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A Course of Physics

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 1

Dynamics of
Rotational Rigid Bodies

§1. Kinematical variables for rotational motion

§2. Rotational kinetic energy and moment of inertia
§3. Fundamental equation for rotational dynamics
§4. Angular momentum and its conservation
§5. Work and power in rotational motion

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 2

● In Chapters I, II, III we considered kinematics and dynamics of
material points
● We consider now bodies that have definite size and definite
● Real-world bodies can be very complicated: the forces that act on
them can deform them (streching, twisting or squeezing them)
● Idealized model of rigid body:
 The body has perfectly definite and unchanging size and
 The relative positions of all particles of the body remain
● We can treat any motion of a rigid body as the result of two
components: a translation and a rotation about a fixed axis.
● In a translation, all particles of the body draw the same trajectory
we can study translations by the methods presented in the
previous chapters.
This chapter is devoted to rotations about a fixed axis
Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 3
§1. Kinematical Variables for Rotational Motion
An extended solid object can be thought of as a collection of parts.
How do we describe the “position” of a system made up of many
1.1 Center of mass for rigid bodies:
1.1.1 Definition of center of mass: (average position)
 For a collection of N individual point-like particles whose masses
and positions we know:
N m1
∑ m i ri r1
i =1 RCM
RCM = N y m3
∑ mi r3
i =1 m4 r x

(In this case, N = 4)

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 4
● If the system is made up of only two particles:
∑ m i ri m1 r1 + m2 r2
i =1
RCM = =
m1 + m2
∑ mi
i =1

( m1 + m2 ) r1 + m2 ( r2 − r1 )
( m1 + m2 ) r2 - r 1
m1 RCM
m2 r1
So: RCM = r1 + ( r2 − r1 )
where M = m1 + m2
Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 5
RCM = r1 + ( r2 − r1 )
M = m1 + m2

where M = m1 + m2

If m1 = m2

1 r2 - r 1
RCM = r1 + ( r2 − r1 )
2 + m2
m1 RCM
the CM is halfway between r2
the masses.

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 6
RCM = r1 + ( r2 − r1 )
where M = m1 + m2

If m1 = 3m2

1 r2 - r 1
RCM = r1 + ( r2 − r1 )
4 + m2
the CM is now closer to RCM r2
the heavy mass.

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 7
● The center of mass is where the system is balanced!

+ m1
+ m2
m1 m2

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 8

● We can consider the components of RCM separately:

 ∑i m i x i ∑i m i y i ∑i m i z i 
( X CM ,YCM , Z CM ) =  , , 

 M M M 

r1 RCM
y m3
m4 r x

(In this case, N = 4)

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 9
● Example: Determine the center of mass for the following mass


∑i mi x i m0 + ( 2 m )12 + m24
X CM = = = 12
M 4m

∑my m0 + ( 2 m )12 + m0 2m
YCM = i i i = =6
M 4m (12,12)

m m
(0,0) (24,0)

RCM = (12,6)

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 10

● For a continuous solid, we have to do an integral.

dm RCM =
∫ rdm = ∫ rdm
∫ dm M
y where dm is an infinitesimal
x mass element.

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 11

1.1.2 Velocity and acceleration of the center of mass
● If its particles are moving, the CM of a system can also move.

● Suppose we know the position ri of every particle in the system

as a function of time.

1 N M = ∑ mi 
RCM = ∑ m i ri 
M i =1  i =1 

dRCM 1 N dri 1 N
So: VCM = = ∑ mi = ∑ mi v i
dt M i =1 dt M i =1
dVCM 1 N dv i 1 N
and: ACM = = ∑ mi = ∑ m i ai
dt M i =1 dt M i =1
● The velocity and acceleration of the CM is just the weighted
average velocity and acceleration of all the particles.
● In translations of rigid body, vi are the same for all parts vi = vCM
(for all indeces i). We have also for accelerations ai = aCM.

