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McCann Pulse research

What is McCann Pulse

McCann Pulse is a dynamic research tool that allows our clients to keep track of future consumers.
allows one to discover and rediscover consumer truths.

The aim- investigation of the real world

Works on the bases of these variables

The Four Constituencies of McCann Pulse

Identity Builders
point in life when childhood is past but adulthood hasnt quite set in yet. They want to know who they are and what they can be. Most of all, they want to have fun in the process of finding themselves.

Career Builders
white-collar workers in their first ten years on the career treadmill. Apprentice executives who see themselves as business leaders of tomorrow.

Young consumers at a

The young graduate

Research findings
Identity builders
Most Preferred TV network Social Networks 3Music Genres Hobbies Trends Favorite local celebrities Hangout spot Slang words, latest Where they shop for clothes

M o st P re fe rre d T V n e tw o rk

Research concluded that NBC is the most

preferred television network choice. Due to its longer existence National Broadcaster NBC soap's TV ads- KFC and Coke ads

S o cia l N e tw o rk s

pic remains the most used social network as

well as most favorite. Ease of use, applications are fun, and privacy settings are easy. Pic is slowly picking up, respondents have twitter accounts but are not active as on pic Most respondents access these via mobile phones.

M u sic G e n re s

Research concluded that R n B is the most

preferred and favorite genre of music Due to its smooth nature, as well as celebrity crushes House-electro and deep

Reading Dancing Modeling

Beats BY Dr Crocket and Jones Celebrity perfumes Hair styles
Respondents are now become more aware about

themselves, and are eager to part of the cool group and therefore buy products that are now being rocked by the popular kids

Favorite local celebrities

Gazza. Seen as hot and a Hustler Jericho- music improving to better standards Dog, Gal level- celebs can be used in


Hangout spot
Maruae Mall, Town, YWAP (Youth with a

Purpose), the zoo park, Evelyn Street and the Dams (Goerangab and Avis Dam). Research indicates that they like to be seen, and hang around in the hope of bumping into friends or meet new ones at

Slang words , latest

!obojess Braae Dope Word Aiyt Dis dit my gal Very normal Salt supamig Ou doring tjip Jas MMM

Relates to eche Exaggeration of bra cool Ok or cool or agreement Alright. Said when you agree or encourage Something usual or lame ugly outdated Old school go cool MTC Mobile Messenger

Where they shop for clothes

Majority of respondents noted Mr. Price as their

favorite fashion savior shop. Appreciate its wide variety of slick and fashionable items at lower prices and quality material

Career Builders
Employment Cellular networks Newspapers Television Radio stations Grocery Shops Banking income

24 year old- majority employed Just graduated split age from students to

working individuals Economic active

Cellular networks
Remains as popular as it was ten years ago Convenience, most respondents indicate that their people have MTC, although some have two Sims to connect with those that use the other network (Le0), most people dont feel the need as Both service providers have incredible deals Some respondents also noted that MTC advertise More on TV as opposed to and therefore rather opt for MTC

The Namibian is seen as a reliable source of news Seen as the more credible source Informant is seen as an entertainment paper except when your

name appears in it noted respondents The Republikein paper is often purchased along with The Namibian, but is read after the Namibian, respondents noted they read it to verify the news and or due to poor English they rather read in Afrikaans depending on their language preference

Dstv reamains to be the most favorite, for

obvious reasons such as the variety of channels Local Broadcasterwas selected as the most prefered network Reasons being, this is what they know, its been there for ages The other network: came 2nd as opposed to NBC Seen as something new, too much news, but viewers are on the increase

Radio stations

Grocery Shops
Research indicates that majority of the

respondents, shop monthly at Pic n Pay Respondents noted that the layout of the store was convenient, and products were of quality in terms of their prices Respondents also noted that due to Shoprite's extensive commercials emphasizing on LOWEST prices has had an effect on respondents who sometimes find themselves in Shoprite looking for the fresh produce and or products at the sale prices

Banking should be convenient, long queues should be curved,

service should be excellent (keep the customer smiling) Respondents should be educated more about internet banking, trust issues are still amongst the reasons for its failure to be effective Cell phone banking is used on occasions when people remember that they are connected.

Further research drawn from the survey indicates that 24 year olds

are those that have recently graduated from tertiary institutions and are newly employed; this can further be substantiated by the amount of income which this age group receives which estimated to be between N$ 3000 and N$ 5000.

R e co m m e n d a ti n s o

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