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5 Personal Narrative Examples Every Aspiring

Essayist Should Read

If writing a personal essay came with a step-by-step guide — and sadly, it doesn’t — the first step would be to read
really good essays. Analyze what works and what doesn’t and determine why the author was able to catch an editor’s

• Why does the piece speak to you?

• Why did you read all the way to the end?
• How did you walk away from the essay a little bit different than you did before you came into it?

Then dissect every paragraph, every sentence, every word and apply what you’ve learned to your own work.
5 Personal Narrative Examples Every Aspiring
Essayist Should Read
5 excellent personal narrative examples 

While there are fantastic examples of stellar essays lurking in nearly every corner of the Internet — and I’m thinking
beyond the usual suspects like The New York Times, Oprah and The Washington Post — when I teach essay writing, I
frequently turn to the following examples for the reasons cited bellow.
Here are five must-read personal narrative essay examples.

1. The Fateful Discovery a Woman Made After the Sudden Death of Her Infant Child by Rebecca Gummere
Few essays have gutted me to the same degree as Gummere’s essay in O, The Oprah Magazine. This is an example
of a powerful story — one that is truly unique — and that’s what kept me reading.
Admittedly, when I read the first two paragraphs of the story, I glazed over. But Rebecca Gummere used metaphor
beautifully, with passages like, “the multiplying cells begin a right-looping arc, developing in the form of a spiral, as
would a rose, or a seashell, or a galaxy.” She also uses dialogue that provides just the right pacing, intermixed with those
brilliant metaphors:

“Are you ready?” asks the pathologist.

I nod, making a chalice of my hands, and he reaches down into the plastic bucket and lifts my son’s heart and lungs out of
the water. I feel a slight weight, as if I am holding a kitten or a bird.
I blink and the world turns sideways beneath me.
5 Personal Narrative Examples Every Aspiring
Essayist Should Read

In the paragraphs that follow, she describes her experience, quite literally blow by blow (and I typically avoid
clichés; you always should in your writing). The pacing pulls the reader in to the point where it’s impossible to look
away. That is good writing. That is putting the reader in a scene with you.

That is how you sell an essay.

There are many other passages I yearn to share, but alas, I don’t want to give too much away. This is an essay you
should experience in the moment with the author, just as I did the first time I read it.
5 Personal Narrative Examples Every Aspiring
Essayist Should Read
2. In Marriage, Beware of Big Boxes by Cindy Chupack

For me, this is a “Modern Love” column favorite. And yes, there are many. In fact, two of the essays I’m providing as
samples appeared in The New York Times’ “Modern Love” column. The opening declares a truism that many are afraid to
utter aloud:

In any marriage, even the best marriage, there will come a day when you wonder why you married this person…This
handsome, tuxedoed man is publicly binding his life to yours, and you think, ‘It would have to snow inside my house
before I would ever feel anything but love for this man.’
Well, it snowed inside my house.

Chupack’s writing is witty, concise and laugh-out-loud funny at times. It’s also honest. Equally important, nearly
every woman who has been married to a romantic can find herself inside that story.

Admittedly, while I read this essay, I was thinking more about my parents’ marriage than my own (my hubby’s gift-
giving style is decidedly understated), but the point is, there are universal themes scattered throughout this essay. It boils
down to this: Snow, even inside your house, can be quite beautiful.
5 Personal Narrative Examples Every Aspiring
Essayist Should Read
3. Mother Rage: Theory and Practice by Anne Lamott

I had a hard time reading this essay. I wanted to look away, to deny Lamott’s experience, to pretend I can’t relate. But
then, I had to press pause and bow down. Lamott’s bravery in this piece, well, it’s almost unparalleled.
After all, it takes guts to admit this:
One reason I think we get so angry mad at our children is because we can.
Who else can you talk to like this? Can you imagine hissing at your partner,
“You get off the phone NOW! No, NOT in five minutes …”? Or saying to a
friend, “You get over here right this second! And the longer you make me
wait, the worse it’s going to be for you.” Or, while talking to a salesman at
Sear’s who happens to pick up the ringing phone, grabbing his arm too hard and
shouting, “Don’t you DARE answer the phone when I’m talking to you.
But underneath the fear I keep finding resiliency, forgiveness, even grace.

