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BAHAGIAN MATEMATIK PUSAT ASASI SAINS ALIRAN HAYAT & FIZIKAL DAN ALAM BINA SEM. 1, SESI 2011/12 Perjalanan Kuliah, Tutorial dan Ujian Minggu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Tarikh (Hari Isnin) 6hb. Jun 2011 13hb. Jun 2011 20hb. Jun 2011 27hb. Jun 2011 4hb. Julai 2011 11hb. Julai 2011 18hb. Julai 2011 25hb. Julai 2011 1hb. Ogos 2011 8hb. Ogos 2010 15hb. Ogos 2010 Kuliah Kuliah Kuliah & Tut. 1 Kuliah & Tut. 2 Kuliah & Tut. 3 & Ujian 1 Kuliah & Tut. 4 Kuliah & Tut. 5 (Cuti Sem) Ujian Pertengahan Sem Kuliah & Tut. 6 & Ujian 2 Kuliah & Tut. 7

BAHAGIAN MATEMATIK PUSAT ASASI SAINS ALIRAN HAYAT & FIZIKAL DAN ALAM BINA SEM. 1, SESI 2010/11 Minggu 12 13 Tarikh (Hari Isnin) 22hb. Ogos 2011 29hb. Ogos 2011 Kuliah & Tut. 8 Cuti Hari Kebangsaan Cuti Eidulfitri 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 & 22 5hb. Sept. 2011 12hb. Sept. 2011 19hb. Sept. 2011 26hb. Sept. 2011 3hb. Okt. 2011 10hb. Okt. 2011 17hb. Okt. 2011 24hb. Okt. 2011 Kuliah & Tut. 9 Kuliah & Tut. 10 & Ujian 3 Kuliah & Tut. 11 Kuliah & Tut. 12 Kuliah & Tut. 13 & Ujian 4 Kuliah & Tut. 14 Ulangkaji Peperiksaan Akhir

WEEK 1 (IS) 06.06.11 2 (IS) 13.06.11 3 (IS) 20.06.11 4 (IS) 27.06.11 5 (IS) 04.07.11 6 (IS) 11.07.11

LECTURE / TUTORIAL / ASSIGNMENT TOPIC De i i i of rel ion. Type of rel ion. Domain and range of relation. Definition of function. Domain and range of a function from graph. Elementary translation. Sketching function based on their basic forms using elementary translations Domain and range for the function. Basic function for constant, linear, quadratic, radical functions. Domain and range for basic functions. Graph sketching for a function using the graph of basic functions. Domain and range for the functions. Basic function for modulus, rational, exponential functions. Domain and range for basic function. Graph sketching for a function using the graph of basic functions. Domain and range for the functions. Basic function for trigonometric, logarithmic , piecewise functions. Domain and range for basic function. Graph sketching for a function using the graph of basic functions. Domain and range for the functions. Algebraic operations for functions including piecewise functions. Composite function. One to one function and inverse function.Domain and range for inverse function. Graph of inverse functions.

7 (IS) 18.07.11 8 25.07.11 9 01.08.11 10 (RT) 08.08.11 11 (RT) 15.08.11 12 (RT) 22.08.11 13 29.08.11 14 (RT) 05.09.11

Limit of a fun tion intuitively.Limit theorems.Limit omputational te hniques Right hand and left hand limits.Continuous at a point and on an interval. Semester break Mid Semester test Limit to infinity.Asymptote lines. Definition and geometri interpretation of differentiation. Differentiation from first prin iples Differentiation of standard fun tions Differentiation of trigonometri fun tions Differentiation of logarithmi and exponent fun tions. Rules of differentiation. Chain rule. Differentiation of impli it fun tions and parametri equations. Eid Holiday National Day Holiday Appli ation of differentiations: gradient of any urve, equation of tangent and normal to any urve ( urve in luding ir le, parabola, hyperbola and ellipse ).

15 (AS) 30.08.11 16 (AS) 20.09.11 17 (RT) 27.09.10 18 (RT) 04.10.11 19 (RT/IS) 11.10.11 20 18.10.10 21&22 25.10.10

Rate of hange. Se ond order differentiation. In reasing and de reasing fun tions. Criti al/Stationary points. Lo al extremum. Absolute extremum. Con avity and Infle tion point. Graph sket hing. Graph sket hing. Problems with maximum and minimum Revision Le tures Revision Final Exam

Relations The word relation often used to relate two sub e ts of dis ussion. Definition A relation is a rule that assign to ea h elemet in a set X at least one element in a set Y. There are four types of relations. i) one- to-one ii) many- to-one iii) one-to-many iv) many-to-many There are four ways to present relation. i) mapping ii) ordered pairs iii) e uation iv) graph For a relation from set X to set Y, the set X is alled the domain of the relation, the set Y is alled the odomain of the relation, the set onsist all the images of the element in the domain is alled the range of relation.

