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Introduction to Web Design

and Applications
APT 1040

By Bernard Ondiek

Intro to Web Design and Apllication 1

HTML introduction
 HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, and it is the most
widely used language to write Web Pages.
 Hypertext refers to the way in which Web pages (HTML
documents) are linked together. Thus, the link available on a
webpage is called Hypertext.
 As its name suggests, HTML is a Markup Language which means
you use HTML to simply "mark-up" a text document with tags that
tell a Web browser how to structure it to display.

Intro to Web Design and Apllication 2

HTML introduction
 Hypertext is text displayed on a computer or other electronic
device with references to other text that the user can
immediately access, usually by a mouse click or key press.
 Apart from text, hypertext may contain tables, images and other
presentational elements. It is an easy-to-use and flexible format
to share information over the Internet.

Intro to Web Design and Apllication 3


 Clear text, case insensitive

 Ignores white space
 Comprised of tags <tag />
 Open tags and closed tags

Intro to Web Design and Apllication 4

HTML - Fundamentals

 Open tags
 <name attributes/>
 <hr/>, <br/>
 <img src=“url” width=‘100px’ height=’60px’/>
 Closed tags
 <name attributes> stuff </name>
 <b>text to be bolded</b>
 <h1>level 1 heading text</h1>
 Comments
< ! - - comment text -- >
Intro to Web Design and Apllication 5
Creating a Webpage

1. Launch an editor
2. Type the HTML codes
3. Save with the name.html or .htm
4. Open with a browser to be able to see the result

Intro to Web Design and Apllication 6

Examples of Editors

 Notepad
 Notepad ++
 Dreamweaver…………………………….

Intro to Web Design and Apllication 7

HTML – Document Structure

< HTML >



< / HTML>
Intro to Web Design and Apllication 8
HTML Basic Structure

<title> The title of your html page </title>
<! - - your web page content and markup - ->

Intro to Web Design and Apllication 9

 Create a simple WebPage that displays the
“I love Creating Website”

Intro to Web Design and Apllication 10

 Create a webpage that displays information
as listed below

Mike Tyler
PO Box 190387
Hungry Horse, Mt 59919


Intro to Web Design and Apllication 11

HTML Formatting
<b> Welcome </b>

<i> Welcome </i>

<u> Welcome </u>

Intro to Web Design and Apllication 12

HTML - Font

<font face=“Arial,Times,Courier” color=“red” size=“3”>

<b>Mike Tyler</b><br>
PO Box 190387<br>
Hungry Horse, Mt 59919<br></font>

Intro to Web Design and Apllication 13

HTML - Alignment
<p align=‘center’>
<p align=‘Right’>
<p align=‘Left’>
<p align=‘Justified’>

Intro to Web Design and Apllication 14

HTML Others
Heading Levels

Intro to Web Design and Apllication 15

Heading Levels
<title> The title of your html page </title>
<h1>HEADING LEVEL 1</h1>
<h2>HEADING LEVEL 2</h2>
<h3>HEADING LEVEL 3</h3>
<h4>HEADING LEVEL 4</h4>
<h5>HEADING LEVEL 5</h5>
<h6>HEADING LEVEL 6</h6>

</html> Intro to Web Design and Apllication 16

Intro to Web Design and Apllication 17

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