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Theories of human development

1. Bob is sixty years old, is well educated, is experienced in his field and has excellent references. However, he is having great difficulty even getting an interview for a job. Employers tend to assume that Bob will be slow to learn and will have health problems simply because he is an older worker. This is a type of discrimination known as: A. ageism B. rationalization C. antithetical thinking D. none of the above

2. When a new babysitter attempts to interact with oneyear-old Kyle, he pulls away from her and toward his mother. When his mother leaves the room, Kyle shows distress and welcomes her when she returns. According to Ainsworth, Kyle is most likely to have formed which type of attachment? A. secure B. avoidant C. anxious/ambivalent D. disordered

3. Sammy is 11 months old, and his mother tends to be aloof and distant. Sammy rarely seeks contact with her and responds to her in the same way that he responds to strangers. When his mother leaves the room, he rarely cries. Sammy is most likely to have formed which type of attachment? A. secure B. avoidant C. anxious/ambivalent D. disordered

4. Tommy's father does not seem to be very interested in actively parenting his son. Tommy's father ignores repeated phone calls from a concerned teacher regarding Tommy's behavioral problems in the classroom. He tends to ignore his son and does not know much about his interests or friends. He rarely disciplines Tommy or sets limits for his behavior. Which of the following terms best describes his parenting style? A. permissive-indifferent B. permissive-indulgent C. authoritarian D. authoritative

5. Katie's mother showers her daughter with praise and positive attention but does not set or enforce rules. Katie tends to be immature for her age, and other adults describe her as being rather spoiled and out of control. Which of the following terms best describes this parenting style? A. permissive-indifferent B. permissive-indulgent C. authoritarian D. authoritative

6. Aisha's parents are sensitive and attentive and set reasonable limits. They encourage her to try new things. They play with her and encourage responsible, ageappropriate behavior. Which type of parenting style is this? A. permissive-indifferent B. permissive-indulgent C. authoritarian D. authoritative

7. Karen is a little girl who plays the flute. Her band instructor would like her to also play the piccolo. Karen learns that the fingerings that she must use to produce the notes on the piccolo are the same as for the flute, but she must change her hand position and learn to blow into the piccolo in a different way. This is an example of: A. assimilation B. accommodation C. object permanence D. none of the above

8. Amy is seven months old and has mastered the art of crawling. She eagerly explores her environment every day by looking at objects, touching them, and placing them into her mouth. Amy is in which of Piaget's stages of cognitive development? A. sensorimotor stage B. preoperational stage C. concrete operational stage D. formal operational stage

9. Six-month-old Patti is playing a game with her father. He takes her rattle and hides it under cup so that it cannot be directly seen. Patti reaches for the cup and removes it to retrieve her rattle. This example demonstrates that Patti has achieved: A. object permanence B. conservation C. abstract thought D. reversibility of thought

10. Three-year-old Jennifer wants two candy bars, but her mother tells her that she can only have one. When Jennifer becomes upset, her mother breaks the candy bar in half, and Jennifer becomes happy thinking that she now has twice as much candy. Jennifer is in which stage of cognitive development? A. sensorimotor stage B. preoperational stage C. concrete operational stage D. formal operational stage

11. Dillon is three years old and repeatedly interrupts his mother when she is talking on the phone. He often stands in front of the television blocking the view of others. These behaviors are examples of: A. egocentrism. B. animism. C. reversibility of thought. D. object permanence.

12. When Samir and his mother arrive at the store, Samir comments to his mother that the car needs to rest while they are shopping because it ran a long way. This is an example of: A. egocentrism. B. animism. C. reversibility of thought. D. object permanence.

13. Seven-year-old Rajeev is shown two identical glasses, each containing the same amount of liquid. The liquid is poured from one of these glasses into a taller, thinner one. When asked which one has more, Rajeev correctly states that each glass has an identical amount. Rajeev has shown that he understands: A. the concept of conservation B. the concept of reversibility C. abstract thinking D. both a and b

14. Allison is thirteen years old and spends a lot of time thinking about the possibilities for her future. She is capable of thinking logically, constructing well-reasoned arguments, and solving simple logic problems. She is in which stage of cognitive development? A. sensorimotor stage B. preoperational stage C. concrete operational stage D. formal operational stage

15. Puneet is self-conscious when he walks into his high school class because he is certain that everyone is scrutinizing and judging him. This is an example of: A. personal fable. B. imaginary audience. C. preoperational egocentrism. D. animism.

16. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. The newborn's first motor abilities are limited to reflexes. B. During the last few months inside the womb, the fetus can apparently hear sounds outside the mother's body. C. The newborn's sense of touch and pain are highly developed. D. The newborn's sense of vision is highly developed.

17. The first ejaculation in the adolescent male is referred to as: A. menarche B. spermarche C. male climacteric D. none of the above

18. The first onset of menstruation in the adolescent female is referred to as: A. menarche B. spermarche C. climacteric D. menopause

19. Cognitive structures or patterns that consist of a number of organized ideas that grow and differentiate with experience are called: A. concepts B. schemas C. operations D. symbols

20. Rickie is four years old and states that leaving the yard without permission is wrong because you can be punished for it. Which stage of Kohlberg's moral development theory does such reasoning reflect? A. stage 1 punishment and obedience orientation B. stage 2 instrumental-exchange orientation C. stage 3 good child orientation D. stage 4 law-and-order orientation

21. A researcher explains the Heinz dilemma to Samantha and asks Samantha what Heinz should do. Samantha replies, If you're desperate, you may not know you're doing wrong when you steal the drug. But you'll know you did wrong after you are sent to jail. You'll always feel guilty for breaking the law. Which stage of moral development is reflected by Samantha's statement? A. stage 2 instrumental-exchange orientation B. stage 3 good child orientation C. stage 4 law-and-order orientation D. stage 5 social-contract orientation

22. Samuel is a newborn infant. He cries to express hunger or discomfort, and his parents respond to these needs. Samuel is in which of Erikson's stages of development? A. trust versus mistrust B. autonomy versus shame and doubt C. initiative versus guilt D. industry versus inferiority

23. Little Leonard is two years old. He often asserts his own will by wanting to do things for himself and saying No! to his parents. Unfortunately, his parents tend to be impatient, controlling, and punitive in response to these beginning attempts at independence. According to Erikson, Little Leonard is likely to develop feelings of: A. shame and doubt B. mistrust C. guilty D. inferiority

24. Peter is a young man with a stable identity. He spends a great deal of his time getting to know others and forming deeper bonds of friendship than he could when he was younger. He hopes to meet a partner with whom he can share his life. This most closely describes which of Erikson's stages? A. intimacy versus isolation B. autonomy versus shame and doubt C. initiative versus guilt D. industry versus inferiority

25. Peter is a young man with a stable identity. He spends a great deal of his time getting to know others and forming deeper bonds of friendship than he could when he was younger. He hopes to meet a partner with whom he can share his life. This most closely describes which of Erikson's stages? A. intimacy versus isolation B. autonomy versus shame and doubt C. initiative versus guilt D. industry versus inferiority

26. Richard is a middle-aged executive who is primarily concerned with his own well-being and his material possessions. Erikson might say that he has developed a sense of: A. isolation B. guilt C. despair D. stagnation

27. Marcus is an elderly man who is looking back on his life with regret. He is despondent because he feels that he has wasted his life and does not have time to start over. Which of Erikson's stages is he most likely in? A. intimacy versus isolation B. autonomy versus shame and doubt C. initiative versus guilt D. ego integrity versus despair

28. Upon learning of his diagnosis of terminal cancer, Paul insisted that his doctor must be incorrect or that the laboratory had made a mistake with his lab results. Which stage of Kubler-Ross's theory is Paul most likely in? A. denial B. anger C. bargaining D. depression

29. Soon after learning about her diagnosis of terminal illness, Betsy became rather hostile and focused on the unfairness of the situation. Which stage of Kubler-Ross's theory is Betsy most likely in? A. denial B. anger C. bargaining D. depression

30. Ted is terminally ill and has recently withdrawn from his friends and family. He has become despondent and is mourning the impending loss of everything that he loves. Which stage of Kubler-Ross's theory is Ted most likely experiencing? A. denial B. anger C. bargaining D. depression

31. Margaret realizes that she is terminally ill and tells God that she will be an ideal servant if He will let her live to see her grandchild's birth. Which stage of Kubler-Ross's theory is Margaret most likely experiencing? A. denial B. anger C. bargaining D. depression

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