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Prasetiya Mulya Business School

Dua Model Strategi

Industrial Organization Resource-Based View
Penentu utama strategi

adalah lingkungan luar Asumsi : organisasi2 dlm suatu industri punya akses yg sama thd sumberdaya, sumber daya bergerak bebas di antara perusahaan2 Organisasi harus bisa menyediakan produk/layanan yg baik dgn harga murah, atau membuat differensiasi

Sumberdaya, dana,

kapabilitas organisasi seyogyanya menjadi basis keputusan Asumsi : SD tidak mobile Organisasi harus mengidentifikasi dan senantiasa mengembangkan SD yg bernilai, artinya sulit ditiru dan digantikan

Sarasota Memorial Hospital

Rencana Stratejiknya berpusat pada 5 Pillars of

Excellence, Service, People, Quality, Finance, and Growth Performance Mgt & HRM diarahkan mendukung 5 pilar tsb ( cross func. Teams Leadership dev., service recovery, measurement, reward, recoginition, enpatient, outpatient, patient satisfaction, physician satisfaction, etc. ) Hasil : Kepuasan pasien meningkat dari 43% ke 97%, t/o turun dari 24% menjadi 9%, iklim dan kultur membuat kerasan karyawan sekalipun gajinya lebih rendah dibanding pesaing.

Corporate Strategies and SHRM


Internal : penetrating existing markets, developing new product. SHR : ensure that new employee are hired in timely. External : acquiring other organizations ( vertical/horizontal ). SHR : new organization HRM, dismissal of employees. Limited opportunities, identify key employees and develop a retention strategy Downsizing, streamlining : cost cutting, terminating, and managing survivors.

Stability maintaining the status quo

Turnaround or Retrenchment

Business Unit Strategies

Cost Leadership : efficiency, cut cost.
SHRM : short term, PA focus on results, specialized job, etc.

Differentiation : distinguishes its products.

SHRM : creativity & innovation in products /services, incentives for creativity, longer term, external hiring.

Focus : satisfy one particular group.

SHRM : ensuring that employees aware of what makes the particular market unique, training & customer satisfaction.

Logics of control
Investment logics, adaptability of

changing market : loose control, a minimum of formal rules & procedures facilitates adaptability in response to the environment. Inducement logics cost containment & efficiency : Tight control mechanisms, narrow job responsibility, loyalty & commitment Involvement logics cost containment & innovation : dual strategy : some system consistent with investment logic, other with inducement

Dyer & Holders Typology of Strategies

Goals Contribution Investment
High initiative & creativity, high performance expectations, some flexibility



Some initiative & Very high initiative creativity, very high & creativity, very performance high performance standards, modest expectations, high flexibility flexibility, self managed Comfortable head count, high skill mix, minimal staff Very high


Comfortable head Lean head count, count, high skill low skill mix, mix, moderate staff minimal staff High Adequate

Competence Commitment

High, identification High, instrumental Very high, strong with company identification with work, team and company

Practices Staffing



Very careful selection, some career dev., extreme flexibility, no layoffs Extensive, continuous learning Flat structure; high, partially variable, skill & competency based, gain sharing; flexible benefits

Careful selection, Careful selection, few extensive career dev., career options, use of some flexibility, temps, minimal layoffs minimal layoffs Extensive, continuous Minimal learning Tall structure, competitive, fixed, job based, merit, many benefits Flat structure; highvariable, piece rate, profit sharing, minimal benefits

Development Rewards

Work system Supervision

Broad jobs: employee Narrow jobs, employee Enriched jobs, self initiative; some groups paced, individualized managed work teams Extensive, supportive Minimal, directive Minimal, facilitative

Employee relation Much communication;

Some communication; Open extensive high voice; high due some voice; egalitarian communication, high process; high employee voice, some due assistance process, egalitarian, some employee assistance Nonissue Over compliance Union avoidance or conflict Compliance Union avoidance and/or cooperation Compliance

