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Unit 5

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code 1


¦ Êntroduction/Objectives
¦ Meaning of training
¦ Objectives of training
¦ Ê ortance of training
¦ Training needs identification
¦ Training Areas identified by Trainers
¦ Tyes and Techniques of Training
¦ Need and i ortance of anage ent Develo ent
¦ Training Evaluation
¦ Why Training fails?

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

¦ ͞The syste atic develo ent of the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required by an individual to erfor adequately a given task or job͟

¦ ͞The act of increasing knowledge and skills of an e loyee for doing a
articular job͟
----- !"##

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

03034 3
¦ After studying this unit, you will be able to:-
¦ Understand the i ortance of training
¦ Mention the tyes and Techniques of Training and
Develo ent.
¦ Exlain the tyes, ethods and rocedures of
¦ Reasons for failure of Training

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

Meaning of Training
¦ Training indicates any rocess by which the atitudes,skills and abilities of
e loyees to erfor secific jobs are increased.
¦ c 

¦ c  

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¦ Acquiring intellectual Knowledge
¦ Acquiring Manual skills
¦ Acquiring Proble -solving skills

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code 6

Ê ortance of training
¦ Training is an O of the whole anage ent rocess.
¦ Êt is the % of sound anage ent.
¦ Êt is a # and &'.
¦ ’reating an (( and ((& organization
¦ Ê roving e loyee #(
¦ # e loyee skills
¦ Training is widely acceted #)%&&!
¦ Êt oulds the e loyees attitudes and hels the to achieve a )%
#with the co any and a greater loyalty to it.
¦ Êt hels in *(+#+ & and )+
reduces the (*&!

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

Training needs identification
Before an Organization lays out the lan for training, it needs to
Analyze the organizational objectives,assess the e loyee needs and train
the e loyees accordingly.
Training needs can be identified with the hel of Thayer and McGhee
odel. Êt is based on the following three factors:
a! c
-! c.'

/! '

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

a.Total organization analysis
¦ *%
¦ a detailed analysis of the organization structure,
¦ objectives,
¦ hu an resourses and future lans,
¦ understanding of it͛s culture and background
The first ste in O.A. is achieving a clear understanding of both short-run and long-run
a. An adequate nu ber of ersonnel available to ensure fulfil ent of the business oeration.
2. That ersonnel erfor ance is u to the required standards
3. That the working environ ent in their deart ents is favorable to fulfil ent of tasks.

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2.Task analysis
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Every job has an exected tandard of erfor ance.knowledge of task
Will hel in understanding what skills, knowledge and attitudes an e loyee should have.
A. Literature review regarding the job.
B. Job erfor ance
’. Job observation
D. Data collection regarding job interviews

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

3. Man analysis
¦ Êt is the third co onent in identifying training needs.
¦ Êt hels to identify whether the individual e loyee requires training and
if so, what kind of training.
¦ c#'*(*(%%%%%%%%
a Observation at lace or work, exa ination of job schedules, quantu of soilage, and clues
about interersonal relations of the e loyees.
2 Ênterviews with sueriors and e loyees
3 ’o arative studies of good vs. oor e loyees,
4 Personnel records
5 Production reorts
6 Review of literature regarding the job and achines used.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

Training areas identified by Trainers

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  Analysis of business environ ent (Social,econo ic and olitical .
  General anage ent training,consisting of areas like lanning organizing, directing,
otivating, co-ordinating and controlling.
  Functional areas, such as arketing, ersonnel and finance.
  Secialized technique-oriented rogra es, such as roduction lanning, aintenance
anage ent, value analysis, works si lification and interview techniques.
  Proble solving and decision- aking
a. The to anage ent
b. The ersonnel deart ent
c. Suervisors
d. E loyees

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

According to Prof. John Mee, the work of training should be done
at two levels:
¦ The training deart ent takes the ain resonsibility for
Giving instructions to trainees
Training suervisors to aintain hu an relations
Executive develo ent
¦ Line suervisors take the resonsibility for
On-the-job instruction to e loyees
Ênstructions in technical and rofessional asects of a business
Develo ent of sueriors and executives through counseling
Deart ental co unication and staff eetings

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

Ên-’o any/External Progra es
¦ The co any has to take a decision regarding articiation in rogra es offered by
external agencies like educational anage ent institutes, govern ent institutions and
consultant rogra es as co ared to conducting in-house rogra es.
¦ Ên house training ay be good when nu ber of e loyees is large, but for s all nu ber of
e loyees in house training ay not be ossible.
¦ But the cost asect should also be considered. Many e loyees can be trained in-house at
the cost equal to sending an e loyee to a external rogra e.
¦ The advantages of external rogra es are
They rovides a fresh aroach to an organization.
E loyees learn different techniques and skills than those offered by in-house rogra es.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

