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Store Management

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Store Management & its facets

It is defined as that aspect of material control
concerned with the physical storage of goods. It is concerned with ensuring that all the activities involved in storekeeping are carried out efficiently & economically.

Principle facets of store management:Managing the stores. Store layout, design & visual
merchandising. Customer service. Retail selling.

Principle Objectives of stores

Minimizing material handling costs. Maintaining the value chain. Proper inventory evaluation. Establishing co-ordination between departments. Services to user departments. Acting as buffer stock. Aids in time utility of the product.

Types of stores
Centralized Stores

A wholesale supplier to other units. It aids in better control.

Different Departments having there own stores. Main Store serving as a base to each unit of production. Responsible for issuing accessories to different departments. Go-downs serving the responsibility of storage of goods in systematic manner.

Decentralize d Stores

Central Store with Sub Store

Tool & Misc. Store

Warehouse s

Factors affecting location of stores.

Proximity with user departments. Security considerations. Types of materials. Ease of transport. Good material control. Scope for future expansion. Avoidance of boredom

Store Layout
Defined : Physical arrangement of storage facilities for
efficient receipt, storage and issue of materials is called layout of stores. Factors affecting store layout: Type of stock: Deciding on nature and size of materials to be stored. Volume of stock: Sufficient passages for uninterrupted handling. Availability of space: Inadequate space leads to congestion. Too much space increases cost. Physical factors: Lighting, ventilation, controlled noise.

Store Layout Types

Comb Layout Tree Type Layout

Stock is kept on one

side of aisle.

Goods are placed on

either side of aisle.

Store Procedure: Material planing Receipt of material. Storage of material. Documentation. Issue of materials. Valuation of stock.(FIFO,LIFO,HIFO).

Achieving Competitive Advantage

Business process & info 4 store management

Wal*Mart stores -Mike duke

Wal-Mart Stores
The flagship retail division of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 36 departments including family apparel, health & beauty aids, household needs, electronics, toys, fabrics & crafts, lawn & garden, jewelry and shoes Operate on an "Every Day Low Price" philosophy and are able to maintain their low price structure through conscientious expense control . Provide departmental directories, 24-hour service, and self-scanning registers for fast, efficient checkout service

Closure Note
Supply Chain Management (SCM) was once a "pie in the sky" concept that could not be fully achieved. A key barrier was the cost of communicating with and coordinating among the many independent suppliers in each supply chain. SCM is possible because of three changes: Technology has developed that simplifies communication. New management paradigms have developed that are shared among supply chain members. coordination efforts. and the development of a highly trained workforce .

Supply chain management- R.V.ALTEKAR SCM Concepts & Cases- Sunil chopra. www.ibm.com/stores/management www.store.walmart.com www.casestudynic.in/scm Logistics & supply chain management- D.K Agrawal Supply chain management- THAKUR PUBLIC.N.

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