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Uni\ersity of Engineering & Tecbnology Labore (F$D Campus| Uni\ersity of Engineering & Tecbnology Labore (F$D Campus|

Cbemical & lolymer Engineering Department Cbemical & lolymer Engineering Department
larticle Tecbnology larticle Tecbnology
Mixers for Cohesive Mixers for Cohesive
& &
Non NonCohesive Solids Cohesive Solids
Lecturer Lecturer Hirra Hirra Anjum Anjum
C&PE department C&PE department
UET Lahore UET Lahore
W Mlxlng ls one of Lhe lmporLanL unlL operaLlon
wldely used from reacLlon Lo flnlshlng sLages
ln chemlcal lndusLry
W W M|xers are meant to sh|ft the non M|xers are meant to sh|ft the non
homogene|ty of a batch to a homogenous homogene|ty of a batch to a homogenous
state state
Mlxlng henomenon
W Smallscale random moLlon (dlffuslon)
W Largescale random moLlon (convecLlon)
W lnLerchange of parLlcles by vlrLue of sllp zones
or nonCoheslve Sollds
W Mlxers for nonsLlcky sollds have a wlde
varleLy avallable for conslderaLlon
W 1hls may range from freeflowlng powders
preferences Lo heavy pasLes opLlons
W Mlxlng could be carrled ouL by aglLaLlon
Lumbllng cenLrlfugal acLlon and lmpacL
lnLernal screw mlxer
W lL conslsLs of a verLlcal vessel wlLh a screw
roLaLlng Lo achleve Lhe clrculaLlon of maLerlal
and secondly Lhe elevaLlon of maLerlal
W 1hls resulLs ln lnLermlxlng of solld gralns as well
as shear acLlon Lo Lhe ones ln conLacL wlLh Lhe
screw or Lhe walls of conLalner
W 1he feed enLers from boLLom usually wlLh alm Lo
nulllfy Lhe gravlLy facLor whlch could escape Lhe
molecules wlLhouL deslred mlxlng
W Cn Lhe basls of screw movemenL lL could furLher
be classlfled
1ype l Conlcal shaped vessel wlLh a screw
orblLlng Lhe cenLre of axls of Lhe verLlcal Lank and
also roLaLlng around lLs own axls
1ype ll Conlcal shaped vessel wlLh a screw flxed
aL Lhe cenLre and roLaLlng around lLs own axls
1ype lll Cyllndrlcal vessel wlLh a screw ln cenLre
and roLaLlng around lLs own axls
ubb|ng ubb|ng M|xer M|xer
W lL conslsLs of a horlzonLal vessel wlLh Lwo
blades or rlbbon ln opposlLe dlrecLlons wlLh
roLaLlng aL dlfferenL speeds Lo lnLermlx Lhe feed
W 1he operaLlon slze could be as large as 34m for
heavy rlbbon mlxers
W 1he slze of rlbbon wldely affecLs Lhe operaLlonal
advanLages or example broad rlbbon can be
used for llfLlng or conveylng purposes whlle a
narrow rlbbon can cuL Lhe maLerlals
W 1he Lype ls furLher classlfled on consLrucLlon
parameLers wlLh dlfferlng feaLures of rlbbon
cross secLlon clearances beLween ouLer
rlbbon and shell and number of splrals eLc
W SulLable for llghL and flnely dlvlded maLerlals
Lo flbrous sLlcky feed rlbbon mlxer ls operaLed
ln boLh baLch and conLlnuous orders
@umb||ng M|xer @umb||ng M|xer
W 1umbllng mlxers lnclude mlxers ln whlch Lhe vessel
roLaLes mlxlng Lhe feed Lo opLlmum levels slmllar
Lo Lumbllng mlll LhaL alm for slze reducLlon
W 1he closed vessel roLaLlng abouL lLs axls can handle
heavy sollds and dense slurrles Lhrough dlffuslon
mlxlng 1he shapes could lnclude and are noL
llmlLed Lo vmlxer double cone roLaLlng cube
W 1he equlpmenL maln lnclude lnLernal sprays for
addlLlon of llqulds Lo faclllLaLe Lhe mlxlng process
8affles could also be lnsLalled ln an aLLempL Lo
reduce segregaLlon
W 1he retent|on t|me retent|on t|me ln a Lumbllng mlxer ls flxed
slnce lnlLlal blendlng ls rapld followed by gradual
unlform mlxlng Lxcess Llme may affecL and even
decrease Lhe quallLy of mlxlng levels
