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($  . Sept 20, 2005
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Uriel Lemberger Intel PO Box 1659, Matam uriel.lemberger@intel.com

Industrial Park, Haifa 31015 +972-4-865-5701
Alexander Tolpin Intel PO Box 1659, Matam
Industrial Park, Haifa 31015 +972-4-865-5430
Neeraj Sharma Intel 13290 Evening Creek Dr, San
(858) 385-4112 neeraj.k.sharma@intel.com
Diego CA 92128
PO Box 1659, Matam
Nir Alon Intel Industrial Park, Haifa 31015 +972-4-865-6621

  This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.11. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in
this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.

! The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE
Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE¶s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE¶s sole discretion to permit
others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.11.

 !"| | The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <http:// ieee802.org/guides/bylaws/sb-bylaws.pdf>, including the statement
"IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents
essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is
essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair
<stuart.kerry@philips.com> as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being
developed within the IEEE 802.11 Working Group. #" $% & $' (| )* + ,-

Submission Slide 1 Uriel Lemberger, Intel



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Submission Slide 2 Uriel Lemberger, Intel



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Submission Slide Uriel Lemberger, Intel


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± for e ample, TPT vs. ttenuation requires the knowledge of T
power to correctly correlate the TPT to the R signal level.
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± for e ample, TPT can degrade when TX EV is low.

Submission Slide Uriel Lemberger, Intel



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± Usually not required since the measured signal is much stronger than any possible
interferer. It is commonly used with other tests that requires shielding.
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± RF-cables ± connected to antenna connectors.
± Wired L cables
± Control cables
‡ ( 8  ! $ =!1

Submission Slide 5 Uriel Lemberger, Intel


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Submission Slide Uriel Lemberger, Intel


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± The ability to control TX rates and TX power of UT
± The ability to control power meter.
± The ability to control Wired Traffic Generator.
± ptional - The ability to control Wired Traffic nalyzer
± ptional - The ability to control attenuators

Submission Slide Uriel Lemberger, Intel



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Submission Slide 8 Uriel Lemberger, Intel


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Submission Slide Uriel Lemberger, Intel


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Submission Slide 10 Uriel Lemberger, Intel


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5|# | doc.: IEEE 802.11-0 /0 5r

Ô Slide 11 Uriel Lemberger, Intel

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Submission Slide 12 Uriel Lemberger, Intel


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Submission Slide 1 Uriel Lemberger, Intel


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± Integration of spectral density over W± recommended.
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± not recommended, sensitive to window size errors.

Submission Slide 1 Uriel Lemberger, Intel


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Submission Slide 15 Uriel Lemberger, Intel



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Submission Slide 1 Uriel Lemberger, Intel


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Submission Slide 1 Uriel Lemberger, Intel


‡ C1, |
‡ EV IEEE minimal performance specification ± F e ample.
‡ EV Test setup lock diagram
‡ EV test definition from IEEE 802.11 clause 1 . . .
‡ EV test procedure
‡ Calibration
‡ Results E ample

Submission Slide 18 Uriel Lemberger, Intel



FAJA !!  
The relative constellation R S error, averaged over subcarriers, F frames, and packets, shall not
e ceed a data-rate dependent value according to Table 0.

/!K(!! |! !!  |

Submission Slide 1 Uriel Lemberger, Intel


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Submission Slide 20 Uriel Lemberger, Intel


FAF |! "
The sampled signal shall be processed in a manner similar to an actual receiver, according to the following
steps, or an equivalent procedure:
a) Start of frame shall be detected.
b) Transition from short sequences to channel estimation sequences shall be detected, and fine timing
(with one sample resolution) shall be established.
c) Coarse and fine frequency offsets shall be estimated.
d) The packet shall be derotated according to estimated frequency offset.
e) The comple channel response coefficients shall be estimated for each of the subcarriers.
f) For each of the data F symbols: transform the symbol into subcarrier received values, estimate
the phase from the pilot subcarriers, derotate the subcarrier values according to estimated phase, and
divide each subcarrier value with a comple estimated channel response coefficient.
g) For each data-carrying subcarrier, find the closest constellation point and compute the Euclidean distance
from it.
h) Compute the R S average of all errors in a packet. It is given by:
r is the length of the packet;
is the number of frames for the measurement;
(( ),
( )) denotes the ideal symbol point of the ith frame, jth F symbol of the
frame, kth subcarrier of the F symbol in the comple plane;
(( ),
( )) denotes the observed point of the ith frame, jth F symbol of the frame,
kth subcarrier of the F symbol in the comple plane (see Figure 121);

is the average power of the constellation.

The vector error on a phase plane is shown in Figure 121.
The test shall be performed over at least 20 frames (), and the R S average shall be taken. The packets
under test shall be at least 1 F symbols long. Random data shall be used for the symbols.
Submission Slide 21 Uriel Lemberger, Intel

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Submission Slide 22 Uriel Lemberger, Intel


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Submission Slide 2 Uriel Lemberger, Intel


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Submission Slide 2 Uriel Lemberger, Intel


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Submission Slide 25 Uriel Lemberger, Intel


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± It is important to verify good TX EV when testing RX
performance of the counterpart.
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Submission Slide 2 Uriel Lemberger, Intel



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Submission Slide 2 Uriel Lemberger, Intel

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