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Film Making

Film Making
- It is the process of making a film from a story

Film Maker
- The one who is in-charge of writing the script, shooting, editing and distribution of output to the public.

Stages of Film Making

Development Pre-Production


Stages of Film Making

Post-Production Distribution

Stages of Film Making

-The First stage of film making. -The script is written and formatted into a workable guide for the film.

Stages of Film Making

-Preparing for shooting the film, crew and cast are hired, locations are selected, and the sets are built.

Stages of Film Making

-The actual filming of the movie.

Stages of Film Making

-The film is edited, music, sound effects, and any other effects are added.

Stages of Film Making

-The movie is released to theaters and duplicated according to need.

Angles and Shots

This shot involves a close-up of a person s face to show their emotion during a tense, dramatic moment or to show the character s true feelings.

Angles and Shots

This shot normally involves the upper bodies of two characters, and is to show their relationship with each other.

Mid-shot or Two-shot

Angles and Shots

Long Shot
This shot is a long distance shot of what s happening within the scene, and can involve a larger amount of characters or show a surrounding environment.

Angles and Shots

Point of View shot
A shot intended to show the viewpoint of one s particular character, to give the audience a small glimpse of character s thoughts.

Angles and Shots

A shot literally taken over the shoulder of a character. Used to focus on a person s face and help audiences keep track of who is talking to whom.

Over the shoulder shot

Angles and Shots

A shot looking down. Used to emphasis the subject s vulnerability and isolation.

High-angle shot

Angles and Shots

Low-angle shot
A shot looking up. Used to give impression of power and domination to the subject.

Angles and Shots

Panning shot
A shot where the camera rotates horizontally about its axis to follow the action, or to survey the contents of a room.

Angles and Shots

A shot where the camera physically moves across the ground to follow the action.

Tracking shot

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