Relevance of Bhagavad Gita
to present scenario
In the modern times when all efforts for world peace seem
to rest on the walls of sand, Gita’s teaching of world
brotherhood can very well guide humanity. The ultimate
end, according to Gita is the consolidation of society. It
has not only preached for the welfare of human beings
but even that of all living beings.
Gita has that liberality which is characteristic of Indian
thought. Gita synthesized selfishness with altruism by
seeing God everywhere.
The Present
Modern age is the age of science.
Hence some persons doubt the
relevance of Gita in the present
times. But as a matter of fact,
perhaps it is in the present age alone
that the Gita is most urgently
needed. It can be said without
exaggeration that most of the acute
problems of man at present can be
solved by following the teachings of
Gita. The nature of human beings
The Present
The present generation of youth
who are pursuing their studies do
not seem to have the time for
anything at all. In the little time they
manage to spare, they often tend to
fall prey to various distractions that
life presents before them. Working
people are constantly caught up
with trying to earn more money in
order to provide their family with
more luxuries and material
What to do??
• The Bhagavad Gita teaches one to be detached
from the negative aspects of samsara.
• A deep study of the Gita gives rise in the reader,
to a spirit of surrender, creating within him an
eternal fount of joy, happiness and peace.
• In fact, Gita is an incredible book because of its
intrinsic value in solving the fundamental human
problem. It shows us a way to live our life
• It will continue to bless people of the past,
present and posterity; the only thing is that, one
has to choose to expose oneself to it.
• I therefore request people of all ages to study
this book of amazing wisdom. I would like to say
that many of our present day problems can be
solved or at least be mitigated by our gaining
this wisdom. Today humanity is facing many
challenges such as — global warming, financial
crisis, wars, etc.
• I think that becoming a mature and responsible
person is very much part of the solution to many
problems and challenges that we are facing in
the world.

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