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Ankita Kachwaha

Disadvantages of SQL

No procedural capabilities. SQL statements are passed to oracle engine one at a time. No facility to handle errors.

Advantages of PL/SQL


Provide facility of condition checking, looping, and branching. Entire block of statement is passed to oracle engine. Permit dealing with errors. All sort of calculation can be done quickly and efficiently. PL/SQL blocks are portable.

PL/SQL block




DECLARE (Optional)
Variables, cursors, user-defined exceptions

BEGIN (Mandatory)

 SQL statements  PL/SQL statements

EXCEPTION (Optional)
Actions to perform when errors occur

END; (Mandatory)

Execution environment
PL/SQL engine PL/SQL block PL/SQL PL/SQL block SQL Procedural statement executor

SQL statement executor Oracle server

Character set

Uppercase / lower case alphabet. Numbers Symbols

Variable declaration

Var_name [constant] data type [not null] [:=value];

Data type in pl/sql


Scalar type Composite type LOB type Reference type Object type

Scalar type

Number (p, s) Declaration value

Number number(3) number(3) number(4,3) number(4,3) number(7, 2) number(4, -3) 1234.678 123 1234 123.456 1.234567 12345.67 1234

stored value
1234.678 123 error error- exceed precision 1.235 12345.67 1000


Char Varchar2 Date Long Long raw/raw Boolean (true, false, null)

Composite type


LOB type





% type This declares a variable of the same type as previously defined variable or column of a table or view. Identifier Table.column_name%TYPE; v_min_balance v.balance%TYPE := 10;




Must begin with character and have maximum length of 29. Reserve words can be used as variable but must be enclosed in double quote. Spaces and special symbol not allowed except underscore. Var_name data type(size) [default value]; Var_name data type(size)[ :=value];


Constraint must be assigned values immediately. Pi const number(4,2):=3.14;

Displaying messages

DBMS_OUTPUT is a package. PUT_LINE is a procedure which accept only single parameter of character type. Set serveroutput on;

Reading value of variable

Variable name:=& variable name;




SQL> set serveroutput on SQL> declare 2 v_length NUMBER :=5.5; 3 v_width NUMBER :=3.5; 4 v_area NUMBER; 5 begin 6 v_area:=v_length*v_width; 7 DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Area:'||v_ar ea); 8 end; 9 / Area:19.25

Assign SQL query results to PL/SQL variables

SQL> declare 2 v_name VARCHAR2(256); 3 begin 4 select first_name 5 into v_name 6 from employee 7 where id=7; 8 DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('v_name:'||v_name); 9 10 end; 11 / v_name:David

Scope Rules

Scope means the range of code within which a given identifier can be referenced. An identifier can be referenced only by code executing inside the block in which the identifier was declared. An identifier could be a variable name, or a procedure name, function name.

Demonstrate nested PL/SQL blocks

SQL> declare 2 v_custno NUMBER := 100; 3 begin 4 dbms_output.put_line(v_custno) ; 5 declare 6 v_state CHAR(2):= 'NY' ; 7 begin 8 dbms_output.put_line(v_custno || v_state) ; 9 end ; 10 end ; 11 / 100 100NY


start number default dbms_utility.get_time;

Conditional control

If <condition> then <action> elsif <condition> then <action> else <action> end if;

Declare cur_bal number(10,2); acno number(4); Begin select bal into cur_bal from acct where acctno=141; if cur_bal < 5000 then update acct set bal=bal-100 where accno=141; end if; End;

Type of loops

Simple loop While loop For loop

Simple loop

Loop <body of loop> <end loop>

Declare i number:=0; Begin loop i:= i+2; exit when i>10; end loop; dbms_output.put_line(loop end when i=||to_char(i)); End;

While loop

While <condition> loop <action> end loop;

Declare pi constant number(4,2):=3.14; radius number(5); area number(14,2); begin while radius <=7 Loop Area:=pi*power(radius,2); Insert into areas values (radius, area); radius:=radius+1; end loop; End;

For loop

For variable in [reverse] start ..end loop <action> end loop;

