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Ministry of Jesus:

•Jesus was an inspired
preacher, filled with the
Holy Spirit.
At the heart of
Jesus’ preaching
was the symbol of
the reign of God.
From the Hebrew Tradition,
this symbol signifies what the
state of affairs will be when
God is recognized as One on
whom everyone sets their
hearts, when God finally
The Kingdom of God is
a God getting the
divine way unopposed
by human sinfulnessand
the power of darkness.
On that day everyone will
do what God wants, the
will of God will be done on
earth. The reign of God is
situation that results when
God’s will is really done.
What is God’s will?
As revealed in Jesus, God’s
will is our well-being. God
wants the wholeness, the
healing, and the salvation of
every creature and of all of us
taken together.
The reign of God involves
justice and peace among
everyone, healing and
wholeness everywhere
fullness of life enjoyed by
For students:
For you, how will you describe the
reign of God in your family and in the
Philippines as a whole. Give concrete
Beautiful images which evoke the reign
of God.
• The lion lying down with lamb. (the
strong not eating up the weak)
• Soldiers beating war instrument into
farming instrument. ( a marvellous
• A wedding feast with food enough for
everyone and joy all around.
Jesus’ preaching was shaped by
the tradition of Judaism which
was hoping for the reign of God.
A new and burning sense that
this reign is near pervades in his
The first words out of his
mouth in Mark’s gospel
proclaim “ The time has
come; the Kingdom of God is
near. Repent and believe in
the Good News” (Mk. 1:15)
Jesus is announcing that
we do not have to wait
until the last day for
shalom to arrive, but God
is already drawing near
with salvation for all.
The reign of God is at hand,
salvation is on its way from God.
This message is very urgent.
There is an excitement about
Jesus’ preaching, a sense of
anticipation as God approaches to
heal and save.
And what must we do?

Repent and believe in the

Good News. It is great
news that the reign of God
is near
For students:
What is good about the good news?
Jesus preaches in hundreds
of different ways. Many of
His parables begin “the
reign of God is like”; The
parables show that the
reign of God is going to be
This is indeed good news if you are
one of the last, least, or lowest.
The beatitudes reflect this.
This message of reign of God comes
with great challenge for those who
will not repent. The Woes …..
Ministry: Characteristics
1. Jesus called disciples to follow
Him. (men and women) leaving
their families, homes, jobs and
villages. They formed a
community of brothers and sisters
around Him .
Traveling with him,
listening to him. After
Jesus’ death and
resurrection this band of
followers formed the
nucleus of the church.
2. Jesus showed partnership with
the marginal people of his society.
a.He associated with sinners,
offering them forgiveness.
b.He frequently healed the sick-
reaching out to touch them
c.He exorcised demons
3. Jesus shared companionship
both with his disciples and with
the wider circle of those
interested in him. (Last Supper)
Middle East culture – sitting down
at table with someone and
breaking bread sets up a real
bond of kinship.
What Jesus did was to sit down at
table with all manner of folks,
including sinners, tax collectors,
prostitute, people considered
nonentities. A foretaste of the
Kingdom of God is savoured at
these joyful meals.
4. Jesus is both faithful and free
regarding the great Jewish tradition of
But there were occasions when He
broke the Torah because the well-being
of someone was at stake. In face of the
sick, the suffering, the hungry, the
Sabbath observance.
5. Jesus’ whole
ministry was rooted
in prayer.
Jesus’ Death and resurrection

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