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 12

1.1.3 External forces and center-of-mass motion:
We classify the forces on body’s parts as external and internal.
The sum of all forces on all the parts is
   N
 
∑ F = ∑ Fext + ∑ Fint = ∑ mi ai = MaCM
i =1

Because of Newton’s third law ∑Fint = 0, so we have

 
∑ Fext = MaCM

It means that: “When a body or a collection of particles is acted on

by external forces, the center of mass moves just as though all the
mass were concentrated at that point and it were acted on by a net
force equal to the sum of the external forces on the system”.
It’s easy to show that, for the total momentum P of the system,

 dP  N
 
∑Fext = , P =∑ mi v i =MVCM .
dt i=1

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 13

1.2 Angular velocity and angular acceleration:

1.2.1 Angular velocity:

● The angular velocity ω of any point on a solid object rotating
about a fixed axis is the same.
● The “linear” speed v will be different since v = ω.r

For example, the point A is in a half distance from B to the axis

v A = vB
A B 2

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 14

● Rotation about a fixed axis:
 Consider a disk rotating about
an axis through its center: θ
● First, recall what we learned about
Uniform Circular Motion:


(Analogous to v = dx ) ω

It is convenient to introduce
the angular velocity vector ω

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 15

● The angular velocity vector:
 It’s magnitude equals angular velocity ω
 It is directed along the axis of rotation
 It’s direction is determined by the “corkscrew” rule

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 16

1.2.2 Angular acceleration:
Now suppose ω can change as a function of time:
● We define the
angular acceleration:
dω d 2θ
α= = 2
dt dt θ
● Consider the case when α ω
is constant.
➧ We can integrate this to
find ω and θ as a function of time:

α = constant
ω = ω0 +αt
θ = θ0 +ω0t + αt 2

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 17

● The angular acceleration vector:
 It’s magnitude equals angular aceleration
 It is directed along the axis of rotation
 It’s direction is the same as the direction of ω when ω
and is opposite to ω when ω

α α


The rotation The rotation is

is speeding up slowing down

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 18

α = constant v
ω = ω0 + αt
1 R θ
θ = θ 0 + ω0 t + αt 2
2 ω
● Recall also that for a point at a
distance R away from the axis of
rotation: α
 x = θR (x is distance traveled)
 vθ = ωR
And taking the derivative of this we find:
aθ = αR

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 19

(with comparison to 1-D kinematics)

Angular Linear

α = constant a = constant

ω = ω0 +αt v = v 0 + at

1 1 2
θ = θ0 + ω 0 t + αt 2 x = x 0 + v 0t + at
2 2

And for a point at a distance R from the rotation axis:

∆x = R∆θ vθ = ωR aθ = αR

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 20

§2. Rotational Kinetic Energy and Moment of Inertia

2.1 Kinetic energy of a rotating body

● Consider the simple rotating system shown below.
(Assume the masses are attached to the rotation axis by
massless rigid rods). This is a simple “rigid body” that can
● The kinetic energy of this system will be the sum of the
kinetic energy of each piece:

r4 ω r1 m1

r3 r2

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 21

● So: K = ∑ mi v i2 but vi = ωri
i 2
1 1 2
∑ i( i)
K= m ωr = ω ∑ mi ri 2
2 i 2 i

which we write as: v1

K= I ω2 v4 m1
2 r4 ω r1
I = ∑ mi ri 2 r3 r2
Define the moment of inertia v3
about the rotation axis I has units of kg m2.

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 22

● The kinetic energy of a rotating system looks similar to that
of a point particle:

Point Particle Rotating System

K = mv 2 K=
I ω2
2 2
v is “linear” velocity ω is angular velocity
m is the mass. I is the moment of inertia
about the rotation axis.

I = ∑ mi ri 2

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 23

2.2 Moment of Inertia

1 I = ∑ mi ri 2
● So K= I ω2 where
2 i

● Notice that the moment of inertia I depends on the

distribution of mass in the system.
 The further the mass is from the rotation axis, the bigger
the moment of inertia.

● For a given object, the moment of inertia will depend on

where we choose the rotation axis (unlike the center of

● We will see that in rotational dynamics, the moment of

inertia I appears in the same way that mass m does when
we study linear dynamics!

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 24

2.3 Calculating the moment of inertia:

2.3.1 For systems of discrete point masses:

● We have shown that for N discrete point masses distributed
about a fixed axis, the moment of inertia is:
where r is the distance from the mass
I= ∑ mi ri 2
i =1 to the axis of rotation.