Declare no varchar2(5):=65432; str_len number(4); reverse varchar2(5); Begin str_len:=length(no); for count in reverse 1..str_len loop reverse:=reverse||substr(no,count,1); end loop; dbms_output.put_line(reverse no is ||reverse); End;

Goto statement

Goto <block name>

Declare no number(5); Begin no:=&no; if no>5 then goto mark; end if; dbms_output.put_line(more than 5); <<mark>> End;

Restriction on go to

Begin goto inner block; -- illegal cannot branch to an inner block begin .. <<inner block>> .. end; goto innerif ; -- illegal cannot branch into an if statement if 9>3 then . <<innerif>> .. end if; end;

Begin if 9>3 then goto next; -- illegal to branch from one if clause to another else <<next>>; end if; end;

Illegal to branch from an exception handler to current block

Declare ... begin .. <<back>> .. exception goto back; end;


Labeled statement Labeled block Labeled loops

Labeled statement

.. .. <<table_select>> select * from emp; .. ..

Labeled block

<<block1>> declare rno number(5); begin rno:=&rno; select * from std where rno=block1.rno; <<block2>> begin end; end;

<<o>> declare i number(2):=1; begin dbms_output.put_line(i); <<ii>> declare i number(2):=10 ; begin dbms_output.put_line(o.i); dbms_output.put_line(ii.i); dbms_output.put_line(i); end; end;

Oracle tractions

Transaction is series of operation perform on DB. Following events take place connecting to oracle committing changes to DB rollback disconnecting from DB

transaction has four fundamental properties, known as ACID properties:


Atomicity Transactions are committed or rolled back as a group, and are atomic, meaning that all SQL statements contained in a transaction are considered to be a single indivisible unit. Consistency Transactions ensure that the database state remains consistent, meaning that the database starts at one consistent state and ends in another consistent state when the transaction finishes. Isolation Separate transactions should appear to run without interfering with each other. Durability Once a transaction has been committed, the database changes are preserved.


Ends the transaction and make the changes permanent.



Remove the changes made during a transaction.

rollback [to [savepoint] <save point name>]

Creating save point

Savepoint <save point name>;

Rollback without Savepoint clause

Ends the transaction. Undoes all the changes. Erase all save point in that transaction. Release the transaction lock.

Rollback with Savepoint

A predetermined portion of transaction is roll backed. Release the transaction lock.

Declare no number(5); Begin no:=&no; savepoint no_update; update emp set sal=sal+no; if no>5000 then rollback to savepoint no_update; end if; commit; End;


If you mistakenly commit changes and you want to view rows as they originally were, you can use a query flashback . EXECUTE DBMS_FLASHBACK.ENABLE_A T_TIME(SYSDATE - 10 / 1440);

Record data type

Declare type stdrec is record( rno number(3), name varchar2(10), per number(4,2)); s1 stdrec; begin s1.rno:=10; s1.name:=xyz; s1.per:=68; end;

Show file content

declare fid UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE := UTL_FILE.FOPEN (loc , file, 'R'); line VARCHAR2(2000); BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (file); LOOP UTL_FILE.GET_LINE (fid, line); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (line); exit when no_data_found; END LOOP; end;

Writing on a file

declare fid UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE := UTL_FILE.FOPEN (lo c, file, w'); v VARCHAR2(2000); BEGIN v:=vdvfdbfbd; UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE (fid, v); UTL_FILE.FCLOSE (fid); end;


The oracle engine uses a work area for internal processing in order to execute an sql statement. Active data set.

Type of cursor

Implicit cursor. Explicit cursor.

Implicit and explicit cursor has 4 attribute



Oracle engine open this cursor and manage it. The value of this cursor always refer to most recently executed sql statement.

