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Your FOIA request and the response to the Council order
are not exactly the same. The Council Order is a request
for data on snow ticketing to be made available on the web
site (or other means I believe, but I think it is
preferable to be on the web site). The City Manager has
also received requests from City Councilors to have other
enforcement/ticketing data on the web site as well and I
was planning on answering Council Order comprehensively to
consider other compliance data as well. I will talk to the
City Manager about it.
I certainly don't mean to be difficult Saul. There is a
process for us to answer the Council Order via the City
Manager's office. The response goes back to the City
Councillor(s) first who put the order in.

Saul, it will take me a week or so to write a response to

the City Council order and get it to the City Manager. He
then will review and forward to the City Council. If you
would like the data request in the FOIA request for the
time you specified in next week, then you should maintain
as a FOIA request.
Sorry for the confusion.
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TO: Robert W. Healy, City Manager

FROM: Lisa Peterson, Public Works Commissioner

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Î TE: March 7, 2011

In response to the above referenced Council Order, please find attached two spreadsheets with
data on all complaints received and all tickets issue this winter season (12/21/2010 through
February24, 2011). s you will notice, 2,333 complaints were received and 1,217 tickets were
issued as of February 24, 2011.

The Council Order specifically asks for a strategy to be developed to make this information
available to the public and updated regularly over the winter months. I suggest that the
information be made available on the City¶s Snow webpage in a chart form similar to that
constructed for the 5 year Street and Sidewalk Plan (see:
http://www2.cambridgema.gov/TheWorks/departments/engnr/fiveyearplan.aspx). In this format,
users will be able to sort by any one field.
With your concurrence, we will develop a table to display this information in the future on the
ÎPW website. For now, I suggest releasing the information in spreadsheet format.

Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information.
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