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By John Ariza


1. Concept of Culture 2. Brooks Concept 3. Chastains List 4. Nostrands Emergent Model 5. Hammerlys Classification 6. Language and Culture/Society 7. Cultural Goals 8. Content of Culture Teaching 9. Techniques of Culture teaching 10. Cultural Syllabus Design 11. Summary



Prior to World War I/Inter War Years) Systematic understanding of the country and people Useful background and complement (language and literature) History, geography, institutions. Accomplishments in arts, music, drama, scientific discovery, sports, other. (National Heritage)

After World War II

Anthropological studies of tribal cultures/applied to West Way of life/Life Style of a community Typical daily behavior /shared social fabric


1950s Component of Language teaching

Knowledge of a country Emphasize way of life culture

1960s Theorists recognize both concepts as legitimate

Traditional Concept (Cultural achievements, artistic pursuits) Brooks terms formal culture Culture with a capital C Way of life culture (Behavior in daily situations) Brooks terms deep culture Culture with a small c



Writers abandoned defining culture a broad concept which embraces all aspects of the life of man(Seelye 1984)

Culture imparte dasac o nse que nc e o r

indispe nsable to the busine sso flanguage le arning(1964)

Sixtyto pic sandque stio ns(info rmal) Childho o dLite rature Disc ipline Pe ts Y ards,Lawnsandside walks

Eve rydayc ulture o fyo ung Ame ric anbase d

o n:

Culture andvalue s

SOURCEOFINFORMATION?T ac he rsupplie sdata? e

Fo rtyfo urto pic s(1976)
Stude ntac tivitie sande duc atio n So c ialande c o no mic syste ms The pre ss Go o dmanne rs Wo me n slibe ratio n Othe rge ne ralto pic s

Listsare no texhaustive
Language le arne rsatse c o ndarysc ho o lo r

unde rgraduate c o urse s

Info rmatio no nto pic s/T ac he rssupplydata e


Classifie so bse rvatio nsunde rafe wbro ad

he ading s(1978)
Culture So c ie ty Co nflic ts

Ec o lo gyandte c hno lo gy Individual Cro ssc ulturale nviro nme nt

Co mpre he nsive andsc ho larlyappro ac h

He ading splac e o bse rvatio ninc o ntext

De rive basic the me s/c harac te rize aso c ie ty

andg ive itunity(le adsto unde rstandinga c ulture )

Thre e fo ldc lassific atio n(1982)
Info rmatio n(o rfac tual)c ulture Info rmatio n/Fac ts So c ie ty,ge o graphyandhisto ry,

he ro e sandvillainse tc

Be havio ralc ulture (mo st)

Inte rpre tatio no fwayo flife c ulture T ypic al/ac tualbe havio r(wayo flife )N Physic alandPsyc ho lo gic alne e ds(S)

Ac hie ve me nto rac c o mplishme nt

c ulture

T raditio nal(artistic &lite rary)

Co mbine s(T)and(A)ge are dto le arning SL


Studie dso c io ling uistic ally Spe c ific c o ntributio no fc ulturalsyllabus
Re alityo fpe o ple andplac e s Pe o ple who use the language The waythe ylive Whatthe ydo ,thinkanddre am

Culture te ac hing(CulturalSyllabus)
Fo c usispe o ple ,plac e sandac tio ns Linguistic phe no me naispe riphe ral

Lang uage Syllabus

Fo c usiso nLinguistic phe no me na Pe o ple ,plac e sandac tio nsare pe riphe ral

Se e lye s7Culture T ac hing (Skills)1984 e
The se nse ,o rfunc tio nality,o fc ulturally

c o nditio ne dbe havio r Optio nsso c ie tyallo wsto satisfyphysic al andpsyc ho lo gic alne e ds Inte rac tio no flanguage andso c ialvariable s Age ,sex,so c ialc lass,plac e o fre side nc e Co nve ntio nalbe havio rinc o mmo nsituatio ns(B) The ro le c o nve ntio nsplaysinho wpe o ple ac tinmundane andc risissituatio ns Culturalc o nno tatio nso fwo rdsandphrase s Culturallyc o nditio ne dimage sasso c iate d withe ve nthe mo stc o mmo ntarg e t wo rdsandphrase s

Evaluatingstate me ntsabo utac ulture Make ,e valuate andre fine ge ne ralitie s Re se arc hing ano the rc ulture Lo c ate ando rganize (Library,mass

me dia,pe o ple andpe rso nal o bse rvatio n) Attitude sto wardo the rso c ie tie s(A) Inte lle c tualc urio sityabo ute mpathy to wardsitspe o ple COGNITIVEGOALSOFCUL TURELEARNING


SixAspe c tso fc ulture te ac hing
Plac e s(c o untry,re gio ne tc )aspe rc e ive dby

Native spe ake rs Individualpe rso nsandwayo flife (pe rso nal c o ntac twithaNative spe ake r) Pe o ple andso c ie tyinge ne ral(vie wthe mse lve s, c lass,re ligio n,so c ial,rac ialo rre gio nal pre judic e s) Histo ry(signific anthisto ric alde ve lo pme nts, e ve nts,pe rso nalitie s,c ritic alissue s) Institutio ns(go ve rnme nt,so c ialwe lfare ,military andpo lic e ,re ligio n,po litic alpartie s,me dia) Art,Music ,Lite rature ando the rmajo r ac hie ve me nts(artists,music iansandwrite rs andthe irwo rks,fig ure s)


Cre atinganAuthe ntic Classro o me nviro nme nt Pro viding Culturalinfo rmatio n
Culturalc o ntext(aso ng,ne ws,c ulture c apsule )

The Co nc e pto fc ulture c luste rs

play) CulturalPro ble mSo lving

Re late dc ulturalc apsule s(the nro le

Situatio ns(Manne rs,c usto ms) Se lfInstruc tio nalpro gram(Fie lde r,Mitc he lland

T riandis(1971) Fe e dbac kexplainsrightandwro ngin c o ntext

Be havio ralandaffe c tive aspe c ts


Challe ng e so fsyllabusde sign Culture taug htasinc ide ntalno t

c o nc e rne dwithc o he re nc e /se que nc e in languag e pro gram Re latio nshipbe twe e nc ulturalsyllabus withinSLpro gramando the rc urric ulum are asmayo ve rlap Impo rtanc e to c ulture ve rsuslanguag e Culture e mbe dde dinLang uage Plac e fo rsixto pic s(Co nte nto fCulture T ac hing) e No unive rsalanswe r(e mphasize o r minimize )


1. Concept of Culture (Traditional and Anthropological) 2. Brooks Concept (Culture imparted as consequence) 3. Chastains List (Similar list of topics) 4. Nostrands Emergent Model (Overcome fragments) 5. Hammerlys Classification (Combines Concepts/L2) 6. Language and Culture/Society (Reality, People, Places) 7. Cultural Goals (Seelyes 7 skills develop in learners) 8. Content of Culture Teaching (6 Aspects)

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