Begin update acct set bal=bal+5000 where acno=141; if sql%notfound then dbms_output.put_line(error in updation); end if; End;

For loop with implicit cursor

Begin for cur1 in(select rno, name, per from std where per >=60) loop insert into std1 values(cur1.rno, cur1.name, cur1.per); end loop; end; /

Explicit cursor

Create a
named SQL area

the active set

Load the
current row into variables

Test for
existing rows

the active set

Return to
FETCH if rows are found

1. Open the cursor. Cursor pointer

2. Fetch a row using the cursor. Cursor pointer Continue until empty. 3. Close the cursor. Cursor pointer

Cursor declaration

A cursor is defined in declarative part of a pl/sql block. Cursor <cursor name> is select statement;

Opening a cursor

Open <cursor name>;

Fetching record from cursor

Fetch <cursor name> into var1, var2,;

Closing cursor

Close <cursor name>;

Explicit cursor attributes

%found %notfound %isopen %rowcount

DECLARE v_empno employees.employee_id%TYPE; v_ename employees.last_name%TYPE; CURSOR emp_cursor IS SELECT employee_id, last_name FROM employees; BEGIN OPEN emp_cursor; LOOP FETCH emp_cursor INTO v_empno, v_ename; EXIT WHEN emp_cursor%ROWCOUNT > 10 OR emp_cursor%NOTFOUND; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (TO_CHAR(v_empno) ||' '|| v_ename); END LOOP; CLOSE emp_cursor; END ;

Cursor example
Declare cursor c1 is select name, sal from emp; name emp.name%type; sal emp.sal%type; Begin open c1; loop fetch c1 into name, sal; exit when c1%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(name|| ||to_char(sal)); end loop; End;


Declare cursor c78 is select rno, name, per from std1 where name like a%; varcur c78 %rowtype; begin open c78; fetch c78 into varcur; while c78%found loop dbms_output.put_line(varcur.rno || || varcur.per); fetch c78 into varcur; end loop; end; /

Illegal fetch

Cursor c1 is select * from std; Fetch c1 into b_rno, b_per; (error)

Cursor using for loop

For <variable> in <cursor name> Here for loop variable is automatically created of %rowtype.

Cursor for loop automatically do the following


Implicitly declared its loop index as a %rowtype record. Open a cursor. Fetch a row from cursor for each loop iteration. Closes the cursor when all the rows have been processed.

Declare cursor c2 is select eid, sal from emp where deptno=20; Begin for emp_rec in c2 loop update emp set sal=emp_rec.sal+1000; end loop; commit; End;

Parameterized cursor

Cursor <cur name> (var data type,) is <select statement>;

Open <cur name> (value/variable/expression;)

Declare cursor c_emp (No NUMBER) is select count(*) from employee where deptno = No; deptNo employee.deptno%type:=10; countEmp NUMBER; Begin open c_emp (deptNo); fetch c_emp into countEmp; close c_emp; dbms_output.put_line(to_char(countEmp)); End; /

Cursor for updation

Cursor c1 is select name, per from std for update; Any changes are not reflected to DB if update clause is not specified.

Fetching across commit

Commit must be used after all fetch statement in case of update cursor. If used inside loop than it will release all the locks and any further fetch will fail.

Reference cursor
SQL> declare 2 c1 sys_refcursor; 3 abc a%rowtype; 4 begin 5 open c1 for select no from a ; 6 loop 7 fetch c1 into abc; 8 exit when c1%notfound; 9 dbms_output.put_line(abc.no); 10 end loop; 11 close c1; 12 end; 13 / 1 11 111 1111 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Creating table variable

Type tab1 is table of std.per%type; Type tab2 is table of std%rowtype; Type tab3 is table of number index by binary_integer; Type tab4 is table of date index by binary_integer;

Declare type notab is table of number index by binary_integer; v1 notab; Begin for v2 in 1..10 loop v1(v2):=v2*10; end loop; Dbms_output.put_line(table elements are); for v2 in 1..10 loop Dbms_output.put_line(v1(v2)); end loop; End; /


Type <var> is varray (size) of type [not null];

Declare Type no is varray (20) of number(3); V1 no; V2 no:= no(11,22); V3 no:=no (null); Begin if v3 is null and v1 is null then dbms_output.put_line(null); End if; V2(1):=& V2(1); V2(2):=& V2(2); End; /

Pl/sql security

For concurrency control locking method is used. Implicit locking Explicit locking

Type of locks

Shared lock Exclusive lock

Level of lock

Row level Page level Table level

Explicit locking

Client a> select * from std where rno=10 for update; Record will be locked and released when commit or rollback is fired. Client b> select * from std where rno=10 for update; Client a> select * from std where rno=10 for update nowait;