Training Budgets
¦ A training budget has to be reared for each internal
rogra e and it includes:
’ost of facilities like training roo , food, transort, guest faculty, and
teaching aterial.
Wages and salary of e loyees who articiate in training and re ain
absent fro their regular jobs.
¦ The trainer should lan his training activities in advance so
that nor al work is not disturbed.
¦ Ên in-house training a large a ount of work has to be done
regarding course design, rearation of teaching aterial,
ad inistrative arrange ents, etc.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

¦ Ên case of external rogra es organizational factors like
releasing the articiant fro job, finding his te orary
relace ent, etc. have to be considered.
¦ Training ethods are a eans of achieving the desired
¦ Each ethod is suitable for a articular situation.
¦ The choice of teaching ethod deends on any factors like
co etence of instructors, i ortance to the articiants,
rogra design, etc.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

Tyes and Techniques of Training
¦ Training ethods are chosen according to the require ents of the rogra
¦ The ain objectives of individual training ethods are:
¦  &*: ’o lete de onstration of job require ents hel the
trainees to understand the eaning of ideas, concets and rocedures.
¦ c re e ber things that they see and hear uch longer than things that
they only hear or see.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

Develoing Ênterest
¦ An i ortant factor to be ket in ind while choosing a training ethod is its
ability to hold the interest of the trainee in the learning situation.
¦ The trainer should choose training ethods that increase trainee͛s interest and
hel hi to retain the atter.
¦ For e.g., if lecture ethod is being used, then audio-visual ethods can be used or
roject work could be given to encourage learning by doing.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

Aeal Too Many Senses
¦ Êt is i ortant to utilize as any of the trainee͛s senses as ossible. This hels in
better retention of learning.
¦ The trainer should be able to understand and identify roble areas.
¦ He should be able to select the aroriate ethod based on the level of the
trainee in the organization hierarchy.
¦ The training ethod should be cost effective as well.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

Advantages of On-the-job Training
¦ The trainee learns on the actual
equi ent and in true job
environ ent.
¦ Êt is econo ical as no extra
ersonnel and facilities are
¦ The trainee learns the rules,
regulations and rocedures by
observing day-to-day working.
¦ Êt is suitable for a co any with
nu ber of jobs equal to the
nu ber of e loyees.
¦ Suitable for teaching the knowledge
and skills that can be learnt in a
short eriod of ti e.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

Table on Training Procedure
# *

Ênstructor rearation a. Divide task into arts to create lesson lans.

2. Select teaching techniques
Training rearation a. Put trainees at ease.
2. Relate training to trainee needs e.g. ro otion
Presenting the task a. Present overview of task.
2. Proceed fro known to unknown, easy to difficult.
3. Adjust ace to individual differences.
4. Go through task and exlain each ste.
5. Have trainee tell instructor what to do.

Tryout erfor ance a. Have trainee exlain each ste before execution.
2. Be aware of learning lateaus to sustain otivation.
3. Provide feedback on rogress.

Follow-u a. Positively reinforce continuously on start.

2. Move to variable ositive reinforce ent schedule as
trainee atures.
Disadvantages of on-the-job
¦ Ênstructions are disorganized and
unsyste atic and not roerly
¦ This ay be due to
Ênability of the exerienced
e loyee to rovide skills to
the trainee.
Breakdown of the job for the
urose of instructions.
Lack of otivation on the art
of the trainee.
¦ Low roductivity if the e loyee is
not able to fully develo his skills.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

Vestibule Training
¦ Ên this ethod, it is tried to create on-the-job situations in a classroo .
¦ Ên this for of training, classroo training is rovided with the hel of equi ents
and achines which are si ilar to those used at the worklace.
¦ This hels the e loyee to concentrate on learning rather than erfor ing the
¦ Theoretical training is given in the classroo whereas ractical work is conducted
on the roduction line.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

¦ The trainee is free fro the confusion and ressure of the work situation, so he
can better concentrate on learning.
¦ A secific level of skill can be achieved ore quickly because of secialized
learning situation.
¦ Proer ti e and attention is given to training.
¦ Êndividualized instruction can be given.
¦ Training activities do not disturb the regular rocess of roduction.
1. The division of responsibilities leads to organizational problems.
2. An extra investment is done on equipment.
3. This method is of limited value for jobs which utilize equipment which
can be duplicated .