W lnLenslve mlxlng effecL due Lo permanenL
shlfLlng of producL areas
W unlform Lhreedlmenslonal dlsplacemenL of
Lhe feed
W Lasy cleanlng of Lhe mlxlng conLalner
Coheslve Sollds
W Coheslve sollds employ maxlmum
conslderaLlon ln Lerms of mlxer selecLlon and
operaLlng parameLers due Lo lnfluence of
rheology and forces of coheslon
W 1he power consumpLlon for Lhls Lype of
mlxers ls hlgh due Lo Lhese facLors Mlxlng of
sLlcky sollds however ls supporLed by
shearlng foldlng sLreLchlng and compresslng
Mu||er M|xer Mu||er M|xer
W SulLable for heavy sollds and pasLes Muller mlxer
applles smearlng rubblng and somewhaL sklddlng
acLlon Lo achleve Lhe deslred mlxlng levels lLs worklng
acLlon ls slmllar Lo LhaL of morLar and pesLle
W lL has several Lypes Lhree mosL common lnclude
SLaLlonarypan mlxer 8oLaLlngpan mlxer and
CounLercurrenLpanmuller mlxer
W 1he roller wheels move ln a clrcular chamber Lo rlde
over Lhe maLerlal produclng shearlng acLlon LhaL
causes slze reducLlon as well as lnLermlxlng of maLerlal
hange hange an M|xer an M|xer
W used for blendlng of vlscous llqulds llghL pasLes
llke food and palnLs lLs mosL used Lypes are pony
and beaLer mlxer
W ln pony mlxer Lhe can roLaLes Lo produce
cenLrlfugal acLlon Lo mlx Lhe maLerlals whlle ln
beaLer mlxer Lhe aglLaLor roLaLes Lo do Lhe [ob
W 1he verLlcal shafL conLalns blades and paddles
whlch are sllghLly LwlsLed When Lhe mlxlng ls
compleLe aglLaLor head ls ralsed llfLlng Lhe
blades ouL of can
neaer neaer M|xer M|xer
W lL ls used Lo mlx deformable or plasLlc sollds by
squashlng Lhe mass flaL foldlng lL over and
squashlng lL once more
W lL may Lear Lhe mass and shear lL beLween Lhe
blades and walls of mlxer 1he power
requlremenLs for Lhls Lype of mlxers are relaLlvely
hlgh esp lncase of sLlff maLerlals
W Lxamples (ln order of power requlremenLs)
lnclude Lwoarm kneader dlsperser masLlcaLor
(lnLenslve mlxers) banbury mlxer (lnLernal
mlxers) and conLlnuous kneaders
W 1he Lwoarm kneader wlLh mlnlmum power
requlremenLs handles suspenslons pasLes and
llghL plasLlc maLerlals
W A dlsperser wlLh heavler consLrucLlon body and
more power consumpLlon ls sulLable for addlLlves
and colorlng agenLs lnLo sLlff maLerlals
W MasLlcaLor wlLh maxlmum work capaclLy can
work on scraplng rubber and plasLlc maLerlals
1he body ls heavler Lhan dlsperser and consumes
more power
W ln lnLernal mlxers Lhe chamber ls sealed durlng
Lhe worklng Llme maklng dlsperslons of feed ln
llquld usually waLer
W Lxample of such a Lype ls 8anbury mlxer a
heavyduLy Lwo arm mlxer ln whlch Lhe aglLaLors
are ln form of lnLerrupLed splrals
W 1he Lurnlng frequency ls 30 Lo 40 rpm kneaders
work boLh ln baLch and conLlnuous operaLlon
wlLh equlpmenL parameLers dlfferlng accordlngly
9a|e M|xer 9a|e M|xer
W 1hese mlxers are open alr chambers wlLh aglLaLors
scooplng Lhe maLerlals and dropplng Lhem agaln Lo
Lhose chambers Lhus achlevlng Lhe mlxlng levels vla
relocaLlon of maLerlal
W 1he llfLlng acLlon of blade ls ad[usLed Lo Lhe deslred
pace 1hls cross mlsslng conflguraLlon provldes a
homogenously mlxed producL
W 1he use ls effecLlve even lncases where bulk denslLles
of componenL maLerlals vary greaLly 1he deslgn and
bends of Lhe paddles are preclsely made Lo ensure
shear mlxlng ln addlLlon Lo convecLlve one
Mlxlng LffecLlveness
W 1he performance of a mlxer for coheslve sollds
ls [udged by
1lme requlred
ower Load
roperLles of producL

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