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 Pemilihan perusahaan dari database Voitto

yang di terbitkan oleh Suomen Asiakastieto

 Penelitian menggunakan metode survey,
dimana peneliti mengirimkan link kuisioner
kepada CFO perusahaan.
 Tedapat 132 responden setelah dilakukan
seleksi sampling.
 Seberapa sering budget preparation di
perusahaan dengan kategori :
◦ OPER1. Operative budget, yearly.
◦ OPER2. Operative budget, half-yearly.
◦ OPER3. Operative budget, quarterly.
◦ OPER4. Operative budget, monthly.
◦ OPER5. Operative budget, weekly.
 Skor penilaian range 1-7, semakin tinggi
nilai, budget preparation semakin tinggi.
 Interactive budgeting dinilai berdasarkan pernyataan berikut :

◦ INTER1. The budget process is continuous and demands regular and

frequent attention from managers at all levels.

◦ INTER2.There is a lot of interaction between topmanagement and

department/unit managers in the budget process.

◦ INTER3. Managers use the budget process to discuss changes occurring in

the firm with peers and subordinates.

◦ INTER4. Managers use budgeting information as a means of questioning

and debating the ongoing decisions and actions of lower-level managers.

◦ INTER5. Budget tracking reports also play a central role in management

discussions when there are no deviations from plans.
 Pengukuran Product Innovation sebagai berikut:

◦ INNO1. During the last three years, we have launched more

new products in the market than the industry average.

◦ INNO2. Our firm is more often first-in-market with new

products compared with the industry average.

◦ INNO3. The percentage of new products launched in the

product portfolio is much higher than the industry average.

◦ INNO4. Our firm has probably more new products at the

developmental phase to be launched next year than the
industry average.
 Penilaian performance berdasarkan rata-rata
industri dengan kategori penilaian sebagai
berikut :
◦ PERF1. Rate of sales growth.
◦ PERF2. Rate of profit growth.
◦ PERF3. Return on investment.
◦ PERF4. Profit/sales ratio.
◦ PERF5. Increase in market share.
◦ PERF6. Customer satisfaction.
◦ PERF7. Customer retention.
◦ PERF8. Acquisition of new customers.
 budget preparation frequency (OPER2-4)
berasosiasi positif dengan interactive budgeting
(INTER1-5) (r = 0.403, p = 0.000).
 interactive budgeting berhubungan positif
dengan product innovation (INNO1-4) (r = 0.193,
p = 0.027).
 Product innovation signifikan secara positif
dengan financial (PERF1-4) (r = 0.305, p =
0.000) dan non-financial (PERF5-8) (r = 0.398, p
= 0.000) performance.
 frequency of budget preparation dan interactive
budgeting tidak berasosiasi secara signifikan
dengan financial dan non-financial performance

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