Example: Calculate the moment of inertia of four point masses

(m) on the corners of a square whose sides have length L,
about a perpendicular axis through the center of the square:

m m

m m
Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 25
● The squared distance from each point mass to the axis is:
L L2
r = 2  =
Using the Pythagorean Theorem
2 2

N 2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2
so I = ∑ mi ri = m + m + m + m = 4 m
i =1 2 2 2 2 2

I = 2mL2 L/2

m m

m m
Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 26
● Now calculate I for the same object about an axis through
the center, parallel to the plane (as shown):

N 2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2
I = ∑ mi ri = m + m + m + m = 4 m
i =1 4 4 4 4 4
m m
I = mL 2

m m

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 27

● For a single object, I clearly depends on the rotation axis!!

I = 2mL2 I = mL2 I = 2mL2

m m

m m

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 28

● A triangular shape is made from identical balls and identical
rigid, massless rods as shown. The moment of inertia about
the a, b, and c axes is Ia, Ib, and Ic respectively.
 Which of the following is correct:

(a) Ia > Ib > Ic
(b) Ia > Ic > Ib b

(c) Ib > Ia > Ic c

Remember: I = ∑ mi ri 2
i =1

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 29

● Label masses and lengths:
● Calculate moments of inerta:

Ia = m ( 2 L) + m ( 2 L) = 8 mL2
2 2

I b = mL2 + mL2 + mL2 = 3 mL2

I c = m ( 2 L ) = 4 mL2
So (b) is correct: Ia > Ic > Ib L
m m

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 30

2.3.2 For a continuous solid object:

● We have known that for a discrete collection of point

masses the expression of
the moment of inertia:
I= ∑ mi ri 2
i =1

● For a continuous solid object we have to add up the mr2

contribution for every infinitesimal mass element dm. rotate
around center, in-plane

 We have to do an dm
integral to find I :
I = ∫ r 2 dm r

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 31

● Example1:

To calculate I for a thin hoop:

Thin hoop (or cylinder) of mass M and
radius R, about an axis through its center,
I = MR 2
perpendicular to the plane of the hoop.

R I = ∫ r 2 dm = R 2 ∫ dm = MR 2

(all mass

R The formula holds for a thin walled

hollow cylinder

I = MR 2

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 32

Example 2:
Suppose that we have a plain round disk which is uniform in
surface density σ (here surface density is mass per unit
surface). We have
σ = dm / dS = const
I = ∫ r 2 dm = σ ∫ r 2 dS R

2π R r
= σ ∫ dθ ∫ r dr , (dS = rdrdθ ),
3 dθ
0 0
1 I= MR 2
I= MR 2 2
The formula holds for a solid cylinder
R of mass M and radius R, about a
perpendicular axis through its center.

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 33

● Example 3:
I for a solid sphere of mass M and radius R, about an axis through
its center. The solid is uniform in
volume density ρ (mass per unit volume).
We devide the sphere into thin disks
of thickess dz. For the disk located dz
at the coordinate z: R z
r = R2 − z2 ,
dV = πr 2 dz = π ( R 2 − z 2 ) dz ,
dm = ρdV = πρ( R 2 − z 2 )dz ,

From the formula of the inertia moment

of a disk we have
1 2
dI = r dm

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 34

1 2 1 2 2
dI = r dm = ( R − z )[πρ ( R 2 − z 2 )dz ]
2 2
πρ 2 2 2
= ( R − z ) dz
πρ 8πρ 5
I = (2) ∫ ( R − z ) dz =
2 2 2
2 0 15

4 3
M = ρ V = ρ πR
I = MR 2

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 35

Some remarks:

● Moment of inertia depends on mass (same for both) and

distance from axis squared, which is bigger for the shell since
its mass is located farther from the center.
 The spherical shell (gold) will have a bigger moment of


solid hollow

same mass & radius

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 36

● Some more examples of I for solid objects:

I= ML2
Thin rod of mass M and length L, about
a perpendicular axis through its center.

I = ML2
Thin rod of mass M and length L, about
a perpendicular axis through its end.

