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Microsoft Excel

 Participants should understand the basic features and capabilities of Excel

as a spread sheet application

 To be able to use the basic features of the Software for fellowship data
capture, storage and analysis

 Basic features and capabilities of MS Excel

 Use of Excel for the Gospel work
 Basics Excel functions
 Important Excel terms
 Important menus/toolbars
 Inserting and deleting columns and rows
Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is the industry leading spreadsheet program, a powerful data visualization
and analysis tool. It is developed by Microsoft for Windows, macOS, Android and iOS.
It features data entry, calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro
programming language called Visual Basic for Applications. Excel forms part of the
Microsoft Office suite of software.

Microsoft Excel, Google Sheet, Libre Office, etc.

Installing and using Excel

Microsoft Excel Office 365

https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/excel https://www.office.com/

Both are also available on mobile application stores for Android, iOS, etc.
Basic features and capabilities of MS Excel

Microsoft Excel is a paid Software with trial versions available. It has the basic features of
all spreadsheets and more:

Using a grid of cells arranged in

numbered rows and letter-named
columns to collect and organize data
Basic features and capabilities of MS Excel

Data manipulations like arithmetic operations

Basic features and capabilities of MS Excel

It has several supplied functions to answer statistical, engineering, and financial needs
Basic features and capabilities of MS Excel

It can display data as line graphs, histograms and charts

Basic features and capabilities of MS Excel

It allows sectioning of data to view its dependencies on various factors for different
perspectives (using pivot tables and the scenario manager)
Basic features and capabilities of MS Excel

It has a programming aspect, Visual Basic for Applications, allowing the user to
employ a wide variety of numerical methods, for example, for solving differential
equations of mathematical physics, and then reporting the results back to the
Use of Excel for Gospel Work

As the basic features of Excel suggests, Excel has numerous applications in today’s world.
For the work of the Gospel, Excel can be useful in:

Input and Organization of Data - Data of participants at outreaches or gatherings

e.g. Evangelism, Special Programmes

Analyzing and Storing Data - Excel can be used to analyze data to discover trends.
With the help of graphs and charts. The data can be summarized and stored in an
organized way and then used for multiple purposes e.g. Monitoring a Fellowship’s
performance over a certain period of time
Use of Excel for Gospel Work

Easy Collation, Collaboration and Distribution of Data - With Excel, data collation is
much easier. Even if the data is not in the same Excel sheet, they can be combined into
one. Since the data is in digital form, Excel also provides a way to easily share
spreadsheet data for submission, collaboration or distribution over the internet and
across devices

The several tools that Excel provides are also applicable where necessary and can make
the Gospel work easier. There are wonderful tools for:
• Sorting, filtering and searching through Data
• Data Recovery
• Security for sensitive documents
Basic Excel Functions and Formulas

Cell Referencing
A cell in excel is a single
intersection of a row and a
column. It is referred to by the
alphabet(s) of its column and the
number of its row e.g. cell A1,
cell C5. A group of cells is
referenced with the first cell in
the group, followed by a colon
and then the last cell in the group
e.g. cells B3:B7, cells D4:E9.
Basic Excel Functions and Formulas

Excel has about 500 distinct functions that can be used to manipulate data and achieve
certain results. With the right knowledge, almost any kind of analysis can be performed on a
set of data in Excel. This is what makes Excel powerful.

To start entering a formula into a cell, start by typing the equals (=) symbol. That way, Excel
knows you are about to enter a function. If this is omitted, the desired result will not be
achieved. After entering the formula, hit “Enter”.
Basic Excel Functions and Formulas

Five common ways of using

Excel functions:
 Simple insertion: Typing a
formula inside the cell
 Using Insert Function Option
from Formulas Tab
 Selecting a Function from One
of the Groups in Formula Tab
 Using AutoSum Option
 Quick Insert: Use Recently Used
Basic Excel Functions and Formulas

General format of a Formula:

A function is a word that can perform an action
on a given value or set of values e.g.
=[operand1] [operator] [operand2] =SUM(A3:B5)
e.g. =12*3
A formula can either be a combination of
functions or simply a combination of operands
=FUNCTION(param1, [param2], …) and operators e.g. =33+MAX(B3:C4)
e.g. =SUM(20,30,50)

After entering the formula, hit “Enter”.

=FUNCTION(cell range)
e.g. =SUM(B4:B10)
Basic Math Formula

Function Example
[operand] [operator] [operand]

To add individual items value1 + value2 =B16+B17

Subtract value1 - value2 =C16-C17

Multiply value1 * value2 =D16*D17

Divide value1 / value2 =E16/E17

Exponents value1 ^ value2 =F16^B17

Basic Math Formula
Basic Math Formula

Function Formula Example

To add up the total =SUM(cell range) =SUM(B24:B35)
AVERAGE =AVERAGE(cell range) =AVERAGE(B24:B35)
MEDIAN =MEDIAN(cell range) =MEDIAN(B24:B35)
MAX =MAX(cell range) =MAX(B24:B35)
MIN =MIN(cell range) =MIN(B24:B35)
COUNT - Counts all cells in a given
range that contain only numeric =COUNT(value1, [value2], …) =COUNT(B24:B35)
COUNTA - Counts all cells in a given
=COUNTA(value1, [value2], …) =COUNTA(B24:B35)
rage regardless of type

=IF(C2<D3, “TRUE”, “FALSE”)

IF - Often used when you want to  
=IF(logical_test, [value_if_true],
sort your data according to a given Checks if the value at C3 is less than the
logic value at D3. If the logic is true, let the cell
value be TRUE, else, FALSE
Basic Math Formula
Basic Text Manipulation Functions

Function Formula Example

To change a cell to Proper =PROPER(A2)

To change a cell to Upper =UPPER(cell)
To change a cell to Lower
=LOWER(cell) =LOWER(A2)

To select a certain number =LEFT(cell,

=LEFT(A2, 6)
of characters from the left number of characters to be returned)

=CONCATENATE(text, “ “, text) =CONCATENATE(A2, “ “, B2)

To combine cells with a
space in-between
=text & “ “ & text =A2 & “ “ & B2
Basic Text Manipulation Functions

 Install Microsoft Excel or create an Office 365 account online (trial version available)
 Take a tour of the application environment
 Identify the terms, menus and toolbars discussed so far
 Imagine or Conceptualize the data for the members of your Fellowship, type out their
information e.g. Name, Department, Work Section, Number of services attended, etc.
 With the data, perform the basic Excel functions and formulas discussed. As many
functions as is possible.
Further Reading

 Official Microsoft Excel Support Page


 Security


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