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Practice does not make perfect, only perfect practice makes perfect

y Practice makes

permanent whatever you do repeatedly

y Professionals make

things look easy because they have mastered the fundamental of whatever they do

Cultivating a habit is like plowing the field

y Inspiration is what get a person started, motivation is what keeps him on track and habit is what makes it automatic


y Character is the sum of our habits. y If a person has positive habits than he is

considered a positive character. A person with negative habits is a negative character.

It is a form of psychological learning where an individual modifies the occurrence and form of his Her own behaviour


y Most of our

behaviour comes as a result of conditioning

It is our responsibility to condition ourselves in a positive manner

y Good habits are

hard to come by but are easy to live with

y Bad habits come

easy but are hard to live with


y We are all constantly being conditioned consciously or

unconsciously by exposure to:

The kind of books we read The kind of movies and TV programs we watch The kind of music we listen to The kind of company we keep

The computer phrase GIGO(garbage in garbage out) is very much applicable in our life. Negativity in : negativity out Positivity in : positivity out Good in : good out

The GIGO principle

y Our subconscious

mind follows the same rule.

y Television plays a greater role.

Bring Lot of Information Degrade our culture

we are programmed by the advertisements

y Companies spend close to million dollars for 30

seconds of advertisement

Conscious and Subconscious Mind

y The mind has two

parts: conscious and subconscious

y The subconscious

mind processes symbols

Conscious and Subconscious Mind

y The subconscious mind is commander

Subconscious mind is responsible for our behaviour most of the time.

y conscious mind can accept or reject but subconscious mind only accepts

How do we get programmed?

y Unconscious


y conscious


How do we get programmed?

y conscious


y unconscious


Vacuum in nature cannot exits Need to keep involve in positive habits

We are creatures of habits

Its good this way because if we have to constantly think before doing anything we would never get anything done Here are some simple question  Do we let the quality of the work diorite ?  Do we indulge in gossip ? We never ask these question time and again before doing any job all these are already installed in our subconscious mind which act as a cache memory of our body system

Habit is matter of ai & leasure

y Just think of a smoker

Here the pleasure is greater than pain Here the pain is greater than pleasure Habits form character

Resistance to change
y After knowing there negative habits, why don t

they change
 Lack the desire to change  Lack the discipline to change  Lack the belief that they can change  lack the awareness for the need to change Excuses  we have never done it that way  that is not my job  i don't think it will make any difference  I'm too busy

Getti g rid of egative habits

y There is two way to get rid of the negative habits

1) The ostrich method 2) Overcome it, face it

y Modification in behavior comes from overcoming

irrational fears and getting out of the comfort zone

For ing positive habit


what is auto suggestion? - An auto suggestion is a statement made in present tense, of what kind of person you want to be

Why i

resent tense?

y Because our mind cannot tell the difference between

the real experience and imagined one

y It is way to program your subconscious mind

Prepare the subconscious

y How can we use auto suggestion to eliminate negative

habit and develop positive one

y Auto suggestion is a repetitive process through we feed

our subconscious mind with positive statement which translate into reality

Translating auto suggestion into reality

y make a list of your auto-suggestions in the present y y y y

tense repeat auto-suggestions at least twice a day: first thing in the morning and at the end of the day repeat it consecutively for 21 days until it becomes a habit auto-suggestions alone will not work. they need visualization Repeat alone is not enough unless it accompanied by emotion and feelings (visualization)

y Auto suggestion may not be acceptable to the mind at

the first time you do it because it is an alien thought to the mind

y It will take min of 21 days of conscious and consecutive

practice to formulate a habit.

y Is 21 days of conscious effort a heavy price to pay to

change a lifetime for the better?

y It is the process of creating and seeing a mental

picture of the kind of thing you want to have or do, or the kind of person you want to be

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