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Praktikum Patologi Anatomi

Blok 2.1 Minggu 1

Jejas sel & Inflamasi
Penampang ginjal


Tubuli ginjal normal

Tubuli ginjal dilapisi oleh

selapis epitel kubis
Degenerasi bengkak keruh

Degenerasi : Sitoplasma sel Tubuli normal

menjadi bengkak, inti sel utuh
Degenerasi bengkak keruh
Nekrosis sel

Nekrosis koagulativa : arsitektur sel

masih terlihat dengan inti sel yang telah
Villi chorialis normal

Stroma jaringan ikat

longgar, mgd p.darah
Degenerasi hidropik villi chorialis

Stroma villi menjadi udem,

kavitasi dan avaskuler
Degenerasi hidropik villi chorialis
Kavitasi pada stroma yang udem
Perlemakan Hati

Penimbunan sel lemak diantara sel-sel

Perlemakan Hati
• Inflammation is a response of vascularized tissues to
infections and damaged tissues that brings cells and
molecules of host defense from the circulation to the sites
where they are needed, in order to eliminate the offending

Source : Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 9E

• Acute inflammation has three major
(1)dilation of small vessels leading to an increase in
blood flow
(2) increased permeability of the microvasculature
enabling plasma proteins and leukocytes to leave
the circulation
(3) emigration of the leukocytes from the
microcirculation, their accumulation in the focus
of injury, and their activation to eliminate the
offending agent
• Chronic inflammation is a response of prolonged
duration (weeks or months) in which inflammation,
tissue injury and attempts at repair coexist, in
varying combinations
chronic inflammation is characterized by:
• Infiltration with mononuclear cells, which include
macrophages, lymphocytes, and plasma cells
• Tissue destruction, induced by the persistent
offending agent or by the inflammatory cells
• Attempts at healing by connective tissue replacement
of damaged tissue, accomplished by angiogenesis
(proliferation of small blood vessels) and, in particular,
A, Chronic inflammation in the lung, showing all three characteristic
histologic features: (1) collection of chronic inflammatory cells (*), (2)
destruction of parenchyma (normal alveoli are replaced by spaces lined by
cuboidal epithelium, arrowheads), and (3) replacement by connective tissue
(fibrosis, arrows)
B, In contrast, in acute inflammation of the lung (acute bronchopneumonia),
neutrophils fill the alveolar spaces and blood vessels are congested.
Radang akut
Mukosa apendik yang
mengalami radang akut
Radang akut
Kapiler yg melebar

Infiltrasi sel-sel leukosit pmn diantara

jaringan apendik
Radang kronik

Infiltrasi sel limfosit dan sel plasma

diantara jaringan
Radang kronik


Infiltrasi sel limfosit dan sel

diantara jaringan

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