Example a)
Ali Singh Raju Wong

e-to-one elation
Maths. Phy. Chem. Bio.

om et X to et Y.



ingh, hem),

aju, aths), Wong, io)}

omain = { li, ingh, aju, Wong} odomain = { aths., hy., hem., io.} ange = { aths., hy., hem., io.} ) many-to-one elation y ! x2 , x X , y Y { -2, ), -1,1), , ), 1,1), 2, )} om set X={-2, -1, , 1, 2} to set Y={ , 1, 2, , }.

omain={-2, -1, , 1, 2} odomain={ , 1, 2, , } ange={ , 1, }


one to many relation from set X 2, 6, 11, 18} to set Y (0, 2, 3, 4}. y 2 ! x  2, x X , y Y

Domain={2, 6, 11, 18} Codomain={0, 2, 3, 4} ange={0, 2, 3, 4}



many to many relation from [-2 , 2] to R.

4 y2 ! 4  x2 Domain=[-2 , 2] Codomain=R Range=[-1 , 1]

Note : The horizontal and vertical line can be used to determine the type of relation in the form of graph.

Intervals Let a and b represent t o real numbers ith a b.

[a , b] - Closed interval. Consists all x R and a e x e b .

a, b - Open interval. Consists all

R and a

b. b.

?a, b - Half closed interval. Consists all x R and a e x

a, bA - Half open interval. Consists all x R and a

x e b.

?a, g - Consists all

x R and x u a .
x " a.

a, g - Consists all x R and

 g, bA - Consists all  g, b - Consists all 

Note :

x R and x e b . x R and x x R. b.

- Consists all

g - symbol for infinity.

 g - symbol for minus infinity.


[-2 , 9 -2 9

0 8

(0 , 8)


( 100

, 100



, g)

e)  13

(  g , -13)

 g , g ! R


 15,2A ?11, g



 g ,19 A _0,17a


i) -10 100

_ 10a ?100, g

j) -7 5

 g,7 ?5, g ! R \ ? 7,5

Function Definition : A function is a rule that assign to each element x of set X exactly one element y of set Y. From the definition, the relation one-to-one and many-to-one are both functions. The graph of a function can be determined using the vertical line test. The graph passess the vertical line test is the graph of a function, where there is no vertical line cuts the graph more then once. Also, the garph of one-to-one function can be determined using the horizontal line test. The graph of a function passess the horizontal line test is the graph of one-to-one function, where there is no horizotal line cuts the graph more then once.

Example : Determine which of the following graphs are functions. Further, determine whether the function is one-to-one.





Solution : (a) and (b) are not functions, because the graphs fail the vertical line test. (c) and (d) are both functions, since the graphs pass the vertical line test. Onl (c) is one-to-one function, since it passess the hori ontal line test,

Functional notation Let X and Y are two sets. If for each element x X , there is exactly one corresponding element y ! f ( x ) Y , we say that X is mapped into Y by a function f and it written as
f :X pY


y ! f (x ) .

y or f(x) is called the image of x or the value of the function at x. For example, the image of s is f(s) and the value of the function at x ! a is f(a). If f (c ) s c nta ned n R f , we a s sa d that f ( x ) s def ned at x ! c . Otherw se, f ( x ) s

undef ned at x ! c .
Example Given a function f x ! x x e . The image of  is f ( 2) ! 4 . The value of the function at x ! is f ( 2) ! . f ( x ) s undef ned at x ! 4 . Definition : Domain of a function f is a set of real numbers for which the function is defined. Domain of a function f is denoted by D f . Range of a function f is a set of all values of f(x) where x varies over the domain. Range of a function f denoted by R f . The domain and range of a function is easier to determined by looking at its graph.


ind th d m in nd


ll win

uncti ns .



