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Эллипсис и фронтинг

Разговорные конструкции

Эллипсис — это когда мы убираем всё на наш взгляд лишнее из


Всё — это вспомогательные глаголы, артикли, а иногда и

знаменательные слова или целые фразы, если на наш взгляд они
слишком очевидны. Часто убирают подлежащее, если речь идёт об
одном и том же человеке.
Вместо “Do you like this movie?” говорят “Like it?” or “Like movie?”

Вместо “Have you been there?” используют “Been there?”

Вместо “And how are you doing?” — просто “You?”

Наиболее часто этот приём употребляется в вопросах и ответах на них, а также в

начале предложения: «No idea what she meant» (I have no idea what she meant).
Simplify the dialogue with ellipsis

Did you have a good journey?

No, I didn’t really. The plane was packed out.

I’m not surprised. It is always packed out around Christmas.

Yes, I suppose it is always packed out around Christmas. I was stuck right in the middle row.

Oh, you were in the middle row.

Yes. I couldn’t stretch my legs and I couldn’t get to sleep.

Oh dear. I know what it’s like

I would love to have a few hours’ nap.

I bet you would love to have a few hours’ nap. Ah well, you can catch up now.

Yes, I think I will catch up now.
Rewrite the sentences using ellipsis:
What are you doing now? I’m reading a book.

Did you go out yesterday?

I am going to visit my relatives next week.

Where are you going to spend your vacation?

I have never been to New York city.

Fronting — в английском языке фиксированный порядок слов, но в
разговорной речи бывают исключения. Когда мы хотим сделать акцент
на объекте, месте или времени, мы используем fronting.

I bought a new camera. And a very expensive camera it was.

Если словосочетание, которое мы выносим на первое место, длинное,
обычно на его стандартное место ставится замещающее местоимение:

That book you told me about, they’ve made it into a film. (They’ve made that
book you told me about into a film.)
Если мы выносим на первое место обстоятельство времени, часто после
него меняется и порядок подлежащего и сказуемого:

On the corner stood a little shop. (A little shop stood on the corner.)

In front of me was the President of Chile. (The President of Chile was in front
of me.)
Paraphrase the sentences using fronting:
1. A large white cat sat in the middle of the bed.

2. The robbers ran out of the bank.

3. There’s an old man at the front door.

4. He had written her address on a small piece of paper.

5. I've rarely eaten such a delicious meal.

6. I can't understand why she didn't tell us.

7. We have no idea where she has gone.

8. Nobody knows how he escaped.

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