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Routing Information Protocol
RIP Packet Format

 RIP Header & Entry Position in Frame

MAC Header IP Header UDP Header RIP Header RIP Entry

 RIP Header (4 Bytes)

Command (1Byte)
(1Byte) Version
Version (1Byte)
(1Byte) Must
Must be
be ‘0’
‘0’ (2Bytes)
(0 –– 77 bits)
bits) (8-15
(8-15 bits)
bits) (16-31
(16-31 bits)

 RIP Entry (20 Bytes)

Address Family
Family Identifier
Identifier (2
(2 Bytes)
Bytes) Route
Route tag
tag (2Bytes)
(0-15 bits)
bits) (16-31 bits)
(16-31 bits)

IPv4 Address
Address (4
(4 Bytes)

Subnet Mask
Mask (4
(4 Bytes)

Next Hop
Hop (4
(4 Bytes)

Metric (4
(4 Bytes)
What is RIP?

 RIP is a Open Standard, Distance Vector Routing Protocol that uses
only the hop count as its metric to determine the best path from source
to destination
 RIP is based on the Bellman-Ford algorithm
 Author of Distance Vector Algorithm is Ford and Fulkerson
 Formulation of RIP is based on Bellman’s Equation : “dynamic
 There are two versions of RIP: v1 and v2
 RIP evolved from the Gateway Information Protocol, which was part
of the original Xerox Network Systems (XNS) protocol Suite
 Request for Comments
 RFC 1058 (RIP V1)
 RFC 2453 (RIP V2)
Key Characteristics

 Routing is the method by which the gateway decides
where to send the datagram.
 RIP Uses Hop count as its Metric
 If Hop Count is greater than 15, then packet will be
 Administrative Distance is 120
 RIP Supports 3 Types of Routing Updates
 Broadcast (Default in RIPv1)
 Multicast to (Default in RIPv2)
 Unicast
Fundamentals of RIP

 Classless
 FLSM, VLSM, CIDR, Auto & Manual Summary
 Complete list of RIP entries will be sent in updates
 Update packet carry only 25 routes, hence multiple
packets are required to carry more than 25 updates
 Load balance on 4 equal cost paths
 RIP is Application Layer Protocol
 Uses UDP port 520
Fundamentals of RIP

 Sends Periodic Update
 Update timer – 30 Sec
 Invalid timer – 180 Sec
 Flush timer – 240 Sec
 Hold timer – 180 Sec
 RIP has 2 types of Message packets
 Request
 Response
 RIP support Secondary address
 Route tags were added in RIP version 2 to differentiate
between internal and external update
Fundamentals of RIP

 Output delay
 Router can be configured to introduce delay between
update packet if there are multiple packet
 Default delay is 0 ms (Can be configured between 8-50)
 Passive-Interface
 Split Horizon
 RIP Trigger Updates
 Summarization
 Auto
 Manual
RIP Filters

 Distribute List
 Standard
 Extended
 Prefix List
 Offset List
 Distance
RIP Authentication

 RIPv2 support Authentication
 It support
 Clear text and MD5 Authentication
 Requires key chain for implementation
Routing by rumor

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