3 3 3 -3

1.2 -5

Df ! R R f ! ? 5, g



Rf ! R

c) 4 -6


1.8 2

4.3 8

-5.5 -4

Df ! R
R f !  g ,4A



R f ! ? 4,4.3


ind the domain and ange of the follo ing y ! f x fun tions.
y y

a) 3

5 3 -2

) -3 3 5 -3

Df ! R R f !  g,3A _ a 5


R f ! ? 3, g

4 c) -6 -7 5 4

d) 1.5 -1 1

D f !  g ,2A 4, g ! R \ 2, Rf ! R

D f !  g ,1A ?2, g ! R \ 1,2


! ( g , 0] ? .5,4 1

Sketching function graphs based on their basic forms We try to explain the elementary translation as follows : (I) Vertical shifting (Shift upward or downward) The graph of y ! f ( x )  k shifted upward k s ame as e g aph ! f ( x) ,

k " 0,

or shifted downward k (II)


Horizontal shifting (Shift to the right or to the left) The graph of y

f ( x  h) s he same as he g aph
s s h " 0, h 0.

y ! f ( x) ,

shifted to the right h or shifted the left h (III)

Reflection about a coordinate axis.


The graph of y x  axis . The graph of y y  axis .

 f x ) s he same as he g aph

! f ( x ) , eflec ed about the

f  x s the same as the g aph of

! f ( x ) , eflected about the

Important ote : For uniformity, reflection always done before shifting.

Example : Find the translations done to the graph of y ! f ( x ) in order to obtain the graph of the following functions. a) b) c) Solution : a)

g x) !  f x  ) 
h( x ) ! f (  x )  k ( x ) !  f (  x ) 

g( x ) !  f ( x 2)  3 !  f ( x  ( 2)) ( 3) . The graph of y ! f ( x ) is reflected about the x  axis , shifted to the left 2 units and then downward 3 units. h( x ) ! f ( 3  x )  1 ! f ( ( x  3))  . The graph of y ! f x is reflected about the y  axi , shifted to the right 3 units and then upward 1 unit.
k ( x ) !  f (1  x )  2 !  f (  ( x  1))  (  ) . The graph of y ! f ( x ) is reflected about both axes, shifted to the right 1 unit and then downward 2 units.



Note : For uniformity, reflection always done before shifting.

Example : The graph of a function y ! f ( x ) as shown below.


5 2 -2 3

a) b)

State the domain and range of y ! f ( x ) . Sketch the graph and state the domain and range of the following functions. i) ii) iii) iv) y ! f ( x ) is reflected about the y  axis . y ! f ( x ) is reflected about the x  axis , shifted upward 2 units. y ! f ( x ) is shifted to the left 3 units and then upward 2 units. y ! f ( x ) is reflected about the both axes , shifted to the right 2 units and then

downward 3 units.

Solution : a)

D f ! ( g , 3

! ( g , ]

5 b) i) Let the new function is g x ) ! f  x ) . 2 -2 3



Let the new function is h x ) !  f x )  .

Dh ! (g , 3 ]

Rh ! [3 , g )

D g ! [3 , g )

Rg ! (  , 5]

5 2 3


et the new fun ti n is k ( x ) ! f ( x  3)  .

5 2 -2 3

Dk !  , 0 ]

Rk ! ( g , 7]

5 2
i ) et the new fun ti n is p( x ) !  f (  x  D p ! [ 1 , g ) R p ! [ 8 , g )

)  3 .
-2 3

E ample : The graph of a) b)

! f x is shown below.

State the domain and range of y ! f ( x ) . Sketch the graph and state the domain and range of the following functions. i) ii) iii) iv) v)
g( x ) !  f ( x ) h( x ) ! f ( x  2) k x) !  f  x)  p( x ) !  f ( x  3 )  q( x ) !  f (1  x )  2

1 -

Solution : a)

D f ! g

R f ! ( 2 , g)

1 -2

D g ! ( g , )

Rg ! ( g , 2 )


h( x ) ! f ( x  ) , Rh ! (g , 2)

Dh ! ( g ,  1)

1 -2



g( x ) !  f ( x ) ,


k( x) !  f ( x)  4 ,

Dk ! ( 1 , g )

Rk ! (  , 6) -


p( x ) !  f ( x  3 )  2 , R p !  , 0)

D p ! ( g , 4)

1 -


q( x ) !  f (1  x )  2 !  f (  ( x  1))  2 , Dq ! ( 0 , g )

Rq ! ( g , 4)

1 -2

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