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Nagrampa Hazel.
Mercadero Jeht Carlo
Close your eyes and try to imagine a life where no media
exists. If you are having a miniature panic attack, then
congratulations, mass media has successfully overcome
your life.

But you are not alone in your panic. Everyone is a product

of their environment and in todays world, everyone, at
some point in their day, gets impacted by media because
media is everywhere. There is absolutely no escaping from
it. Sadly, mass media and the technologies we use to
obtain it, has successfully integrated itself into our society
to a point that without it, we will not be able to function.
Over the course of hundreds of years, media has been
labeled as one of the things that influence people the most.
From television screens, to listening to a broadcast on the
radio and even printed news and entertainment, these forms
of media have in one way or another, shaped our society and
continues to do so. Recently, the influence of mass media has
grown tremendously with the help of new technologies. Now
with the incorporation of the Internet, mass media has
evolved into a new rising form known as social media.
Social media is an instrument of communication, like the newspaper or a radio
broadcast, only it is a used socially. With social media comes the platforms we
know as social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc... Networking
sites that are emphasized on their ability to act as a technological bridge that
helps in maintaing or building relationships with people who are a distance
away, But as the years have progressed, social media networks have evolved
into a social community that mimics real world aspects. Particularly, in regards
to the social interaction and development of its young adolescent and young
adult users.

Young adolescents and young adults spend majority of their time surrounded
by social media because it is easily accessible. With cell phones and smart
phones, anyone can walk around with unlimited access to social media in their
With all of this social media use, the questioning of
socialization skills arise. Socialization is a lifelong
process that plays a role in ones life. It is define
socialization as a "continuing process whereby an
individual acquires a personal identity and learns the
appropriate norms, values, behaviour and social skills."
Meaning, that an one is learning about their society
culture and developing to their fullest potential as an
"Nobody can deny that [sites] like Facebook have
altered the landscape of social interaction, especially
among young people," Larry D. Rosen.
Rosen, a psychology professor at California State University,
conducted a research study that shows how in depth social
media and social networking affects socializing, behaviour
and attitude in young adolescents and young adults. Rosen
refers to social networking [for teens], as "training wheels for
life." By posting things and waiting for a response, an
interaction, is how [teens] "learn as they go."
"More than 175 million people use Facebook. If it
were a country, it would be the sixth most
populated country in the world." - Mark
Zuckerberg, Founder of Facebook, 2009
Being on social networking, the young user can develop the ability to
empathize virtually, which is a great socialization skill, however the operant
word is virtual. But although it is virtual, does not mean it can not physically
affect you. From excessive use of social media networks, you can form
anxiety, depression, loneliness and emit emotions and attitudes you never
had before.

Another researcher, John Cacioppo, a psychologist at University of Chicago,

found through a similar research, that if the connection you have with
someone is feeling a certain way or has a certain attitude, you are more
likely to feel this way; "transmitting" this mood yourself. Meaning, that
whether or not you have met this person or had a real life interaction, their
"bad behavior" can influence yours.
The use of mass media and social networks, have a great
impact on our behaviors and attitudes as an young
adolescent and young adult. Many of the social norms and
behaviors are established by the surrounding community.
But when our individual wellbeing are more tied to our online
communities we find ourselves spending a lot more of our physical
interactions like this in the near future:
It helps there to be more diversity, we can learn more about
things that are going on in different countries.

It can help you learn new things you did not know. 

It keeps you informed on recent events within a short amount of


It also can keep you entertained with being able to watch live
football and basketball games; also you can watch music videos
and concerts of your favorite singer. 

In social sites it helps you to stay in contact with people whom
you don’t see very often.

It can help children want to be active.

 Here is a positive influence example, if
there is a sport that is getting a lot of
attention by the media and gains
popularity among your friends and society,
you will more likely want to practice the
sport and be cool with all your friends.
The result is that you will have fun with
your friends and be more healthy because
of the exercise your are doing.
They show what you should look like, how you can look like
this, and where to go to buy these things that will make you look

Young people want to be accepted by society and the media

creates the ideal image that tells you what the characteristics are
to be accepted and to be able to fit in with society. 

This is why many young women deal with anorexia because

they want to look like the ideal type that the media displays.

Nowadays little girls and young women see these famous

people in the media and want to look and be just like them.

Little girls are wearing lip gloss and getting all pampered up so
they can feel like they are just as pretty.
 Another negative influence in teenagers that has grown
over the last years are anorexia and obesity. There are
millions of adolescents fighting obesity, but at the same
time they are exposed to thousands of advertisements of
junk food, while the ideas image of a successful person is
told to be thin and wealthy.

 Also more women are obsessive with losing weight even

when they are not obese, there are many thin women that
want to look like the super models and thin celebrities so
they engage in eating disorders which leads to severe
health issues and even death.
 More security
 Criminal people can be found easier
 Control about the people
 Corporations can conform better
 No privacy
 Data abuse
 Information are always saved
 You can’t feel save
 Everything that you do can seen
What is the impact of mass-
media in our lives?
 What we need to be aware is that most of our decisions,
beliefs and values are based on what we know for a
fact, our assumptions and our own experience. In our
work we usually know what we have to do based on our
experience and studies, however on our daily lives we
rely on the media to get the current news and facts
about what is important and what we should be aware
 We have put our trust on the media as an authority to
give us news, entertainment and education. However,
the influence of mass media on our kids, teenagers and
society is so big that we should know how it really
Effects of violence in the Media
 When we watch TV or a movie we usually see many images of
violence and people hurting others. The problem with this is that it
can become traumatic especially in our children as we see it more
and more. Our kids that are starting to grow and are shaping their
personality values and beliefs can become aggressive or they can
lose a sense of reality and fiction of what they are seeing.

 In the past years there have been some cases of kids carrying a
gun at school and even hurting others with it. Those kids have
been linked to excessive use of violent video games and war

 Another problem is that real war is used as a form of

entertainment by the media, we should make our kids and teen
aware that war is not a form of entertainment and that there is no
win or lose like in video games, in real war everyone lose.

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