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Creator of the ideal

Craftsman of a
certain thing for a
certain reason
Humans are born
naturally imitative This is how we thrive
culturally and Aristotle is
socially. It also directly implying
builds character that imitation is a
moral educator

Aristotle believes we humans

take intrinsic pleasure in
imitating ourselves and in
Aristotle believes this is due to our fundamental witnessing imitations created
by others
desire for knowledge and understanding. And
to him, anything that aligns to this belief and
also satisfies it are intrinsic desire for
knowledge can only be good.
Catharsis has three interpretations;
-Mental Stimulation ‘the pain of pity and fear is not an impurity which
needs to be removed, it is the emotional response
which a virtuous man will and ought to feel’-
Essays on Aristotle's Poetics edited by Amelie
Oksenberg Rorty

Tragic pleasure

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