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 37

2.3.3 Paralell-axis theorem:

● Suppose the moment of inertia of a solid object of mass M

about an axis through the center of mass, ICM, is known.
● The moment of inertia about an axis parallel to this axis but
a distance D away is given by:


● So if we know ICM , it is easy to calculate the moment of

inertia about a parallel axis.

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 38

● Proof of the theorem:
 We choose the coordinate system as in the picture, the z-axis
is perpendicular to the plane of picture, xCM = y CM = zCM = 0.
 The axis O passes through
the center of mass y
 The axis P is parallel to
the axis O, and both axes
are parallel to the z-axis
(perpendicular to the mi
plane xOy) b

O a xi x
For the thin slide which is in
the plane Oxy:

I CM = ∑ mi ( xi + yi )
2 2

I P = ∑ mi [( xi − a ) 2 + ( yi − b) 2 ]

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 39

These formulas don’t involve the coordinates zi, so we can
extend the sums to include all particles in all slides.

I P = ∑ mi ( xi + yi ) − 2a ∑ mi xi − 2b∑ mi yi + (a 2 + b 2 )∑ mi
2 2

i i i i

The second and third sums are propotional to xCM and yCM
which are 0 the theorem is proved.

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 40

● Consider a thin uniform rod of mass M and length D. Figure
out the moment of inertia about an axis through the end of
the rod.


We know ICM = ML2

1  L2 1
So IEND = ML + M   = ML2
12 2 3

which agrees with the result on a previous slide.

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 41
2.4 Rigid body rotation about a moving axis:
● This is the case of combined translation and rotation
● Recall what we found out about the kinetic energy of a
system of particles:
1 1
K NET = ∑ mi ui2 + MVCM 2

  2   2   
(ui – velocity of the particle relative to the center of mass)
● For a solid object rotating about its center of mass, we
now see that the first term becomes
1 Substituting ui = ω ri
K REL = ∑ mi ui 2
1 2
K REL = ω 2 ∑ mi ri 2 but ∑ mi ri = ICM
K REL = ICM ω 2

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 42

● So for a solid object which rotates about its center or mass
and whose CM is moving:

1 1
K NET = ICM ω 2 + MVCM
2 2


Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 43

§3. Fundamental equation for rotational dynamics

● You know that the fundamental equation for dynamics of

material points is the eq. of the second Newton’s law

F = m a

cause of inertia change of

change of of body body’s motion
body’s motion

What is the similar equation for rotational motions?

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 44

3.1 Torque and the fundamental equation for a particle
moving in circle:

● Suppose a force acts on a mass constrained to move in a

circle (the mass is held by a massless rigid arm). Consider
its acceleration in the θ^ direction at some instant:
^ r
a = αr θ
 Now use Newton’s 2nd Law in the ^
θ Fθ
direction: aθ
Fθ = maθ = mαr
 Multiply by r :
rFθ = mr2α

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 45

rFθ = mr2α using I = mr 2
= Iα

Define torque:
τ = r.Fθ
^ r
Torque = F
tangential force × lever arm Fθ

So we have the following equation m
τ = Iα
cause of change of
change rotational motion
Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 46
The formula τ = Iα
is the rotational analogue of F=ma

● Torque is the rotational analogue of force:

● Moment of inertia I is the rotational analogue of mass.
➨ If I is big, more torque is required to achieve a given
angular acceleration.

● In according to the choice of the direction of the acceleration

vector we have the convention that:
• Counterclockwise (CCW) torques are positive
• Clockwise (CW) torques are negative
● Torque has units of kg m2/s2 = (kg m/s2) m = Nm.

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 47

3.2 Torque and the fundamental equation of dynamics
for a rigid body:
3.2.1 The torque vector:
We can generalize the definition of torque to determine
the torque vector, using the vector product

τ = r×F
τ X = rY FZ – rz FY
τ Y = rZ F X - rX F Z FZ
τ Z = rX F Y - rY F X F
If the axis of rotation is fixed and x Fr r

the body is rigid the FZ y
and Fr components don’t affect F1
to change the rotation
Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 48
● The vector r ┴ z-axis rZ = 0
the components τ X , τ Y are caused by FZ and
haven’t the role in the change of rotation.
So in the following we are interested only in the component τ Ζ :

