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Presentation on: -

Operating System and Memory

Submitted by: -
Samarth Mehrotra
Anupam Malik
What is Operating System?
 An operating System (OS) is a collection of software
that manages computer hardware resources and provides
common services for computer programs.
 The operating System is a vital component of the system
Software in a computer system.
 Application programs usually require an operating
system to function.
Functions: -
 Booting the computer
 Performs basic computer tasks e.g. Managing the various
peripheral devices e.g. Mouse, keyboard etc.
 Provides a user interface, e.g. Command line, Graphical
user interface (GUI)
 Handles system resources such as computer memory and
sharing of the central processing unit (CPU) time by
various application or peripheral devices.
 Provides file management which refers to the way that
the operating system manipulates, stores, retrieves and
saves data.
Types Of Operating System: -
Simple Operating System: -
 A simple operating system can only run one program at
a time.
 This is achieved by time-sharing, dividing the available
processor time between multiple processes that are each
interrupted repeated in time slices.
 Multi-tasking may be characterized in preemptive and
co-operative types.
Batch Operating System: -
 The users of a batch operating system do not interact with the
computer directly.
 Each user prepares his job on an off-line device like punch cards
and submits it to the computer operator.
 To speed up processing, jobs with similar needs are batched
together and run as a group.
 The programmers leave their programs with the operator and the
operator then sorts the programs with similar requirements into
Time Sharing Operating System: -
 Each user is given a time slice to interact with the
 The size of time slice will depend on the system.
 Each user is served in sequence.
Real Time Operating System: -
Immediate response is needed.
For example: -
- Anti-missile defense system.
- Airplane landing control system.
- Interrupt error in computer system.
Multi- Programming Operating System: -
 Multitasking has the same meaning of
multiprogramming but in a more general sense, as
it refers to having multiple (programs, processes,
tasks, threads) running at the same time.
 This term is used in modern operating systems
when multiple tasks share a common processing
resource (e.g., CPU and Memory).
Examples of Operating Systems: -

 DOS - Disk Operating System - one of the first operating systems for the
personal computer. When you turned the computer on all you saw was the
command prompt which looked like c:\ >. You had to type all commands at
the command prompt which might look like c:\>wp\wp.exe. This is called a
command-line interface.
It was not very "user friendly"
 Windows - The Windows operating system, a product of Microsoft, is a GUI
(graphical user interface) operating system. This type of "user friendly"
operating system is said to have WIMP features:
 Windows
 Icons
 Menus
 Pointing device (mouse)
 MacOS - Macintosh, a product of Apple, has its own operating system with a
GUI and WIMP features.
 Unix – Linux (the PC version of Unix) - Unix and Linux were originally
created with a command-line interface, but recently have added GUI
What is Memory?
 An internal record or representation of some prior
event or experience.
 A set of mental process that receives, encodes stores,
organizes, alters and retrieves information overtime.
 It is the most essential part of computer.
Categories of Memory: -
Cache Memory
Primary Memory
Secondary Memory

Volatile Memory and Non- Volatile Memory

External Memory and Internal Memory
 The Memory Data Register (MDR) is the register of a
computer's control unit that contains the data to be stored in
the computer storage (e.g. RAM), or the data after a fetch from
the computer storage. It acts like a buffer and holds anything
that is copied from the memory ready for the processor to use it.
 The MDR is a two-way register. When data is fetched from
memory and placed into the MDR, it is written to go in one
direction. When there is a write instruction, the data to be
written is placed into the MDR from another CPU register,
which then puts the data into memory.
 The Memory Data Register is half of a minimal interface
between a microprogramming computer storage, the other half
is a memory address register(MAR).
Thank You

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