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Anny Thuraidah
: bakteri tahan asam yg memp sifat berbeda krn
pertumbuhan sangat lambat dan cepat resisten
thd satu obat. Antibiotik bekerja > aktif thd
kuman yg cepat membelah/tumbuh.
Jenis ada 3 :
1. Mycobacteria tuberculosis
2. Mycobacteria leprae
3. Mycobacteria atipik
Faktor gagalnya pengobatan
1. Kurangnya dayatahan hospes thd
2. Kurangnya daya bakterisid obat yg ada
3. Timbulnya resistensi kuman thd obat
4. ES obat
Lini Pertama Lini Kedua

1/ Isoniazid (=INH) 1> Florokuinolon

2/Rifampicin 2> Asam p-Aminosalisilat
3/ Etambutol 3> Sikloserin
4/ Pirazinamid 4> Etionamid
5/ Streptomisin 5> Kanamisin , Amikasin
6> Kapreomisin
7> Rifabutin
8> Rifapentin
1/ Sulfon
2/ Rifampisin
3/ Klofazimin
4/ Amitiozon
5/ Lain2 : Tiambutosin, Talidomid
Viral Lamivudin,

Nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor /Non, Protease inh



A retrovirus has a membrane that contains glycoproteins, which are able to bind to a receptor
protein on a host cell.

1.Within the cell there are two strands of RNA that have three enzymes, protease, reverse
transcriptase, and integrase .
2.The first step of replication is the binding of the glycoprotein to the receptor protein
3.Once these have been bound the cell membrane degrades and becomes part of the host cell,
and the RNA strands and enzymes go into the cell .
4.Within the cell, reverse transcriptase creates a complementary strand of DNA from the
retrovirus RNA and the RNA is degraded, this strand of DNA is known as cDNA .
5.The cDNA is then replicated, and the two strands form a weak bond and go into the nucleus .
6.Once in the nucleus, the DNA is integrated into the host cells DNA with the help of integrase .
7.This cell can either stay dormant, or RNA may be synthesized from the DNA and used to
create the proteins for a new retrovirus .
8.Ribosome units are used to transcribe the mRNA of the virus into the amino acid sequences
which can be made into proteins in the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum. This step will also
make viral enzymes and capsid proteins .
9.Viral RNA will be made in the nucleus. These pieces are then gathered together and are
pinched off of the cell membrane as a new retrovirus .
Anti Jamur
Infeksi jamur dibedakan : sistemik dan topikal
(dermatofit dan mukokutan).
Infeksi sistemik : kandidiasis, aspergilosis,
blastomikosis, kriptokokosis.
Infeksi dermatofit , disebabkan oleh :
Trichophyton, Microsporum.
Infeksi mukokutan, disebabkan oleh : Kandida yg
menyerang mukosa, lipatan kulit dan kuku.
Anti jamur sistemik
1. Amfoterisin B  unt aspergilosis, kandidiasis
2. Flusitosin  unt kriptokokosis
3. Imidazol dan Triazol
(Ketokonazol, Itrakonazol,Flukonazol,
Mikonazol)  unt blastomikosis
4. Nistatin
5. Gentian Violet anti jamur lokal
6. Gol salisilat

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