Labor relations Government relations

MSDM Stratejik
Tidak cukup dgn mengkomunikasikan strategi saja, tetapi

harus membuat link yg jelas antara produktivitas, sasaran2 dan reward systemnya. Faktor2 pada proses mgt. stratejik bisa sangat bervariasi, bahkan pada industri yg sama. Proses menyusun strategi menjadi landasan membuat kebijakan2 HR. Pendekatan HRM Stratejik berfaedah :
Memfasilitasi pengembangan SDM secara lebih fokus sesuai kebutuhan

manusianya Memungkinkan pemanfaatan SDM secara cost effective, terutama pada industri layanan ( biaya karyawan dominan ) Memudahkan perencanaan dan penilaian lingkungan yang berpengaruh pada organisasi

Human Capital Pool Knowledge Skill Ability

Employee Relationships & Behaviors Psychological Contracts Job Related/Required Discretionary Organizational Citizenship

People Management Practices Staffing, Training, Rewards, Appraisal Work design, participation, recognition, communication

Kapabilitas Dinamik
Proses untuk mengintegrasikan, menyusun, memperoleh dan melepaskan sumber, sehingga senantiasa sesuai dengan pasar atau bahkan menciptakan pasar


Renewal Knowledge management Flow

Menciptakan Know ledge Mentranfers Know ledge Integras ikan Know ledge Bernilai

Modal Manusia Manusia Stock Manusia Sosial Sistem

Langka/unik Sulit ditiru Terorganisas i


Core Competencies
Best practices ? Agak berlebihan. Banyak

perusahaan sukses menerapkan praktek manajamen yg sangat berbeda. Praktek HR membantu menciptakan kompetensi unik yang dapat membuat differensiasi produk atau layanan. Praktek manajemen manusia menjadi drivers atau sumber bagi terciptanya Distinctive Competencies dan strategi bisnisnya.

Resource-Based View
RBV mempengaruhi ilmu strategi dan SHRM

dengan beberapa hal :

Mendorong untuk memperhatikan sumberdaya

internal, kapabilitas, kompetensi organisasi meliputi al. knowledge, learning, dynamic capabilites Memberi landasan teori yg lebih kuat bagi SHRM, shg lebih memantapkan peran stratejik SDM dan fungsi SDM

Prasetiya Mulya Business School

Stadium 1 konco wingking

Stadium 2 isi2ne omah ( simah )

Stadium 3 isi2ne omah ( simah )

Stadium 4 Sigaraning Nyowo ( Garwo )

File maintenance

Government accountability

Organizational accountability

Strategic partner

Pergeseran peran HRM

Fungsi2 Tradisional
Staffing Compensation

Hasil Organisasi
Menambah nilai bagi

pemangku kepentingan : pelanggan, investor, karyawan.

Rancangan organisasi, audit apa yg perlu dibenahi, metode renovasinya


Membangun kapasitas org agar mampu menyesuaikan diri dgn lingk.

Strategic Partner

Change Agent

SYSTEMS Administrative Expert

Kebijakan yg menjamin rutinitas fungsional efektif, efisien

PEOPLE Employee Champion

Menjamin komitmen, mendorong moral karyawan dgn mis. performance mgt dsb


Sebuah contoh : Mercantile Bank

Menyederhanakan proses Mengurangi kegiatan yg tak perlu Mengevaluasi ulang teknologi Outsourcing fungsi2 non stratejik Memindahkan sebagian fungsi HR ke unit


QUADRANT 4 Alliances/ Partnerships Collaborative Based HR configuration

QUADRANT 1 Knowledge Based Employment Commitment Based HR configuration

QUADRANT 3 Contractual Work Arrangements Compliance Based HR configuration

QUADRANT 2 Job Based Employment Productivity Based HR configuration


Human Capital Steward

Knowledge Facilitator

Relationship Builder

Rapid Deployment Specialist

The Human Capital Steward Role

Menciptakan lingkungan dan

budaya yang mendorong karyawan secara sukarela mengkontribusikan skill, ide dan energinya

The Knowledge Facilitator Role

Menyediakan pengetahuan dan

keterampilan karyawan sehingga memudahkan memperoleh, mengembangkan, dan menyebarluaskan informasi untuk membangun competitive advantage. Dgn a.l : merancang pengembangan karyawan, menyiapkan cara berbagi pengetahuan dsb.

