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Name- Rishabh Sharma

Roll no- 1700883
Branch – Mechanical
The term “burnout” indicates a change in the boiling
regime, the disturbance of contact between the liquid
and the heated wall resulting in an abrupt drop of the
heat transfer coefficient. If the surface heat flux is
controlled (e.g., electrically or nuclear heated systems),
burnout leads to an inordinate rise in the wall
temperature. If there is a controlled temperature heat
source (e.g., the tube is surrounded by hot fluid on the
outside), the burnout is accompanied by a considerable
reduction of heat flux carried away by the boiling fluid.

A redistribution of liquid between the film and the flow

core (line 2) occurs in a heated channel. The
burnout is observed in the flow section in
which the liquid flow rate in the film equals zero
(dryout point).

The boiling curve is a plot of surface heat flux

versus excess temperature, and has the general
features illustrated in fig. Point A on the curve marks
the onset of nucleate boiling (ONB). At lower excess
temperatures, heat transfer occurs by natural
convection alone.
1A is the first most regions in which the heat
transfer process takes place by free convection.
The water particles associated with the heating
surface take heat from it and start moving at the
top. Now the other particles occupied blank space
and start heated from heating surface. This
process continuously run until whole water is
converted into steam.
The next region AC is known as Nucleate
region or Nucleate type of boiling. This is the
most desirable part of boiling which is used by
many industries. In this region, bubbles
formation take place. The water particles
associated with the heating surface vaporized
and converted into bubbles. These bubbles
move at top of the liquid and collapse. This
region can be further divided into two regions.
The first one is shown by AB in which bubbles formation take
place and the bubbles start to move at top side. These bubble
passes form water which is below its saturation temperature so
the bubbles transfer its heat to surrounded water particle and
collapse into water.
The other region is BC in which the whole water converted at
saturation temperature and the bubbles start to pass from
surrounded water. They do not transfer its heat into
surrounding and they collapse at the top of the liquid and
release steam into surrounding. This phenomenon of boiling is
known as nucleate boiling. This region provides maximum heat
transfer rate. The top most point at boiling curve in nucleate
boiling region is known as critical heat flux point.
The third region is shown by CD which is known as
transition region. This region is nothing but the
mediator region of nucleate boiling and film boiling.
This is very undesirable part of boiling curve due to its
poor heat transfer rate. In this region the water particles
associated with the heating surface converted into
steam and forms a vapor blanket. This blanket has
poor heat transfer rate thus other liquid particles find
hard to take heat from source. This is the reason
behind the low heat transfer rate and the undesirability.
The lowest point of transition region is known as
Leidenfrost Point.
The last but the least part of boiling curve or types of boiling is
known as film boiling. This region has huge heat transfer rate. It
is shown by DE in boiling curve. This region has highest
temperature difference between water and the heat source.
When we increase this difference further the heat transfer rate
increases continuously. In this region the most of heat is
transferred by radiation. When we further increase the
temperature of heat source after transition region the density of
vapor blanket start decrease and form a radiation heat transfer
region between liquid particles and heat source. That’s why this
region shows significant increase in heat transfer rate.

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