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Carter L. Clark-Adams
University of Phoenix
 Part I:  Instructional technologies
 Specific Name and Title
 Part III:
 Description and Purpose
 Resources and Materials
 Target Audience
 Total Length of Time
 Length of Training Session
 Individuals Involved
 Goals
 Communicating Timelines and
 Engaging Learners
 Formative Assessments
 Part II:
 Defined Goals
 Objectives  Part IV:
 Instructional Strategies and Activities  Evaluation Instruments
 Determination if goals are met
 Upselling

 “Upselling the Sell!”

 Gives employees the opportunity to examine strategies and techniques for

 Purpose is to equip employees with upselling techniques to use while
working the register

  Target audience are 8 employees

 The training session will last for a total of 8 hours.

 Audience Analysis and Characteristics:
 African American men and women
 Ages range between 16 and 48 years old
 2 women and 6 men
 3 of the males are college students
 1 male is currently in high school
 Kinesthetic/tactile learners
 2 (1 male and 1 female) of the employees work 2 jobs
 3 (2 females and 1 male) of the employees have children
 2 males have learning disabilities
 1 male is diabetic
 2 males identify as gay
 1 female has cataracts and has a difficult time seeing small sprint.
 Learning Goals

 Employees will research and examine upselling strategies and techniques.

 Employees will determine what strategies and techniques are best suited to use
based on their personality.
 Defined Goals
 Employees will use self-directed learning techniques to create a poster to….

 Knowledge: list potential techniques for upselling at a restaurant.

 Comprehension: describe upselling techniques and how they can be applied to selling the products
of Auntie Anne’s.

 Application: illustrate what it looks like to implement the upselling techniques.

 Analysis: examine various upselling techniques and distinguish between effective and ineffective
upselling techniques.

 Synthesis: formulate a script that can be used when applying upselling techniques.

 Evaluation: rank upselling techniques as most applicable to least.

 Learning Objectives

 The employees will use technology to list potential techniques for upselling at a restaurant with 95%
accuracy as measured by observation.

 The employees will describe upselling techniques and how they can be applied to selling the products of
Auntie Anne’s with 85% accuracy as measured by observation.

 The employees will illustrate on butcher’s paper what it looks like to implement the upselling techniques
with 90% accuracy as measured by a rubric.

 The employees will examine various upselling techniques and distinguish between effective and ineffective
techniques by placing an “X” on the ineffective techniques with 95% accuracy as measured by observation.

 The employees will formulate a script that can be used when applying upselling techniques to use during
role playing as well as during real-life tasks with 85% accuracy as measured by observation.

 The employees will rank upselling techniques as most applicable to least by rating the techniques on a scale
from 1 to 10 with 95% accuracy as measured by observation.
 Instructional Strategies and Activities
 Indirect Instruction
 Student-centered
 Reading, reviewing, group discussions, sharing, brainstorming, and learning cooperatively
 Instructor will facilitate learning

 Experiential Learning
 Role-play

 Independent Learning
 Research techniques
 Computer-assisted learning

 Interactive Instruction
 Collaborative learning
 Hands-on opportunities for learning
 Instructional Technologies

 Laptops, smartphones, iPads, etc.

 Online Auntie Anne’s menu

 Website: https://www.forketers.com/tips-upselling-restaurants/
 Resources and Materials

 Laptops/smartphones/iPads/etc.

 Butcher’s Paper

 Markers

 Auntie Anne’s menu

 Pencils/Pens

 https://www.forketers.com/tips-upselling-restaurants/
 Total Length of Time

 8 Hours

 Individuals Involved in Implementation:

 Employees of Auntie Anne’s/Fresh Dining Concepts (Learners)

 Facilitator

 Administrators
 Implementation

 Communicate training a month ahead of time

 Provide special invitations

 Post posters in common areas

 Have store manager announce training in store meeting

 Give the employees something to look forward to
 Give details and answer questions.

 Training session held on a Monday

 Training session completed in one day

 Employees gather in conference room at Williamson Road Library

 Conference room consists of large conference table with chairs; a large-screen television; and plug outlets 
 Methods to Assess Learning

 Thumbs up – thumbs down

 Reflection

 Discussions

 Rubric

 Poster

 Role-playing

 Observations
 The Evaluation Instruments
 Rubric
 The Evaluation Instruments
 Observation Form

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