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REG NO-05S1210068.
Q. What is Biometrics ?
:- The meaning of Biometrics comes from the Greeks. In
Which the word Bio means life and the word metry
means to measure.
So we can also say that Biometric
means the measurement of life for statistical purposes
where using body as a password. It’s a new technology
that could be used by banks, airports and hospitals to
ensure secure networks.
Q. How Does Biometrics work?
:- Biometrics functions works on a very simple principle:
everyone in the world is unique, and this uniqueness can
be used for identity verification.
Most Biometric technology systems
use the same basic principles of operation. First, a person
must be registered, or enrolled, on the biometric system.
Now when a user wants to enter a system , the system will
need his sample, If the sample is matched, the user is
authenticated and granted access to the computer;
otherwise the user is not granted access.
Functions of Biometric Systems
 One useful way of thinking about biometrics is that
they are used for one of two purposes:
• (A) To prove that you are who you say you are
(positive ID).
In a positive ID situation, the subject asserts that she
is Jane Doe and submits a "live" sample (a
fingerprint, for example) to the system. The system
then checks its database of previously enrolled or
registered samples to see if the live sample matches
the reference sample. A positive ID system is
designed to prevent more than one person from
using a single identity.
• (B) To prove that you are not who you say you are
not (negative ID).
In a negative ID situation, John Roe claims not to be
someone already known to the system. Here, the
system checks its database to see that Roe is not on
the watch list of suspected criminals and terrorists,
whose biometrics are already in the system. A
negative ID system is designed to prevent one person
from using more than one identity.
When biometrics is employed to effect negative
identification, one need not be enrolled. The only
persons who must be "in" the database are those
whom the operator is trying to keep out or catch.

 Various Biometric system modes & it’s working


Face Recognition A camera captures the image of a

face.Features and discrete areas of his face
are analyzed .
Fingerprint scan Converts the image of a fingerprint into
a mathematical template of the print's
minutiae points.
A video camera shoots an image of the eye.The
Iris Recognition patterns of the iris are converted into digitized
code.The code is compared with a database of iris
 Biometrics directly authenticates the person, not
indirectly through a password or token.
 Biometrics features are difficult to steal; thereby
making biometrics authentication very strong.
The Biometrics feature is eminently portable, and is
unlikely to be lost.
Another advantage of biometrics authentication
systems is user cannot forget his retina or fingerprint,
while a password and username are easily forgotten.

 In Iris recognition ,it is Relatively expensive;

requires large amount of computer storage; may not
be generally accepted by public.
 In Voice verification , Works well over the
telephone but Requires large amount of computer
storage; people's voices can change; background
noises can interfere.
 When the data collected from the user passes
through the system, the data is not encrypted at all.

Various applications of Biometric Authentication are as follows:-

 PC access and internet security.
Safety on weapons: no access for children and other
unauthorized user.

Mobile phones: network access, theft protection,

mobile financial transaction.
Credit cards, bank cards,ATM cards.
Malaysia's Kuala Lampur airport has incorporated
as a facial recognition.

Biometric Authentication Systems are used to improve

computer and network security. They reduce the risks
associated with the use of passwords and usernames.
Their advantages overcome the disadvantages
however; biometrics authentication systems are
expensive and not fully tested that is why they are not
globally used.

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