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

Arenticeshi Progra e
¦ Many co anies have their own arenticeshi rogra e.
Here the workers are e loyed and given a s all stiend to
learn the job first. After the training is co leted they are
recruited in the industry.
¦ The advantages of arenticeshi are
A skilled workforce is aintained.
Training results in i ediate return.
The work anshi is good.
The hiring cost is lower because of reduced turnover and lower roduction
The e loyees beco e ore loyal and growth oortunities are ore.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

Si ulation Methods
¦ Ên this technique, the actual job conditions are
created as nearly as ossible.
¦ This technique is co only used in the aeronautical

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

Knowledge Based Methods
¦ Ên this technique, trainees are exosed to concets and
theories, basic rinciles, and ure and alied knowledge in
any subject area.
¦ The ain ai is to ake trainees aware of the funda entals.
¦ The exa les of this ethod are lectures, se inars,
workshos, fil s and training, grou discussions, etc.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

Exeriential Methods
¦ Ên this technique, the ain focus is on achieving through grou rocesses
and dyna ics.
¦ Attitudinal training hels an individual to better understand self, grou
behavior and ersonal interaction.
¦ This hels an individual to understand the roble s of hu an relationshi
in a work situation.
¦ This training is rovided on-the-job by the workers͛ i ediate
¦ The success of this ethod deends on following facts:
The suervisor ust be a good teacher.
He should be given incentives and ti e for carrying out the training
rogra es.
They should know the training needs of the trainees.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

#( &#
¦ ͞Manage ent develo ent is the develo ent of anage ent over and
above its science and theory, of its ractice and alication in
organizations, cororations and institutions, alike in relation to the
organization and anager, so as continuously to re-equi both to fulfill
their uroses ore effectively and in har ony with each other, and both
with the environ ent in which they function and have their being and
hoe to thrive uon and grow.͟
---- Dr. B.K. Madan
¦ Executive develo ent is defined as i roving an individual͛s anagerial
effectiveness through a lanned rocess of learning.
¦ The change in an individual should occur in following areas:
Knowledge change
Attitude change
Behavior change
Perfor ance change
End results
SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code
The success of executive develo ent deends on the following factors:
¦ Trainee͛s ersonal characteristics like intelligence and otivation.
¦ His actual learning efforts
These two variables are affected by the following factors:
¦ For al organization
¦ Leadershi cli ate
¦ ’ultural factors

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

Organizations erfor anage ent develo ent to achieve the following
¦ Ê rove technical erfor ance.
¦ Ê rove suervision and leadershi.
¦ Ê rove inter-deart ental cooeration
¦ Find an individual͛s weaknesses.
¦ Attract good eole.
¦ Encourage ͚ro otion fro within͛ olicies.
¦ Make sure that the qualifications of key ersonnel beco e better known.
¦ ’reate reserves in anage ent ranks.
¦ Make an organization ore flexible by aking its e bers ore resourceful
and ultiurose.
¦ Ê rove organizational structure.
¦ Encourage junior executives to do better work.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

Evaluation of Training
c &*   
¦ Judge the ability of the articiants to erfor the jobs for which they were
¦ Find defects or faults in training rovided.
¦ Find whether the trainee requires any extra training.
¦ Find the training require ents of the articiants to the eet job require ents.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

There are four basic categories of outco es that can be
¦ : Êt is evaluating the trainee͛s reaction to the rogra e.
¦ : Êt is finding whether the trainee learnt the rinciles, skills and facts
taught by the trainer.
¦ &: Whether the trainee͛s on-the-job behavior changed after training.
¦ *: What results have been achieved after training.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code


A Did the trainee like the rogra ?

Whether the trainee behavior on the job changed because of the
training rogra ?

A Did the trainee learn?

A What final results have been achieved

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

¦ ** &  with
suervisors are used to get feedback
on training.
¦ 2#   *#
are also created to find the i act
of training. Two grous are rando ly
reared. Training is rovided to the
exeri ental grou while no
training is rovided to the control
grou. Êf results of exeri ental
grou are a lot better than those of
the control grou, training is
considered successful.
¦ c  ' is also used to
find the i act of training.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

Why do you think training fails?

c ( *   (  1

¦ The benefits of training are not clear to the to anage ent.
¦ The to anage ent does not give reward to the suervisors for conducting training.
¦ The to anage ent does not syste atically erfor the tasks of lanning and budgeting.
¦ The iddle anage ent does not get roer incentive fro to anage ent and hence
does not account for training in roduction scheduling.
¦ Off-the-job training so eti es teaches techniques or ethods which are not ractically
i le ented in the organization.
¦ Trainers rovide li ited counseling and consulting services.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code 36

c #  )  ((&  *(* )' .  (
 (  (1
¦ Secific training objectives should be fra ed.
¦ Êt should be deter ined whether the trainee has the necessary intelligence,
aturity and otivation to co lete the training rogra .
¦ The trainee should be ade to understand the need for training and the ersonal
benefits achieved by changes in behavior that take lace after training.
¦ The training rogra e should be lanned in such a way that it is related to the
trainee͛s revious exeriences and background.
¦ Organizational conditions should be favorable for a good learning environ ent.

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

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