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a technique using grammatical structure of

objective or target language which is

different from source language to extent the
information from source language.
Newark: 2001
The clear example of transposition is the system of modified-modifying (DM)
structure in Indonesian into modifying-modified (MD) in English. Here is an
Source language Target language

Like a conventional Seperti Kamus

thesaurus, this database Konvensional, dari kata-
of words contains kata berisi penjelasan
definitions and dan saran-saran dengan
suggestions of words persamaan dan lawan
with similar and opposite kata.
the meaning of word in source language can
not be expressed by using the same way in
the target language due to culture or view
“tea bags” translated as : “teh celup”,
not “kantung teh”.
Source language Target language

Grammar checkers are a Grammar checkers

step beyond spell adalah sebuah langkah
checkers, but they are yang melebihi spell
still not a substitute for checkers, akan tetapi
a human editor. Grammar checkers
masih belum menjadi
otak manusia.
3. Phonology Translation
is one of the most used technique. The spelling and
pronouncing of foreign terms in target language are
taken and adapted from those of source language
Indicator, research, paradigm: indikator,
riset, paradigma
Source language Target language

The mouse also issues Mouse juga

instructions to the mengeluarkan instruksi
computer very quickly. kepada komputer dengan
sangat cepat.
4. Contextual Explanation
a kind of translation technique that makes sure the
meaning translated in target language is appropriate
with source language meaning.
Source language Target language
Spell checkers can be Spell checkers (suatu
used to compare words in program computer yang
the program’s dictionary digunakan untuk mengecek
to those used in the user’s ejaan) dapat digunakan
document. untuk membandingkan
kata-kata dalam kamus
program yang digunakan
dalam dokumen pada
A technique used when additional explanation is
needed and it is written in the translation
Source language Target language

The mouse is designed Mouse dirancang sebagai

to slide around on your alat untuk meluncur ke
desktop. berbagai arah pada layar
komputer (tampilan
icon program computer
pada layar)
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev telah
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has
mengtakan kepada para
told investigators that
investigator bahwa dia
he and his older brother
dan kakaknya telah
planned the Boston
Marathon bombings
pengeboman Boston
only a week or so before
Maraton hanya dalam
the race, that they were
satu minggu atau
operating alone, and
sebelum balapan, bahwa
that they received no
training or support from mengoperasikanya
outside terrorist groups, sendiri dan mereka tidak
officials said Tuesday. mendapatkan pelatihan
ataupun dukungan dari
grup terorist.
Writing answers from
his hospital bed because
he was shot in the throat,
the 19-year-old accused
bomber also said that his
slain older brother,
Tamerlan, was "upset" by
the U.S. wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan and that
anger was the motivation
to plant two crude
homemade bombs along
the crowded race route.

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