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Advanced Logic Circuits

Design of a single state variables system



Equivalent State State Merging State Assignment


2 states are equivalent if for each possible input:
Both states give exactly same output and go to same next state, or Both states give exactly same output and go to same equivalent next states


Present Next State State a b

Output x=1 1 1

States a & b have same output for the same input Next states for a & b:
c & d for x = 0 b & a for x = 1

x=0 x=1 x=0 c d b a 0 0

If c & d are equivalent, then a & b are equivalent because same or equivalent next states
(a, b) imply (c, d)






States c & d have same output for the same input Next states for c & d:
a & b for x = 0 d & d for x = 1

If a & b are equivalent, then c & d are equivalent because same or equivalent next states
(c, d) imply (a, b)

Since (a, b) imply (c, d) and (c, d) imply (a, b), then both pairs are equivalent
a equivalent to b c equivalent to d

Next State X=0 1 a b c d e b d e d e c b a e e Output X=0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0

STATE MERGING - (Merging Diagram/Graph) Merger graph is state reducing tool used to reduce states in the incompletely specified machine. It is prepared for a primitive flow table to determine all the possible compatible states (maximal compatible states) and from this a minimal collection of compatibles covering all the states.

The merger graph is defined as follows: 1.It contains the same number of vertices as the state table contains states. 2.Each compatible state pair is indicated by line drawn between the two state vertices. 3.Every potentially compatible state pair, with outputs not in conflict but whose next states are different, is connected by a broken line. 4. If two states are incompatible no connecting line is drawn.

The flow table is required to be examined for all the possible pairs of states. All the pairs are checked and the merger graph is obtained. Thus we see that the merger graph displays all possible pairs of compatible states and their implied pairs. Next it is necessary to check whether the incompatible pair(s) does not invalidate any other implied pair. If any implied pair is invalidated it is neglected. All the remaining valid compatible pairs form a group of maximal compatibles.

The maximal compatible set can be used to construct the reduced flow table by assigning one row to each member of the group. However, the maximal compatibles do not necessarily constitute the set of minimal compatibles. The set of minimal compatibles is a smaller collection of compatibles that will satisfy the row merging.

The conditions that must be satisfied for row merging are: the set of chosen compatibles must cover all the states, and the set of chosen compatibles must be closed.

The condition of covering requires inclusion of all the states of the primitive flow graph in the set of chosen compatibles. This condition only defines a lower bound on the number of states in the minimal set. However, if none of their implied pairs are contained in the set, the set is not sufficient and this is referred to as closed condition not being satisfied. Therefore, condition of closed covering is essentially required for row merging.


The diagram indicates that row A can be merged with H, but only if H is not merged with G, because there is no line joining A and G. Row B can be merged with rows F and G. Since it is also possible to merge F and G, it follows that B, F, and G are pairwise compatible. Any set of rows that are pairwise compatible for all pairs in the set can be merged into a single state. Thus states B, F, and G can be merged into a single state, but only if states G and H are not merged. State C cannot be merged with any other state. States D and E can be merged.

Complete Merger Diagram

State Assignment

A set of heuristic rules that attempts to reduce the cost of thee combinational logic in a finite state machine.

State Assignment
In order to reduce the amount of logic required, we will make a state assignment using the following guidelines; I. States that have the same next state (NS) for a given input should be given adjacent assignments (look at the columns of the state table). II. States that are the next states of the same state should be given adjacent assignments (look at the rows). III. States that have the same output for a given input should be given adjacent assignments.

State Assignment

State Assignment

Advanced Logic Circuits

Prepared by: Nalupa,Mark Lister V. Caindo, Bethany Rose Z. Macapayag, Brichiruss

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