This essay is more of a rant or even a journal entry than a personal essay, but it works because it’s real. It works
because her readers see themselves in her words. It works because she doesn’t shy away from the shame or the pain — and
she invites her readers to do the same. 
5 Personal Narrative Examples Every Aspiring
Essayist Should Read
4. Your Brain’s Response to Your Ex According to Neuroscience by Me

I frequently share this essay as an example of a reported essay, not because I wrote it, but because my editor said it
was a monthly traffic top 10 for discovermagazine.com.
The reason: People can relate to it — and there are scientific reasons behind our shared experiences.

Seeing him instantly reactivated the networks my mind encoded 15 years before. Throw a bear hug into the mix — and
the accompanying flood of oxytocin — and that old brain circuitry lit up like fireworks. Justin Garcia, the associate
director for research and education at the Kinsey Institute, says that’s no surprise. Just like a recovering alcoholic craving
a drink after decades of sobriety, we can still be drawn to an old lover.
“It doesn’t mean you still want to be with that person,” he says. “It doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. It
means there’s a complex physiology associated with romantic attachments that probably stays with us for most of our
lives — and that’s not something to be afraid of, particularly if you had a great run.”

In a sense, this piece gave readers permission to feel all the feels with a former lover, even if there are good reasons why
the flame stopped burning.
5 Personal Narrative Examples Every Aspiring
Essayist Should Read
5. Now I Need a Place to Hide Away by Ann Hood

Hood’s essay is not only a great example of transformation (i.e., I used to …. But now I … ), but it also beautifully
illustrates how an adept writer can contain a really big story — in this case, the death of a child. Instead of trying to
tackle everything from point A to point B chronologically, Hood contains the story with a small piece of the larger puzzle
using The Beatles as a vehicle.
For Grace’s fourth Christmas, Santa brought her all of the Beatles’ movies on video, a photo book of their career and
“The Beatles 1” tape. Before long, playing “Eight Days a Week” as loud as possible became our anthem.

And this:
As parents do, I had shared my passions with my children. And when it came to the Beatles, Grace had seized my passion
and made it her own. But with her death, that passion was turned upside-down, and rather than bring joy, the Beatles
haunted me.

In this way, The Beatles becomes almost like a character in Hood’s story, a way to illustrate Hood’s tremendous
bond with her daughter. It also ensures that each time we hear The Beatles, we recall Hood’s tragic story.
Personal Narrative Genre
Personal narratives are a form of writing in which the writer relates one event, incident, or experience from his/her
life. Personal narratives allow you, the writer, to share your life with others, vicariously experiencing the things you
describe. Your job as a writer is to put the readers in the midst of the action, letting them live through an event, incident,
or experience. Personal narratives also incorporate vivid descriptive details, as well as the thoughts, feelings, and
reactions of the writer.

A good personal narrative, like a good story, creates a dramatic effect, makes us laugh, gives us pleasurable fright,
and/or gets us on the edge of our seats. Although personal narratives capture true events, sometimes writers embellish or
use hyperbole to illustrate a point or for dramatic effect. A personal narrative has done its job effectively if the readers
can say, “Yes, that captures what living with my mother feels like,” or “Yes, that’s what it felt like to lose the
championship game.”

Note: A memoir is a specific type of personal narrative, one that examines the meaning of the writer’s life during a
specific moment in time.

Students, use the job chart below to guide you in your personal narrative writing.
Personal Narrative Genre
Write a Personal Narrative that:

• Engages the reader by introducing the narrator and situation

• Organizes events to unfold naturally; manipulates time and pacing
• Develops details of events with description and action
• Develops characters with physical description and dialogue
• Uses vivid verbs, sensory details, similes, metaphors, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and personification to
set tone and mood
• Uses transitions and varies sentence beginnings
• Closes with a reflection
• Has all no excuse words and conventions correct
• Has exemplary presentation (neat writing that is pleasant to read)
How to Write a Personal Narrative
The personal narrative essay can be the most enjoyable type of assignment to write because it provides you with an
opportunity to share a meaningful event from your life. After all, how often do you get to tell funny stories or brag about
a great experience and receive school credit for it?

