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Salahaddin university

Collage of science
Chemistry department

Prepared by : Ameen Jabbar & Maryam Sarkawt

what is vitamin c●
Food source of vitamin c●
Benefits of vitamin c●
How much vitamin {c} do you need●
Vitamin c deficiency●
Vitamin c supplements●
what happens without vitamin c●
What is vitamin c
Vitamin C (also know as ascorbic acid) is a water
soluble vitamin that is considered essential to our
survival. It occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables
and has powerful antioxidant capabilities which
means it helps protect our cells from damage caused
by free radicals.
Food source of vitamin c
●Fruit and vegetables especially
Bell peppers●
●Green leafy vegetables
●Kiwi fruit
●Citrus fruits
●Tropical fruits

●Other surprising sources are

Benefits of vitamin c
antioxidant capabilities●
●Reduces risk of heart disease
● Promotes cardiovascular health
●May slow cancer growth
●Reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease
●Boosts function of the immune system
●Supports optimal eye & skin health
●Improves absorption of iron
●Supports optimal collagen product which is
necessary for bone, blood vessels and skin.
How much vitamin {c} do you need
The RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of Vitamin C is as follows:

●75mg for females

● 110mg for female smokers
● 90mg for males
● 125mg for male smokers

The RDA is the amount deemed necessary to prevent

symptoms of deficiency.
An intake of vitamin C higher than the RDA will most likely
result in a better decrease in risk of chronic disease.
Vitamin c deficiency
:Risk of deficiency is low but is most is likely to be occur in individuals who
Smoke •
Don't eat many fruits or vegetables •
Are consuming a restricted diet ●
.Take certain medications such as aspirin •

:Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin C Deficiency include

Feeling Fatigued •
Feelings of Weakness •
Bruising easily •
Bleeding of the gums ●
Pain in the joints ●
Iron deficiency (anemia) •
Vitamin c supplements
Reasons for Taking Vitamin Supplements ?

• To prevent Vitamin C deficiency

•To improve immune function and prevent against
●To improve the absorption of zinc and iron
• To improve recovery of muscles after exercise
●As an antioxidant in the fight against cancer
●Topically as a cream for skin health
?Who Shouldn't Use Vitamin C Supplements
● Some people should check with their medical practitioner
before using Vitamin C supplements, they include;
● People of blood pressure medication
● People on blood thinning medication
● People using insulin
● Pregnant and breastfeeding women.
what happens without vitamin c
• Most people don't lack vitamin C because
everyday foods have it.
● Major effect is known as scurvy – which is a
condition that connective tissue breaks down and fats
are not absorbed causing easy bruising, hair loss and
● On average people get 70 mgs of vitamin C a day
and to prevent scurvy you only need 5-6 mgs.

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