Lock table

Lock table <tn1> [,<tn2>,.] in {row share | row exclusive | share update | share | share row exclusive | exclusive } [nowait]

Releasing lock

Commit Rollback Rollback to save point


Transaction 1 begin update std set per=90 where rno=10; update std set per=50 where rno=20; end; Transaction 2 begin update std set per=50 where rno=20; update std set per=90 where rno=10; end;

Exception handling

Exception condition Exception handler Named exception(15-20) Numbered exception(20000) Default exception handling

Error type
Error type Compile time reported by pl/sql compiler handled by compiler report error exception handler


pl/sql runtime engine

Exception when <exception name> then <user specified action>

Named exception




Declare v1 std.per % type; Begin select per into v1 from std where rno=10; dbms_output.put_line(v1); Exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line(no record found); End;

User named exception handlers

Declare <exception name> exception; pragma exception_init(<exception name>,<error no>); Begin . . . Exception when <exception name> then . . . End;

Declare v1 std.per % type; v2 std.rno %type; resource_bsy exception; pragma exception_init(resourse_bsy,-00054); Begin update std set per=&v1 where rno=&v2; Exception when resource_bsy then dbms_output.put_line(row is used by other); End;

User defined exception handling for business rule validations

Declare <exception name> exception; Begin . . if <condition> then raise <exception name>; end if; Exception when<exception name> then <action> End;

Example Declare
r std.rno %type; n std.name % type; p std.per %type; temp number(2); e1 exception; Begin r:=&r; n:=&n; p:=&p; Select count(rno) into temp from std where rno =r; If temp = 0 then insert into std values(r,n,p); else raise e1; end if; Exception when e1 then dbms_output.put_line(error in insertion); End;

Control passing to exception handler

Declare e1 exception; Begin raise e1; Exception when e1 then End;

SQL> BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(1 / 0); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('An exception occu rred'); WHEN ZERO_DIVIDE THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Division by zero'); END; / WHEN OTHERS THEN * ERROR at line 4: ORA-06550: line 4, column 4: PLS00370: OTHERS handler must be last among the e xception handlers of a block

Sqlcode and sqlerrm

Inside others handler it is often useful to know which oracle error raise exception. Sqlcode returns current error code. Sqlerrm return error message text.

Declare v1 std.rno % type; Begin select rno into v1 from std; Exception when others then dbms_output.put_line (sqlcode || sqlerrm); End;

Raise application error

Raise_application_error (no, msg ); No can be between -20000 and -20999 Msg can be 512 characters

Declare temp number(5); Begin select count (rno) into temp from std; if temp <1 then raise_application_error(-20001,no student data available); end if; End;

Error propagation

If current block has a handler for exception than execute it and complete the block successfully. Later on control is passed to enclosing block. If there is no handler for the exception than propagate it to the enclosing block which will handler it if handler is define for that exception otherwise default exception handler will handle the exception.

Declare Exception a is raised in sub block

a exception;

Begin Begin raise a; Exception when a then . End; End; Exception a is handled in sub block

Declare a exception; b exception; Begin Exception b is raised in sub block

Begin raise b; Exception when a then . End; Exception when b then End; Exception b is propagated to outer block and handled there No handler for b in sub block

Declare a exception; b exception; c exception; Begin Begin raise c; Exception when a then . End; Exception when b then End; Exception c is propagated to outer block but there is no handler Exception will be handled by default handler No handler for c in sub block Exception c is raised in sub block

Declare num number(3):=abc; Begin . . . . Exception when others then . . End;

Value error

Even others handler exist it is not executed

Blocks value error exception will be handled by default handler


Value error

Declare num number(3):=abc; Begin Exception when others then .. End; Exception when others then . . End; Outer block exception handler will handle it Even others handler exist in inner block it is not executed

Declare a exception; b exception; Begin raise a; Exception when a then raise b; when b then .. End; Exception b is raised Even though there is a handler for b here, it is not executed. The exception is propagated out of block Exception a is raised

