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Validity and Reliability

Chapter 8

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 Validity refers to the appropriateness, correctness,
meaningfulness, and usefulness of the specific
inferences researchers make based on the data they
 It is the most important idea to consider when
preparing or selecting an instrument.
 Validation is the process of collecting and analyzing
evidence to support such inferences.

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Evidence of Validity
 There are 4 types of evidence
 Face validity – to look at the operationalization and see whether
"on its face" (superficially) it seems like a good instrument
 Content-related evidence of validity
 Content and format of the instrument
 Criterion-related evidence of validity
 Relationship between scores obtained using the new
instrument and scores obtained in a standard instrument
 Construct-related evidence of validity
 Psychological construct or domain being measured by
the instrument

Content-Related Evidence
 A key element is the adequacy of the
sampling of the content of the construct it is
supposed to represent.
 The other aspect of content validation is the
format of the instrument.
 Attempts to obtain evidence that the items
measure what they are supposed to
measure typify the process of content-
related evidence.
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 Panel of judges confirms suitability of

format, instruction, font size, reading
and reasoning level of respondents
 Panel of judges confirms whether the
included items will be able to answer
the research objectives

Criterion-Related Evidence
 Reflects the use of a criterion - a well-
established measurement procedure - to create
a NEW measurement procedure or to predict on
the construct you are interested in
 Possible reasons for using criterions to create a new
measurement procedure, is to create a shorter version of a
well-established measurement procedure; and/or to
account for a new context or location; and/or to use as
predictor of a criterion
 A Correlation Coefficient (r) = validity coefficient, indicates
the degree of relationship that exists between the scores
of individuals obtained by the two instruments.

Criterion-Related Evidence
 A criterion and a second test are presumed to be
theoretically related, i.e. measure the same variable.
 2 forms of criterion-related validity
 Predictive validity: researchers allow a time interval to
elapse between administration of the instrument and
obtaining the criterion scores. E.g. researcher administer a
‘new’ mathematics attitude test (predictor) to a group of
Form 2 (Grade 8) students. Later these scores are
correlated to students’ end of the year mathematics
grades (a criterion measure)
 Concurrent validity: new instrument data and criterion
data are gathered around the same time, and correlated


 To what extent the concept, domain or

theory was taken into account in
coming up with the construct
 To what extent individual overall
performance in responding to the
instrument adequately mirrors the
trait / quality of the construct or
domain measured


 Using panel of judges

 Factor analysis
 The computer will calculate the eigen
value for each factor within the
instrument, and from the values, the
researcher may decide to reject
specific items from the instrument

 Refers to the consistency of scores or answers
provided by an instrument... From one
administration of instrument to another, and
from one set of items to another
 Scores obtained can be considered quite reliable
but not valid.
 An instrument should be valid and reliable,
depending on the context in which an instrument
is used.
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Reliability Coefficient
 Expresses a relationship between scores of
the same instrument at two different times
or parts of the instrument.
 The 3 best known methods are:
 Test-retest

 Equivalent-forms method

 Internal-consistency method

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Test-Retest Method
 Involves administering the same test twice to the
same group after a certain time interval has
 A reliability coefficient is calculated to indicate the
relationship between the two sets of scores.
 Reliability coefficients are affected by the lapse of
time between the administrations of the test.
 An appropriate time interval should be selected.
 In educational research, scores collected over a two-
month period are considered sufficient evidence of
test-retest reliability.

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Equivalent-Forms Method
 Two different but equivalent forms of an
instrument are administered to the same
 A reliability coefficient is then calculated
between the two sets of scores.

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Internal-Consistency Methods
 There are several internal-consistency methods that
require only one administration of an instrument.
 Split-half Procedure: involves scoring two halves of a
long test separately for each subject and calculating the
correlation coefficient between the two scores.
 Top half vs bottom half
 Even vs odd numbered items
 Then adjusted with Spearmen-Brown Formula
 rWhole = 2rHalves
1 + rHalves
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Internal-Consistency Methods
 Kuder-Richardson Approaches: (KR20 and KR21) requires 3
pieces of information:
 Number of items on the test
 The mean
 The standard deviation
Formula for KR 21

KR-21) = (K)(s ) - Mean(K - Mean)

(s2) (K – 1)
 K – No. Of Items In The Whole Test
s2 – Variance Score
Mean – Mean of Scores
 Most frequent method for determining internal consistency
 Alpha Coefficient: a general form of the KR20 used to
calculate the reliability of items that are not scored right
vs. wrong as in Likert Scale

K-R 21 assumes that all of the

questions are equally difficult

Note that KR 21 is a simplified

version of the KR 20 formula; KR
20 assumes all items are not of
equal difficulty.

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Scoring Agreement
 Scoring agreement requires a demonstration that
independent scorers can achieve satisfactory
agreement in their scoring.
 Instruments that use direct observations are highly
vulnerable to observer differences.
 What is desired is a correlation of at least .90 among
scorers (inter-rater reliability) as an acceptable level of

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