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AFM - atomic force microscopy

A 'new' view of structure (1986)

CD stamper AlGaN/GaN quantum well waveguide

surface atoms on Si single crystal

See Vocabulary of Surface Crystallography,
polymer growth Journal of Applied Physics 35, 1306 (1964), by
Elizabeth A. Wood
Atomic force microscope topographical scan of a glass surface. The micro and nano-
scale features of the glass can be observed, portraying the roughness of the material.
The image space is (x,y,z) = (20um x 20um x 420nm). The AFM used was the Veeco
di CP-II, scanned in contact mode. Constructed at the Nanorobotics Laboratory at
Carnegie Mellon University (http://nanolab.me.cmu.edu).
 AFM merupakan peralatan sangat canggih untuk
mempelajari struktur permukaan secara atomik,
fenomena fouling pada BRM (Bioreaktor
material) atau proses-proses pemisahan
membran lainnya. AFM bisa memberikan
gambar 3 dimensi dengan resolusi setara atomik
serta memberikan informasi kuantitatif
mengenai morfologi permukaan.
 Untuk yang kedua diperlukan bantuan software
analisis lainnya .
 Berbeda dengan SEM, Alat ini tidak memerlukan
perlakukan pendahuluan pada sampel.
 3-dimensional topography of IC device
 Roughness measurements for chemical
mechanical polishing
 Analysis of microscopic phase distribution in
 Mechanical and physical property
measurements for thin films
 Imaging magnetic domains on digital storage
 Imaging of submicron phases in metals
 Defect imaging in IC failure analysis
 Microscopic imaging of fragile biological
 AFM terdiri dari cantilever dengan probe
yang tajam pada ujungnya.
 Ketika probe tersebut dekat dengan
sample, medan gaya antara probe dan
sample akan menghasilkan defleksi pada
 Berdasarkan prinsip ini, bisa diperoleh
informasi mengenai: gambar 3D,
kehalusan/kekasaran permukaan, dan
kekuatan tarik-menarik (adhission force).
 Single molecules of poly(2-
vinylpyridine) recorded
using an AFM operating in
tapping mode under water
media of different pH. Single
chains are 0.4 nm thick.
Molecule conformation
changes drastically at a very
small change of medium pH.
At giving attribution, the
following reference should
be cited: Y. Roiter and S.
Minko, AFM Single Molecule
Experiments at the Solid-
Liquid Interface: In Situ
Conformation of Adsorbed
Flexible Polyelectrolyte
Chains, Journal of the
American Chemical Society,
vol. 127, iss. 45, pp. 15688-
Surface Profile of Crystalline
AFM Image of Defect on
Coated Glass
Height and Phase Mode Image of a Polymer Sample
Top View AFM Image of
Steel Microstructure

AFM Images of Gold Plating

for Wire Bond Failure Analysis
Profil 3D dua membran yang tersumbat: (A) dari reaktor
thermofilik, (B) dari reaktor mesophilik
Perbandingan kekasaran dua membran yang tersumbat: dua
membran dengan material berbeda
Perbandingan kekasaran
membran yang tersumbat
pada dua proses berbeda: (A)
MBR dan (B) AGMR)
Berdasarkan analisis menggunakan AFM, beberapa fenomena
fouling pada membran BRM dapat diringkas sebagai berikut:
 Membran yang tersumbat terdeteksi memiliki tingkat kekasaran
yang lebih tinggi. Perubahan kekasaran ini menandakan adanya
deposisi foulan pada permukaan membran dan distribusi yang
tidak merata dari foulan pada permukaan membran.
 Kekasaran permukaan dapat juga digunakan untuk
mengidentifikasi tingkat kemampatan sumbatan. Sumbatan yang
mampat cenderung memiliki kekasaran yang lebih rendah.
Akibatnya porositas sumbatan juga cenderung menyempit.
Perbedaan tingkat kekasaran juga sangat tergantung pada
kondisi umpan (feed) atau lumpur aktif.
 Profil daya (force profile) antara sumbatan-membrane,
sumbatan-sumbatan juga dapat dihitung. Dengan demikian, kita
dapat menghitung potensi tersumbatnya membran yang satu
dengan lainnya, terhadap foulan tertentu. Informasi ini dapat
digunakan sebagai data awal untuk mendesin membran yang
resistan terhadap penyumbatan.
Atomic Force Microscope images of lipid membranes.The picture on the left shows the
decomposition of a membrane under the influence of a lipid-degrading enzyme.The
picture on the right shows the structure of a membrane formed by a mixture
 Dependence of scattered light intensity and
surface roughness on etching time. The four panels
above the graph show digitized AFM images at
etching times of 0, 10, 20 and 30 minutes (from left
to right).
a, Synthetic scheme for the gold
nanobridged nanogap particles
(Au-NNPs) using DNA-modified
gold nanoparticles as templates.
b, UV-vis spectra for the probes.
Inset: gradual change in the colour
of the solution as the reaction
proceeds from seeds (DNA-AuNPs)
to intermediates 1, 2 and 3 and
product 4.
c, HRTEM images of intermediate
(panels 1–3) and Au-NNPs (panels 4
and 5). Nanobridges within the Au-
NNP are indicated by red arrows in
panel 5, and element line mapping
and the ~1.2 nm gap in the Au-NNP
structure are shown in panel 6.
d, Comparison between multimeric
inter-nanogap structure that has a
less uniform, multiple point gap
junctions (left) and monomeric
interior-nanogap structure with a
more uniform surface gap junction
a, Instrument setup for AFM-
correlated nano-Raman
spectroscopy and precise
tip-matching procedures for
accurate single-particle
addressing (see text
Information for more
b–e, Representative AFM images
of Au-NNPs in different
f–h, Distribution diagrams of the
measured electromagnetic
enhancement factors at
1,190 cm−1 (f), 1,460 cm−1 (g)
and 1,580 cm−1 (h). All
measurements for EF
calculations were performed
with a 633 nm excitation
laser, 10 s exposure, 650 µW
laser power and ×100
objective lens.
 This 3D illustration of a modulus map of bone was produced using atomic force
microscope (AFM) data on the nanomechanical spatial heterogeneity of bone stiffness.
Simulations using this data predict markedly different biomechanical properties
compared with a uniform material, which may serve as a design consideration for
biologically inspired materials technologies. See Tai, K., M. Dao, S. Suresh, A. Palazoglu,
and C. Ortiz. "Nanoscale Heterogeneity Promotes Energy Dissipation in Bone." Nature
Materials 6 (June 2007): 454-462. (Image by Prof. Christine Ortiz.)

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