τ Z = τ = r Fθ = r Ftan
We had before the equation of dynamics of one particle

τ =I α
Recall that the angular acceleration vector is directed along
the axis of rotation which we choose always as z-axis.
So this equation can be writen with or without the subscript z

τZ = I αΖ

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 49

3.2.2 Fundamental equation for te rotation of a rigid body about
a fixed axis:
We imagine the body as being made up of a large amount of
particles. For the i-th particle we have the following equation:

τ i Z = Ii α Z = mi r2i α Z

Taking the sum of all equations over all index i (α Ζ doesn’t

depend on i ) we have
 2 
iZ = ∑mi ri αZ
 i 

∑τ Z = IαZ

This is the rotational analog of Newton’s second law for rigid bodies

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 50

Resume on Torque
● To determine torque of a force you must find the component
Ftan of force:
 Ftan lies in the plane which is perpendicular to the axis of
 Ftan is perpendiclar to lever arm
● Torque = | Ftan | × lever arm
● Lever arm: the shortest distance from the acting point of force
to the axis of rotation Ftan

lever arm

CCW: torque > 0 CW: torque < 0

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 51

§4. Angular Momentum and Its Conservation:
4.1 Angular momentum for a particle:

4.1.1 Defintion of angular momentum:

● Recall that for a particle, the (linear) momentum vector is

p = mv
and the theorem of momentum states that FNET =

If FNET = 0 the total momentum of system is conserved.

● The rotational analogue of force F is torque τ = r × F

● Define the rotational analogue of momentum p to be

angular momentum L = r × p

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 52

4.1.2 The theorem of angular momentum and the
conservation of angular moment:
dL d
● First consider the rate of change of L: = ( r × p)
dt dt

d  dr × p  +  r × dp 
( r × p ) 
=  
 

dt dt dt 

= ( v × mv )

dL dp
So =r× (so what...?)
dt dt

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 53

dL dp
=r ×
dt dt

dp dL
● Recall that FNET = = r × FNET
dt dt 

which finally gives us: dL

τ NET =
● This is the theorem of angular momentum,

the analogue of the theorem of momentum FNET =

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 54

dL τ NET = r × FNET
● τ NET = where L=r×p and

In the absent of external torques τ NET = =0

Total angular momentum is conserved

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 55

4.2 Angular momentum of a rigid body about a fixed axis:

4.2.1 Definition of angular momentum of a rigid body:

● Consider a rigid distribution of point particles rotating in the x-y
plane around the z axis, as shown below. The total angular
momentum around the origin is the sum of the angular
momenta of each particle:

L = ∑ ri × pi = ∑ mi ri × v i = ∑ mi ri v i k̂ (since ri and vi are

i i i
k is the unit vector in the z-axis, and v1
L is in the z direction.
Using vi = ω ri , we v2 i r1 m1
L = ∑ mi ri ω kˆ
i m3 v3
L = Iω Analogue of p = mv !!

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 56

● In general, for an object rotating about a fixed (z) axis we
can write LZ = I ω

● We will omit the Z subscript for simplicity,

and write z

L= Iω
L = Iω
This is a vector equation,
the direction of the vector
L is the same as ω

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 57

4.2.2 The theorem of angular momentum and the conservation of
angular momentum for a rigid body:
 
From the equation L = Iω
 
We have dL dω  
=I = Iα = τ NET
dt dt
that is the theorem of angular momentum for a rigid body

 dL
τ NET =
dt 
 dL
If τ NET = 0 =0

The angular momentum of rigid body is conserved.

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 58

Example1: Two Disks

● A disk of mass M and radius R rotates around the z axis

with angular velocity ω i . A second identical disk, initially
not rotating, is dropped on top of the first. There is friction
between the disks, and eventually they rotate together with
angular velocity ω f .

z z

ωi ωf

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 59

● First realize that there are no external torques acting on the
two-disk system.
 Angular momentum will be conserved!

