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The Role of the

English Language in
the 21 Century
The Role of the English Language in the
21st Century
The Role of English in the 21st Century, the world is
in various stages of social, economic, and demographic
transition. Economically and politically, the world has
changed more rapidly in the past few years than at any
time since 1945. The emerging global economy is both
competitive and interdependent. It reflects the
availability of modern communications and
production technologies in most parts of the world.
The Role of the English Language in
the 21st Century
Three factors continue to contribute to this spread
of English: English usage in science, technology and
commerce; the ability to incorporate vocabulary from
other languages; and the acceptability of various
English dialects. In science, English replaced German
after World War II. With this technical and scientific
dominance came the beginning of overall linguistic
dominance, first in Europe and then globally.
The English Language in the 21st Century
If there's one thing you can count on where the
English language is concerned, it's that it will
The English Language in the 21 st Century
In our highly technological society, language
continues to evolve even today.
The English Language in the 21st Century
Not only are we omitting words where we feel that
they are no longer needed, but we’re also making up
new words that we feel do a better job of capturing
what we want to say.

“melty cheese”
“melted cheese”
The English Language in the 21st Century
The evolution of language could be seen as positive
or negative, but it seems to be a necessity as we
progress as a society.
Tricky Expressions: Is it One Word
or Two?
After All / Afterall

“after all” is correct

Tricky Expressions: Is it One Word
or Two?
All Right / Alright

“all right” is the correct usage

Tricky Expressions: Is it One Word
or Two?
Every Day / Everyday
Jane likes to eat oatmeal for breakfast every day;
it has become an important part of her everyday
Tricky Expressions: Is it One Word
or Two?
Any One / Anyone
Any one of the three of us could be chosen to lead the team,
but I don’t know why anyone would select me.
Commonly Misused Words
Do vs. Does
 Do you like your classes so far session?
 Does the Campus Common have an announcement
about the event?
Commonly Misused Words
Have vs. Has
 He has been sick with a cold for the past week.
 We have to arrive for the appointment no later than
two o’clock.
Commonly Misused Words

Who vs. Whom

 Whom did you visit last weekend?
 Who owns the car that is illegally parked outside?
Words that could be using
Adverse / Averse
 She faced adverse conditions in her quest but felt
averse to the alternative.
Words that could be using
Allusion / Illusion
 He made a wry allusion to the article’s assertion that
everything is pure illusion.
Words that could be using
Complement / Compliment
 The art teacher complimented the child’s broad use of
complimentary colors.
Words that could be using
Defuse / Diffuse
 When a fire broke out at school, teachers struggled to
defuse the chaos as the smoke diffuse throughout the
The Importance of Learning English in the 21st

The Importance of Learning English in the 21st
The Importance of Learning English in the 21st
Impact of Learning
The Importance of Learning English in the 21st
Learning English language can:
The Importance of Learning English in the 21 st
improve listening skills
The Importance of Learning English in the 21st Century
improve the ability to solve problems and think
The Importance of Learning English in the 21st Century
enhance communication skills in English
Modern Influences: the English
Language in the 21st Century
English Language has become the lingua franca.
Language of diplomacy and international
1.4 billion people live in countries where English is
an Official Language.
377 million people speak English as official
375 million speak English as their second language.
750 million speak English as a foreign language.
75 countries have English as the official language.
Modern Influences: the English
Language in the 21 st Century
Many blame new technology and modern media
Texting amongst generations
Teens forming relationships solely over text messages
With texting and e-mail common short cuts speed up
Vowels are dropped, words shortened or replaced with
numbers, proper punctuation left out
Terms an acronyms derived from modern media spill over
into more formal works.
Many students remain aware of the inappropriate use of
these terms in more formal assignments
Modern Influences: the English
Language in the 21st Century
Spell check is causing many to become oblivious to
the correct use of common homonyms
Modern Media Influences – “Hip Hop Generation”
Addition of the phrase “bling-bling” to the Oxford
Words “hood” and “crib” are used often in everyday
Phrases “what’s up,” “peace out” and “chill out” are
also used.
Modern Influences: the English
Language in the 21st Century
Use of English in science and technology
90% of academic articles first published in English
Incorporating vocabulary from other languages
Three Factors Influencing the Spread of English:
Modern Influences: the English
Language in the 21st Century
Emoticons used to convey emotions
Formal addresses replaced with ‘hey, hi,
Kids developing certain ‘code’ to hide messages from
Brought new words into the dictionary, such as the
word ‘mega’
Thank You

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