Block completes unsuccessfully with unhandled exception b

Begin Declare a exception; b exception; Begin raise a; Exception when a then raise b; when b then .. End; Exception when b then End; Exception b is handled here Exception is handled and b is raised Even though handler for b exist still it will propagate out of block Exception a is raised

Exception a is raised Declare a exception; Begin raise a; Exception when a then . raise; End; Same exception is raised again Exception a is handled

Exception is propagated out of the block

Procedure and functions

These are set of sql and pl/sql statement that perform specific task. Consist of 3 parts declarative part executable part optional exception handling part

Where procedure and function are saved


Stored in oracle database Invoked by any pl/sql block Before saving procedure or function oracle engine parses and compiles it. If error occur during compilation invalid procedure or function is created.

Select * from user_errors;

Steps of execution

Verify user access Verify procedure or function validity Executes procedure or function


Security Performance Memory allocation Productivity Integrity

Procedure vs. functions

Function can return a value back to calling point. A function can return only one value to calling point. By defining multiple out parameter in procedure multiple values can be passed to calling point. A procedure call is a pl/sql statement while function call is a part of an expression.

Syntax of procedure
Create or replace procedure [schema.]<name> (<argument>{in,out,in out}<data type>,){is,as} <variable constant declaration>; Begin .. Exception End;

Syntax of function
Create or replace function [schema.]<name> (<argument>in<data type>,) Return <data type> {is,as} <variable constant declaration>; Begin .. Exception End;

Return statement

There can be more than one return statement in a function although only one of them will be executed. It will be an error if there is no return statement in a function.

Create or replace function f1 (sal1 in number) Return number is Temp number(5); Begin select count (eid) into temp from emp where sal > sal1; return temp; End;

Declare v1 number (3); Begin v1:=&v1; v1:=f1(v1); dbms_output.put_line(v1); End;

Example procedure
Create or replace procedure p1(rnoo in number, namee in varchar2, perr number) is Begin insert into std values(rnoo, namee, perr); End;

Declare namee std.name %type:=abc; rnoo std.rno %type:=10; perr std.per %type:=70; Begin p1(rnoo, namee, perr); End;

Deleting stored procedure or function

Drop procedure <name>; Drop function <name>;

Parameter of procedure

Name [mode] data_type:=default value;


In Out In out Passing parameter by value and by reference


The value of actual parameter is passed into procedure when procedure is invoked. Inside procedure formal parameter act like pl/sql constraint and cant be changed.


Any value actual parameter has when procedure is called is ignored. Inside the procedure formal parameter act like un-initialized pl/sql variable and has null value. When procedure finishes and control return to calling environment content of formal parameter are assigned to actual parameter.

In out

This is combination of in out. The value of actual parameter is passed into procedure when procedure is invoked. Inside procedure formal parameter act like an initialized variable and can be read and written. When the procedure finishes control return to calling environment and content of formal parameter are assigned to actual parameter.

create or replace procedure p1 ( v1 in number, v2 out number, v3 in out number) is lv1 number:=0; begin lv1:=v1; /* v1:=4 ; error */ v2:=4; /* lv1:=v2; error */ v3:=v3+v3; end;

SQL> declare 2 v11 number:=11; 3 v22 number:=22; 4 v33 number:=33; 5 begin 6 p1(v11,v22,v33); 7 dbms_output.put_line(v11|| ||v22|| ||v33); 8 end; 9 / 11 4 66 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

% type procedure parameter

Create or replace procedure p1 (vrno std.rno%type,)is

Exception inside subprogram

If procedure or function has no exception handler for the exception condition than control immediately passes out to the calling program i.e. calling environment in accordance with exception propagation rule.


Package is oracle object which hold other objects within it. Allow efficient organization of commercial application Allow granting of privileges efficiently Enable overloading of function and procedure Improves performance by loading multiple objects into memory. Promote reuse of code.

Package specification

Name of the package Name of the variable and data type This declaration is local to the DB and local to the package.

