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To master the important
development tasks of forming new and
more mature relationships with
members of opposite sex, and of
playing the approved role for one’s
own sex, young adolescents must
acquire more mature and complete
concepts of sex than they had as
Development of
Now that adolescents are
beginning to be sexually mature, both
boys and girls begin to have new
attitudes toward members of the
opposite sex, and to develop an
interest not only in members of the
opposite sex but also in activities in
which they are involved.
Theories on Adolescent Sexual

• Psychosexual Theorists such as

FREUD, BLOS attach great
significance to the impact of sexual
drives on the psychological
functioning of the person.
Sternberg’s Theory of Love
Passion Intimacy Commitment
Forms of
Love Physical attraction Closeness and Pledge to love over
and sexual desire emotional attachment the long run

Liking No Yes No
Infatuation Yes No No
Empty Love No No Yes
Romantic Love Yes Yes No
Companionate No Yes Yes
Fatuous Yes No Yes
Consummate Love Yes Yes Yes
• Psychosocial Theorists like Erikson,
Marcia, Adams, take the position
that “anatomy is destiny” but takes
into account social context and their
cultural factors that mediate sexual
• Difficulty in parent-adolescent
particularly parent-daughter
conversation regarding Sexuality
seems to have a negative effect in
delaying sexual activity. i.e. Greater
the difficulty, the earlier the
initiation of sexual activity.
2 elements in the development of
1. Development of patterns of behavior
involving members of the two sexes

2. Development of attitudes relating to

relationships between members of the two
Development of patterns of behavior
involving members of the two sexes

• Courtship

• Kiss on first dates

Development of attitudes relating to relationships
between members of the two sexes

• It’s used to be said that

“boys in love put their girls
on pedestals and literally
worship them”

• A date means getting dressed

up, giving a flowers and
chocolates as gifts
Common reasons for dating during
-When dating is for recreation,
adolescents want their partners to have
the social skills members of the peer group
consider important: to be goo sports and
pleasant companions. In the case of boys,
having a car or access to one and money to
spend are essential.
Common reasons for dating during
-Dating partners must want to
participate in social activities and
have the social skills, time, money,
and independence needed for
participation in these activities.
Common reasons for dating during
-The more popular the dating partner
is with members of the peer group and the
more prestigious the socioeconomic status
of the dating partner’s family in the
community, the more this will reflect
favourably on the adolescent.
Common reasons for dating during
-Because the adolescents are in
love and hope and plan to marry
eventually, they give serious thought
to the suitability of the dating partner
as a future mate.
New attitudes toward sexual behavior

Behavior which, scarcely a generation

age, would shock adolescents if it is
occurred among their peers, and give them
feeling of guilt and shame if it occurred in
their own lives, now are taken for granted
as right and normal or at least permissible.

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