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On your own, come up with three situations in which two people would have a conversation worth filming. You need to consider: 1. Who the two people are; 2. Where the scene is set; 3. Why they are having a conversation; 4. How the scene will end. Your scene should only last about 30 seconds. If you can, think of a joke or a twist

Yr 12 OCR Media Studies

Introduction to the Prelim

Learning Objectives:
1. To understand what the portfolio consists of;

2. To begin considering ideas for the preliminary exercise.

Your coursework consists of four parts: 1. 2. 3. 4. Preliminary exercise; Planning & Research for your main task; Main task; Evaluating your main task.

November: Prelim filming completed. November: Prelim editing completed. November: Main task planning completed. December: Main task filming completed. January: Main task editing completed. February: Final blog posts.

Preliminary Task
A face-to face conversation between two characters. This involves filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

Main Task
The titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes.
This is produced in your coursework group.

Planning the Prelim

1. Write a script for the scene you will shoot (a page of A4 is enough). 2. Storyboard your script, showing how you will include: Match on action; Shot / reverse shot; The 180 rule. 3. Shoot the prelim footage. 4. Edit the prelim footage.

1. The Script
In your coursework groups, come up with an idea for your 30 second preliminary activity. Then, turn it into a script of about a side of A4, laid out as a screenplay. Remember: You must include a character coming in through a door, sitting down, and having a conversation with the second character. All text should be in the font Courier New, in bold, size 10, double spaced. The dialogue (what is said) should be in black. Stage directions, setting descriptions, and camera angles should be in red.

TASK: Upload the script to your blog.

180 Degree Rule

Match-on-Action Rule
This is an example of continuity editing. Continuity editing typically embeds cuts in the middle of an action, a technique known as a MATCH ON ACTION. This technique helps "hide" the cut, since the viewer is paying attention to the action rather than the edit.


2. The Storyboard
Now in your coursework groups create a storyboard using your script, showing how you will include:
Match on action; Shot / reverse shot; The 180 rule.

TASK: Upload the storyboard to your blog

Blog Update
Create create a short post on your blog explaining:
a) what the prelim will entail; b) what the two rules you must demonstrate mean; c) a summary of your initial idea.

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