Package declaration
Create package pack1 is function f1(v1 in varchar2) return number; procedure p1(v2 in varchar2, v3 in varchar2); End pack1;

Package body
Create or replace package body pack1 as function f1(v1 in varchar2) return number begin exception end; procedure p1(v2 in varchar2, v3 in varchar2) begin exception .. end; End pack1;

Invoking a package

Verify user access. Checks that procedure is valid or not if not than it is automatically recompiled. The package subprogram is executed.

Syntax for using package




Executing package members

Execute pack1.p1(gsfhd); Execute pack1.p1(v22); Call pack1.p1(v22);

Package object: private / public

Any item declared within package specification are public i.e. visible outside the package. All items declared inside package body are private.

Overloading procedure and functions

Functions with same name but different parameters are called overloaded function. Create or replace package check is function ok (date1 in date) return number; function ok (num in number) return number; end check;

Create or replace package body check is function ok (date1 in date) return number begin if date1< sysdate then return 1; else return 0; end if; end; function ok (num in number) return number begin if num<10 then return 0; else return 1; end if; end; End check;

Begin if check.ok(22) = 1 then dbms_output.put_line(number is greater than 10); end if; End;


At least one of the parameter of overloading function or procedure must differ.

Overloading procedure or function cant have same number of parameters with different name and different mode but same data type.

Overloading functions or procedures with same parameter name , mode and data type but different return type are not permitted. All the overloaded modules must be defined within same scope or block.


Trigger are the implicit procedure that are implicitly executed when insert, update, delete is issued against a table.

Use of trigger


A trigger can permit DML statement against a table only if they are issued during regular business hours. It can be used to prevent invalid transaction. Enforces complex security. It can also be used to keep track of updated or deleted records.

Cascading trigger

When a trigger is fired sql statement inside trigger can also fire some other trigger. This is called cascading trigger.

Trigger vs. procedure

Trigger do not accept parameter whereas procedure can. Trigger is executed implicitly by oracle engine itself upon modification of an associated table. To execute procedure it has to be explicitly called by user.

Trigger vs. integrity constraint

Integrity constraint is a statement about DB that is always true. Trigger contain what a transaction can do i.e. trigger do not apply to data loaded so it don't guarantees that all the data in the table confirms rules.

How to apply database triggers

Triggering event or statement Trigger restriction Trigger action.

Type of trigger

Row triggers fired each time a row in the table is affected. E.g. update statement changes multiple rows than trigger is fired for each row.

Statement trigger

Fired once on behalf of triggering statement. Independent of number of rows affected. Used when processing is required which is independent of number of rows affected.

Before triggers

Trigger action are executed before triggering statement.

Before trigger determine whether or not triggering statement should be allowed to complete.

After trigger

Trigger action are executed after triggering statement.


Before statement trigger Before row trigger After statement trigger After row trigger

Create or replace trigger <name> {before, after} {delete, insert, update [of column.,..]} On <table name> [referencing {OLD as old, NEW as new }] [for each row [when condition]] Declare Begin .. Exception End;

Create trigger audit after update or delete on cust for each row Declare Op varchar(20); Begin if updating then op:=update Elsif deleting then op:=delete; End if; Insert into cust_backup values(:old.cust_id, :old.name, :old.sal, user, sysdate); End;

Three categories

DML trigger Instead-of trigger System trigger

DML trigger

This trigger is fired by a DML statement. DML trigger can be defined for insert, update or delete operation.

Instead-of trigger

These triggers can be defined only on views. Instead of trigger will be executed instead of DML statement. Instead of trigger must be row level.


Create or replace view class as select dept, building, roomno from classes where building=bcom; Insert into class values(sci, be, 10);

Create or replace trigger classtrigger Instead of insert on class Declare Temp number(3); Begin select count (roomno) into temp from classes where roomno=10 and building=be; if temp=0 then Insert into classes values(sci, be, 10); else dbms_output.put_line( insert not possible); end if; End;

System trigger

System trigger fires when a system event such as DB startup or shut down occurs. System trigger can also be fired on DDL statement

Create or replace trigger logcreate After create on schema Begin insert into db_tab (user_id, object_type, object_name, object_owner, createion_date) values (user, sys.dictionary_obj_type, sys.dictionary_obj_name, sys_dictionary_obj_owner, sysdate); End;

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