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Poisoned of Corrosive Agent

Corrosive agent is a substance that may causing damage on body, which if body is hit by this agent, it will causing protoplasm coagulation, protein precipitation and decomposition and also water absorption.

Acid 1. Mineral acid HCl (hydrochloride acid) H2SO4 (sulfate acid) HNO3 (nitrate acid) 2. Organic Acid - Carbolic Acid - Oxalate Acid - Acetate Acid

Alkali :
Ammonia KOH NAOH Na carbonate Ka carbonate

Poisoned of HCl (Hydrochloride Acid)

Symptoms :

Hyper salivation; convulsion ; delirium, body paralysis Chronics coryza; conjunctivitis; pharingitis, bronchitis

Fatal dosage : 15 - 20 ml condensed HCl Post mortem:

Skin feels hard & chapped Cavity mucosa is cloudy white, until black because of corrosive reaction Lungs oedem & congested if HCl vapor is breathed

Thick & colorless liquid, if added with water, it will produce heat, and if hit to the skin, it will be black & burnt. Symptoms:
H2SO4 has a high affinity into water tissue will dried like burnt Bloated tongue, white coated Blood vomiting Chalk color teeth, do not gleam Bloated & chapped lips, there are trace of black acid drops from the corner of lips and chin Hyper salivation; blue urine

Poisoned of Sulfate Acid (H2SO4)

Fatal dosage 5 - 100 ml

Post Mortem
Stricture oesophagus Black cavity, partly red inflammation, sometimes perforation Corrosive marks at small intestine Fattening at liver + kidney chronic Congealed blood at blood vessels Case :
suicide murder revenge sprinkle face with H2SO4

Poisoned of Nitrate Acid (HNO3)

Clear, colorless liquid Symptoms:
Lips, tongue, teeth become yellow because of body protein changing into xanthoprotein Skin, cloths become yellow brownish yellow vomit materials Distended abdomen painful Oliguri until anurie Lockjaw

Fatal dosage : 10 ml

Post mortem
Skin & G.I.tract mucosa become yellow Corrosive marking at cavity & duodenum Oedem + congested at respiratory tract if enters by respiration Incident accident/suicide

Poisoned of Carbolic Acid

Colorless Chrystal, if reacted with oxygen, it become pink. Sweet & hot like burnt Symptoms:
Local arise insensible Feels burnt at G.I. tract White & harder mucosa at G.I tract CNS headache; dizzy; constriction pupil Oppress respiration, sometimes pneumonia A little green at urine because of oxidation materials from carbolic acid

Fatal dosage : 60 ml Post mortem:

Pale/yellow skins until white and peeled off White corrosive marking at G.I. tract mucosa, sometimes submucosa bleeding; carbolic acid odor from mouth. Then cavity mucosa + small intestine become harder, brown, folded coarse, sometimes there are bleeding spots Bigger kidney, inflammation marks with bleeding spots Congested + oedem at brain

Alkali :
Chloride ammonium KOH NaOH Carbonate ammonium Carbonate potassium Na carbonate

Bitter taste like soap Diarrhea Mucosa G.I.tract become black & slippery because mixed of blood & detached parts Fatal dosage: ammoniac 5-10 gram Post mortem:
Mucosa at G.I. tract become corrosive and necrosis, mucosa is slippery like soap

Caustic soda (NaOH, KOH, CaOH, NH4OH)

Fatal dosage: 5 gr Post mortem:
G.I.tract have inflammation marks + necrosis Mucosa at G.I.tract slippery like soap, sometimes bleeding, black and brown oedem + congested respiratory tract

Death Cause of Corrosive Agent

Immediately :
Neurogenic shock respiration failure because of spasm & oedem glottis Cavity perforation peritonitis

Slow :
Sepsis because of poison absorption Sticture oesophagus malnutrition Chronic dyspepsia

Irritant Agent
Poison that cause inflammation at digestion tracts Classifications:
1. Inorganic:
Non metal : Phosphor, organo-phosphor mixed, Chlorine, bromine, Iodine Metal : Arsenic, Antimony, mercury, copper, tin, zinc, Bismuth

2. Organic:
Poison from plants Poison from animals

3. Mechanical poison: glass powder

Poisoned of Phosphor
2 kinds of phosphor: white & red phosphor. White phosphor become yellow if it is hit by light, if reacted with oxygen, it will oxidized, produce white smokes in the form of phosphor trioxides. It is poisonous, usually used on chemical & fertilizer industry.

Red phosphor doesnt poisonous, usually used on matches industry. How it works:
As a protoplasm poison & inhibit cellular oxidation.