Think of a Memorable Event 

A personal narrative can focus on any event, whether it is one that lasted a few seconds or spanned a few years. Your
topic can reflect your personality, or it can reveal an event that shaped your outlook and opinions. Your story should have
a clear point. If nothing comes to mind, try one of these examples: 

• A learning experience that challenged and changed you;

• A new discovery that came about in an interesting way;
• Something funny that happened to you or your family;
• A lesson you learned the hard way.
How to Write a Personal Narrative
Planning Your Narrative
Start this process with a brainstorming session, taking a few moments to scribble down several memorable events
from your life. Remember, this doesn’t have to be high drama: Your event could be anything from blowing your first
bubble gum bubble to getting lost in the woods. If you think your life doesn't have that many interesting events, try to
come up with one or more examples for each of the following:
• Times you laughed the hardest
• Times you felt sorry for your actions
• Painful memories
• Times you were surprised
• Scariest moments

Next, look over your list of events and narrow your choices by selecting those that have a clear chronological pattern
, and those that would enable you to use colorful, entertaining, or interesting details and descriptions. 
Finally, decide if your topic has a point. A funny story might represent irony in life or a lesson learned in a comical
way; a scary story might demonstrate how you learned from a mistake. Decide on the point of your final topic and keep it
in mind as you write.
How to Write a Personal Narrative
Show, Don’t Tell 

Your story should be written in the first-person point of view. In a narrative, the writer is the storyteller, so you can
write this through your own eyes and ears. Make the reader experience what you experienced—not just read what you

Do this by imagining that you are reliving your event. As you think about your story, describe on paper what you
see, hear, smell, and feel, as follows:

Describing Actions
Don't say:

"My sister ran off."

Instead, say:

"My sister jumped a foot in the air and disappeared behind the closest tree."
How to Write a Personal Narrative

Describing Moods
Don't say:

"Everyone felt on edge."

Instead, say:

"We were all afraid to breathe. Nobody made a sound."

How to Write a Personal Narrative
Elements to Include
Write your story in chronological order. Make a brief outline showing the sequence of events before you begin to
write the narrative. This will keep you on track. Your story should include the following:

Characters: Who are the people involved in your story? What are their significant character traits?

Tense: Your story already happened, so, generally, write in the past tense. Some writers are effective in telling
stories in the present tense—but that usually isn't a good idea.

Voice: Are you attempting to be funny, somber, or serious? Are you telling the story of your 5-year-old self?

Conflict: Any good story should have a conflict, which can come in many forms. Conflict can be between you and
your neighbor’s dog, or it can be two feelings you are experiencing at one time, like guilt versus the need to be popular.
How to Write a Personal Narrative

Descriptive language: Make an effort to broaden your vocabulary and use expressions, techniques, and words that you
don’t normally use. This will make your paper more entertaining and interesting, and it will make you a better writer.

Your main point: The story you write should come to a satisfying or interesting end. Do not attempt to describe an
obvious lesson directly—it should come from observations and discoveries.

Don't say: "I learned not to make judgments about people based on their appearances."
Instead, say: "Maybe the next time I bump into an elderly lady with greenish skin and a large, crooked nose, I'll
greet her with a smile. Even if she is clutching a warped and twisted broomstick."
How to Write a Personal Narrative
Personal narratives focus on a particular real life event that was pivotal or important for the writer. You may have to
write a personal narrative as part of a college application or as an assignment for a class. To write a strong personal
narrative, start by coming up with an engaging idea. Then, write the narrative with an opening hook and a detailed,
organized structure. Always review and revise the personal narrative before handing it in so it is at its best.

Part 1: Brainstorming Ideas for the Narrative

1. Focus on a memorable event or moment in your life. The personal narrative should focus on a specific event or
moment that was memorable or made a big impression on you. It does not need to be a major moment as long as it feels
memorable and important to you. The event could have seemed minor at the time but ended up being life changing for

For example: you may write about your struggles with body image in high school and how you overcame them in
adulthood. Or you may write about your disastrous 15th birthday party and how it affected your relationship with your
How to Write a Personal Narrative
2. Expand on an important conflict in your life. Personal conflict can be great fodder for a personal narrative.
Think about any strained relationships in your life or any moments of major conflict that you have experienced. Explore
the conflict in detail in the narrative.