● Initially, the total angular momentum

is due only to the disk on the bottom:

Li = I1 ω1 = MR 2ωi


Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 60

● Finally, the total angular momentum is due
to both disks spinning:

Lf = I1 ω1 + I2 ω 2 = MR 2ω f


Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 61

● Since Li = Lf MR 2ωi = MR 2ωf
An inelastic collision,
ω f = ωi since E is not
2 conserved (friction)!

z z

Li Lf

ωf ωf

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 62

Example 2: Rotating Table

● A student sits on a rotating stool with his arms extended

and a weight in each hand. The total moment of inertia is
Ii and he is rotating with angular speed ω i. He then pulls
his hands in toward his body so that the moment of inertia
reduces to If. What is his final angular speed ω f ?

ωi ωf

Ii If

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 63

● Again, there are no external torques acting on the student-
stool system, so angular momentum will be conserved.
 Initially: Li = Iiω i ωf Ii
 Finally: Lf = If ω f ωi If

ωi ωf

Ii If

Li Lf

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 64

● A student sits on a freely turning stool and rotates with
constant angular velocity ω1. She pulls her arms in, and due
to angular momentum conservation her angular velocity
increases to ω2. In doing this her kinetic energy:

(a) increases (b) decreases (c) stays the same

ω1 ω2

I1 I2


Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 65

1 2 L2
K = Iω = (using L = Iω)
● 2 2I

● L is conserved:
I2 < I1 K2 > K1 K increases!

ω1 ω2

I1 I2


Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 66

● Since the student has to force her arms to move toward her
body, she must be doing positive work!
● The work/kinetic energy theorem states that this will increase
the kinetic energy of the system!

ω1 ω2

I1 I2


Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 67

4.2.3 Gyroscopes and Precession:

● Suppose you have a spinning gyroscope in the

configuration shown below:
● If the left support is removed, what will happen??

support pivot

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 68

● Suppose you have a spinning gyroscope in the
configuration shown below:
● If the left support is removed, what will happen?
 The gyroscope does not fall down!


Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 69

● ... instead it precesses around its pivot axis !
● This phenomenon can be easily understood using the simple
relation between torque and angular momentum.

the CM
of body τ =r× w
τ pivot


Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 70

● The magnitude of the torque about the pivot is τ = mgd.
● The direction of this torque at the instant shown is out of
the page (using the “corkscrew” rule).
 The change in angular momentum at the instant shown
must also be out of the page!


dL L pivot

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 71
● Consider a view looking down on the gyroscope.
 The magnitude of the change in angular momentum in a
time dt is
dL = Ldφ.

 So dL dφ
=L ≡ LΩ
dt dt

where Ω is the “precession frequency”


dL dφ pivot

L(t+dt) top view

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 72

dL τ
● So τ = = LΩ Ω=
dt L

In this example, τ = mgd and L = Iω : mgd


● The direction of precession is given by applying the right

hand rule to find the direction of τ and hence of dL / dt.

L pivot

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 73
Toy Gyroscope

The component of the weight (yellow vector) creates a torque

which causes precession

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 74

§5. Work and power in rotational motion:

5.1 Work in rotational motion:

● Consider the work done by a force F acting on an object

constrained to move around a fixed axis. For an
infinitesimal angular displacement dθ:

dW = F.dr = FR dθ cos(β)
 β F
= FR dθ cos(90-φ) R
= FR dθ sin(φ) dθ dr = R dθ
= FR sin(φ) dθ axis
dW = τ dθ

● If θ is not small we can integrate and find: W = τθ

● Analogue of W = F •∆ r
● W will be negative if τ and θ have opposite signs!

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 75

5.2 Work and Kinetic Energy:

● Recall the Work/Kinetic Energy Theorem: ∆K = WNET

● This is true in general, and hence applies to rotational

motion as well as linear motion.

● So for an object that rotates about a fixed axis:

( )
∆K = I ω 2f − ωi2 = WNET

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 76

5.3 Power in rotational motion:

● The work done by a torque τ acting through a displacement

θ is given by:

W = τθ
● The power provided by a constant torque is therefore given

dW dθ
P= =τ = τω
dt dt

This is the analogue of the relation P = F.v

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 77

Rotational analog

Dynamics Dynamics for rotation

of material point of rigid body
F=ma τ =Iα

p =mv L=Iω

F = dP / dt τ = dL / dt

K = (½) mv2 K = (1/2) I ω2

W = F.s W=τ θ

P = F.v P= τω

Physics 211: Lecture 1, Pg 78

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