The Relationship Builder Role

Meliputi : merancang

pengembangan struktur, cara kerja, kultur yang memudahkan karyawan bisa bekerja bersama antar departemen atau fungsi Bagaimana membangun jejaring yg berfokus pada sasaran org. dan bagaimana menilai serta menghargai sinerji dan kerjasama yg menghasilkan kinerja istimewa

The Rapid Deployment Specialist

Menciptakan struktur dan

sistem HR yg luwes serta adaptif thd perubahan. Knowledge based economy menghadapi perubahan yang sangat cepat.

Strategic HRM Development of a

consistent, aligned collection of practices, programs, and policies, to facilitate achievement of the organizations strategic objectives

HR strategi akan kuat jika :

Kaitan dgn strategi organisasi

jelas Dikomunikasikan Diterapkan Dinyatakan, ditulis

Kompetensi Pokok SHRM

Strategic Contribution Business Knowledge Personal Credibility HR Delivery HR Technology

Peran2 spesialis dalam HRM

Chief Financial Officer
Menghitung efisiensi dsb.

Internal Consultant
Melatih line mgrs, aspek legal hubungan

Talent Manager :
Menemukan, mengembangkan, mempertahankan talent

Vendor Manager :
Menentukan beli atau bikin ? Dsb

Self Service Manager :

Mencari teknologi aplikasi untuk HR

Key tasks of HR Strategy

Aligning expectation : gaining employee

understanding of and commitment to the business strategy Building organization : designing organization, planning staffing needs, strategic staffing Developing capabilities : developing employee capabilities and management talent Manage performance : enabling high performance and evaluating performance

Traditional HR Responsibility forStaff specialist HR Focus Role of HR Employee relations Transactional, change follower and respondent

Strategic HR Line Mgrs Partnership with internal & external customers Transformational, change leader, and initiator

Initiatives Time horizon Control

Slow, reactive, fragmentedFast, proactive, integrative Short term Bureaucratic-roles, policies, procedures Tight division of labor, independence, specialization Short, medium, Long Organic-flexible, whatever is necessary to succeed Broad, flexible, cross training, teams People, knowledge

Job design

Key investments Capital, products

Barriers to Strategic HR
Short term mentality, focus on current

performance Inability of HR to think strategically Lack of appreciation of what HR can contribute Failure to understand GMs role as an HR mgr Difficulty in quantifying many HR outcomes Perception of human assets as higher risk investment Incentives for change that might arises

Increased performance

Customer and Employee Satisfaction

Enhanced Shareholder Value

Effective management of staffing, retention, and turnover through selection of employees that fit with both strategy and culture Cost effective utilization of employees through investment in identified human capital with potential for high retention Integrated HR programs and policies that clearly follow from corporate strategy Facilitation of change and adaptation through a flexible, more dynamic organization Tighter focus on customer needs, key and emerging markets, quality

External environment
Competition Government regulation Technology Market trends Economic

Employee separation

Laws regulating employment Staffing

HR Strategy Corporate Strategy Business Unit Strategy


HR planning Design of jobs and work systems What workers do What workers need How jobs interface with others

Performance mgt


Internal environment
Culture Structure Politics Employee skills Past strategy

Labor relation HR Informati on Systems

The 5-P Model of Strategy HRM

Philosophy, Policies, Programs, Practices, Processes
HR Philosophy : expressed in statements defining business values and culture, expresses how to treat and value people HR Policies : expressed as shared values guidelines, established guidelines for action on people related business issues and HR programs HR Programs : articulated as HR strategy, coordinates efforts to facilitates change to adress major people-related business HR Practices : for leadership, managerial, and operational roles, motivates needed role behaviors HR Processes : for the formulation and implementation of other activities, defines how these activities are carried out

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