For example: you write a personal narrative about your complicated relationship with your birth mother. Or you may
write about a conflict you have with a sport you play or a club you are a part of.

3. Think about a particular theme or idea. Use a theme as a jumping off point for the narrative. Explore a theme
or idea from your perspective. Consider how the theme applies to your life and your experiences thus far. Themes like
poverty, isolation, sacrifice, and talent are all good options for a personal narrative.

For example: you may explore a theme like poverty by writing about your family’s struggle with money and
finances. You may write about having to defer college applications to work at your parent’s business to make ends meet
for your family.
How to Write a Personal Narrative

4. Read examples of personal narrative. Learn from good examples of the genre online and in print. Search for the
top personal narratives online to see what a successful narrative looks like.

Read and learn from these examples: You may read:

The Boys of My Youth by Jo Ann Beard
Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion
Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris
The Lives section of The New York Times
How to Write a Personal Narrative
Part 2: Writing the Personal Narrative

1. Start with a hook. Begin the personal narrative by drawing the reader in with a strong opening sentence. Use rich
description and detail in the opening. Start in action so the reader is grabbed right away and keeps reading.

For example: the first line in the personal narrative by Tony Gervino is attention grabbing: “I was 6 when my
brother John leaned across the kitchen table and casually whispered that he had killed Santa Claus.”

2. Set the scene with action. Ground the reader in the story by providing information on the main characters and the
central conflict or theme. Tell the reader where the narrative is taking place and when it is taking place. Explain whether
the story is about you and/or you and your relationship with someone else in your life.

For example, in Tony Gervino’s essay, he sets the scene by providing setting, character, and narrative voice:
“It was July 1973, we were living in Scarsdale, N.Y., and he was four years older than I was, although that seemed
like decades.”
How to Write a Personal Narrative
3. Move chronologically through the events. Do not jump to different moments in time or move from a past event
to a present event and then back again in the same paragraph. Go chronologically from event to event or moment to
moment. This will make it easier for the reader to follow along with the narrative.

For example, you may start with an event in childhood with your older sister and then move forward in time
to the present day, focusing on you and your older sister as adults.

4. Use sensory detail and description. Focus on how things smelled, sounded, tasted, felt, and looked in the scene.
Paint a vivid picture for the reader so they feel immersed in the narrative. Try to describe moments in the narrative based
on the speaker’s perspective.

For example, you may describe the feeling of your mother’s famous lemon cake as “rich and zesty, with a
special ingredient that to this day, I cannot identify.”
How to Write a Personal Narrative
5. Finish with a moral or takeaway. Most personal narratives end with a reflection or analysis of the events. You
may come up with a moral that you share with the reader based on your own experiences. Or you may leave the reader
with a takeaway thought that illustrates what you learned from your experiences.

For example, you may end a personal narrative about your complicated relationship with your troubled sister
by ending on a recent memory where you both enjoyed each other’s company. You may leave the reader with a
lesson you have learned about loving someone, even with all their messiness and baggage.

Part 3: Polishing the Personal Narrative

1.Read the narrative out loud. Once you have finished a draft of the personal narrative, read it aloud to yourself.
Listen to how the narrative sounds out loud. Notice if there are any awkward moments or unclear sentences. Circle or
underline them so you can revise them later.

You can also try reading the narrative out loud to someone else so they can hear how it sounds. This can then
make it easier for them to give you feedback.
How to Write a Personal Narrative

2. Show the narrative to others. Ask a friend, peer, classmate, or family member to read the narrative. Pose
questions to them about the style, tone, and flow of the narrative. Ask them if the narrative feels personal, detailed, and

Be willing to accept feedback from others. Be open to constructive criticism as it will likely strengthen the

3. Revise the narrative for clarity and length. Read over the narrative for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation
errors. Review the narrative to make sure it is not too long, as personal narratives are usually short, no more than one to
five pages long. You may also need to meet a specific length requirement if you are writing the personal narrative for a

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