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Submitted By : Shreya Singh

Class : XI E
Roll number : 39

 I would like to express our special
thanks of gratitude to my teacher
Ms.Bhavana Srivastava as well as our
principal Ms. Kiran mishra who gave us
the golden opportunity to do this
wonderful project on the topic Effect
of Greenhouse Gases, which also helped
us in doing a lot of Research and we
came to know about so many new
What is greenhouse effect?
The greenhouse effect is a process that occurs
when gases in Earth's atmosphere trap the
Sun's heat. This process makes Earth much
warmer than it would be without an
atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is one of
the things that makes Earth a comfortable
place to live.
What are greenhouse gases?
 A greenhouse gas  is a gas that absorbs
 and emits radiant energy within the 
thermal infrared range.
 Greenhouse gases cause the greenhouse
effect on planets. The primary greenhouse
gases in Earth's atmosphere are 
water vapor , carbon dioxide , methane , 
nitrous oxide , and ozone (O3). Without
greenhouse gases, the average
temperature of Earth's surface would be
about −18 °C (0 °F), rather than the present
average of 15 °C (59 °F). The atmospheres
of Venus, Mars and Titan also contain
greenhouse gases.
What Causes Green House Effects?

One of the main causes of Global Warming is the Green

house effect. When the production of infrared energy in
the atmosphere warms a planet's surface, it is known as
the Green House Effect. The Greenhouse effect is a
natural cause that is happening on our planet. The natural
causes of the Green house effect are the releasing of
gases like nitrous oxide, carbon-dioxide, methane, ozone
and water vapor. Carbon-dioxide itself is guilty for the
Green house effect. One of the man-made causes of the
Green House effect is erosion. Deforestation increases
the amount of carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere. Also,
due to the loss of trees, photosynthesis cannot take
place. Deforestation causes of the greenhouse effect.
Man-made Effects
 Activities man by humans
result in production of
greenhouse gases While the
amounts of gases increase
in the atmosphere the
stability of the greenhouse
gases change causing
effects on the whole world
Greenhouse effects caused
by burning , fossil fuels
coal, oil, natural gases,
cutting and burning trees
producing carbon dioxide
Greenhouse gases trap heat
making earth harmer and
creating global warming
How does the GHE work?
 The greenhouse effect works like an actual
greenhouse, a place to keep growing plants nice and
warm . This is the same process that keeps the
Earth and the life on Earth nice and warm. Visible
light enters the top of the Earths atmosphere, some
of it is scattered by air molecules and most of it is
reflected back into space . When the sun’s rays hit
the Earth, 70 % of the energy stays on the planet,
absorbed by land, oceans, plants and other things
and the other 30% reflects back into outer space by
clouds . But the 70% doesn’t stay on the Earth
forever, the things around the planet that absorb the
sun's heat eventually radiate a portion of that heat
back out at a different wavelength.
 This process keeps the Earth in
radiative equilibrium; the suns
rays continuously hitting the Earth
warming it, and then the warm
Earth sends back the radiation
back into space cooling itself .
Some of that released radiation
makes it into space, and the rest
of it ends up getting reflected
back down to Earth when it hits
certain things in the atmosphere,
such as carbon dioxide, methane
gas and water vapor -- the car
windows. The heat that doesn't
make it out through Earth's
atmosphere keeps the planet
warmer than it is in outer space,
because more energy is coming in
through the atmosphere than is
going out. This is the greenhouse
effect that keeps the Earth
Greenhouse Gases
 Greenhouse gas is any gas that
accumulates lower-energy infrared
radiation. These gases consist of:
 water vapour
 carbon dioxide
 methane
 troposphere ozone
 nitrous oxide
Thank you

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