Acute Poisoned of Phosphor

Stage 1 : few minutes few hours : painful, burnt from throat until stomach, nauseous, vomit, greatly thirsty, diarrhea. Stage 2 : during 2-3 days, usually asymptomatic. Stage 3 : reappear symptoms, nauseous, vomit, diarrhea, yellow skins, bleeding at skin & mucous membrane, ex: epistaksis, melena, hematuri, delirium, coma, and then circulation failure. Very few urine, contains blood, albumin, cylinder, which shows kidney damage

Fatal dosage : 50-120 gr post mortem examination:

1. 2. Yellow skin & bleeding spots Cavity & small intestine mucosa are yellow, thick, erosion, sometimes perforation. Cavity content smells garlic Liver is yellow, brittle, bleeding and fat degeneration Heart is pale, soft, and fattening

3. 4.

Chronically Poisoned of Phosphor

Usually because of breathing phosphor smoke on matches industry. Body parts : lower jaw which has caries. Lower jaw feels pain, then necrosis. This condition called phossy jaw. The other bones also necrosis & usually spontaneous fracture. Death caused by lowering body endurance

Arsenic Poisoned
Arsenic is poisonous when it is on salt forms: arsenic oxide (As2O3), arsenit, sulfide, organic compounds. Physically form : colorless, odorless, tasteless, like powder, doesnt dissolved on water, killing affect on small amounts (30-300 gr). Arsenic used on printing office, paint factory, insecticide, mouse killer, drugs.

Type of Acute & Chronically Poisoned

Acute Poisoned: Cellular metabolism is intruded because of inhibition at sulfhidril enzyme system. Arsenic is assumed as capillary poison & cause capillary venous dilatation.

Burnt feels at larynx, pit of the stomach, Greatly thirsty, nauseous, vomit, diarrhea, Acute painful at abdomen, Intestine spastic, black feces, because contain blood & diarrhea like cholera Few urine mixed with blood Dilution & electrolyte balance trouble Shock before death Spasm, coma, dead.

Death Cause
Shock because of dehydration Spasm because of kidney failure Lungs oedem

Post Mortem
Dehydration, concave eyes, uppermost bones, inflammation marks at G.I. tract, sometimes accompanied with submucosa bleeding. Cavity mucosa sometimes in form of thick mucus.

Chronically Poisoned
Usually happened on industrial worker, paint factory, insecticide using. Symptoms :
Stage 1 : body weight go down, digestion tract trouble, nauseous, vomit Stage 2 : inflamed upper respiratory tract, husky & coarse voice, brittle nail & pigmentation lines Stage 3 : sensory system start to be hit, dizzy, hyperesthesia Stage 4 : perifier neuritis & muscle atrophy. wrist drop or foot drop.

Poisoned of Plumbum(timah hitam) o Resources :

Paint (wood, iron, or wall), battery, scarp iron.

o Work Mechanism:
Intrude on hem synthesis, then deltaaminolevulic acid, coproporphirin, & porphobilinogen at urine are increased.

o Autopsy results :
GI tract mucosa are red and edema. Hepar & Ren harder, tubulus degeneration.

o Incident :
Accident, rarely murder/suicide.

Poisoned of Mercury (Hg)

Thermo/Barometer industry, paint factory, lamp, explosive materials, medicine industry.

Work Mechanism:
Inhibit sulfhidril enzyme works so intrude on cells.

Autopsy results:
Acute : upper GI tract corrosion, soft mucosa sp. Ulserasi. Congested, enlargement kidney, focal bleeding, Colon desac.sp.rectum inflamed. Chronic : Fat degeneration at liver & heart, inflamed & bloated gums. There are blue brown lines between teeth and gums.

Incident: Accident. Rarely murder/suicide.

Poisoned of Cu(cuprum)
On pharmacy as astringent, emeticum.

Autopsy results:
Acute :Yellow skin & conjunctiva, blue green mouth angle. Ekskoriasi mouth. Blue cavity & intestine. Ulserasi colon. Perforation rectum. Congested, necrosis, and hemolytic organs. Chronic : like acute, along with liver necrosis & sirosis. cells degeneration along with enlargement kidney.

Accident on industry, suicide ever known, rarely murder.

Poisoned of Strychnine
Plant seeds and medicine.

Work mechanism:
Inhibit cornu anterior medulla spinalis works.

Autopsy results:
Stiff corps quickly arise. Hyperemic until hemorrhages on cavity. congested organs, medulla spinalis.

Accident, murder, rarely suicide.

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