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Organizational Behavior

Sohail Ur Rehman
Sheikh Kamran Abid
Organizational Behavior

Cultural Impact on Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior Organizational Behavior

People from different countries as well as regions
inside them often do things in different ways. One
way to explain variations in behavior is the idea of
We cannot use a single definition of culture because
the concept is complex.
Organizational Behavior Organizational Behavior

 The field of study that examines how individuals and

groups behave and perform in organizations.
 A study concerned with human behavior in
organizations; also called organizational psychology. It
covers topics such as Motivation, leadership,
organization structure, decision making, careers, conflict
resolution, and Organizational Development.

Culture is a
word for people's 'way of life', meaning the way they do things. Different groups of
people may have different cultures. A culture is passed on to the next generation.
The way of
life of a people, including their

values, beliefs, arts, sciences, modes of

and habits of thought and activity. Cultural
features of
forms of life are learned but are often too
pervasive to
be readily noticed from within.
Organizational Culture
rganizational Culture

 Organizational Culture refers to the values, Belief

and custom of an organization. Whereas
Organizational Structures relatively easy to draw
and Describe, organizational culture is less
 Organizational culture refers to the general culture
within a company or organization,
Nature of Culture
 Strong vs. weak culture :
Strong or weak based on sharedness of the core values
Among organizational members and the degree of
commitment the members
 Soft vs. hard culture :
Soft work culture can emerge in an organization where
The Organization pursues multiple and conflicting goals.
In a soft culture the Employees choose to pursue a few
objectives which serve personal or sectional interests.
 Formal vs. informal culture :
Roles, responsibilities, accountability, rules and
Regulations are components of formal culture.
Different Cultures
Classification Of Culture

 According to Hofstede cultures can be compared and

classified on the basis of five different dimensions
that affect behavior, organization practices, and
social practices such as marriages, funerals, and
religious ceremonies:
 Individualism(cultures oriented toward individualism )
 Power distance (differences in power and status )
 Uncertainty avoidance (characteristic of the future)
 Masculinity – femininity stereotypes (aggressiveness
and dominance )
 Short term – long term orientation. (Dimension
reflects a culture's view about the future )
Hall’s cultural model
High-Context Low-Context

Pakistan Switzerland
China Australia
Egypt Canada
India Denmark
France England
Italy Finland
Japan Germany
Lebanon Norway
Saudi Arabia Switzerland
Spain United States
Syria Sweden
Hall’s cultural model

 In a high-context culture, it is characteristic that

most of the information is either in the physical
context or internalized in the person.
 In Pakistan, for example, family, friends, co-workers,
and clients have close personal relationships and
large information networks.
 In low-context cultures, the mass of the information
is vested in an explicit code. People in Switzerland,
for example, separate their lives into different aspects
such as work and personal lives.
The Connection Between Culture And Organization

 As communication technologies advance and

countries become more closely linked through
trade, more information about other cultures
becomes available. Products are sold worldwide
and, in some cases, marketed in the same way
 Differences in cultures and motivation
 The effect of culture on the communication
 The impact of culture on conflict resolution
 National culture and organizational change
Culture & Works
 The “work culture” of an organization is a product of its
history, traditions, values and vision.

Key values of Work Culture

Accountability Professionalism
Improvement Quality
Commitment Risk Talking
Effective Communication Self Interest
Excellence Courtesy & Respect
Flexibility Innovation
Good Morale Trust
Effects Of Organizational Culture

 The effects of organizational culture are many

and varied
 Many workers are spending more and more time at work.
Depending on the job or company, many workers would put in
50, 60, or even more hours a week.
 Workers want to enjoy work. They want to be interested in
whatever's going on that day.
 Strong organization will focus on the environment it
creates for its workers because that will help
encourage a more efficient and productive company.
The 5F culture at Work

 Fast:
 Friendly:
 Flexible:
 Fun:
 Focused:
Measuring Organizational Culture

 Quantitative
• Questionnaire & Survey

 Qualitative
• Depth Interview
• Clinical Intervention
• Analyzing Visual Artifacts.
• Analyzing stories, rituals and myths.
• Participant Observation.

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