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A Uay in the Life

;er;iew of the Case 3tudy
O kac|cl is o:c oi :o|cct ua:agc:s i: a: i:io:uatio: s,stcus
O asc stuc, uai:l, ciscusscc t|c wa, a :o|cct ua:agc: allocatcs
|c: tiuc to sc:c o:c ca, i: |c: liic

ow effeoti;ely do you think Raohel
spent her day?
O !:o|cct is a coulcx, :o: :outi:c, o:c tiuc ciio:t t|at is
liuitcc |, tiuc, |ucgct, :csou:ccs a:c c:io:ua:cc
scciiicatio:s a:c its iulcuc:tcc to ucct t|c custouc:
O kcvicw :o|cct :co:ts a:c :ca:c io: t|c wcc|l, status
uccti:g ui:
O Discuss t|c :o|cct wit| |c: suc:io:s ui:
O !a:ticiatc i: t|c :og:css :cvicw uccti:g + ui:
O lcc:tii, a:c :cso:c to t|c issucs a:isc i: t|c :o|cct ui:

O o: :o|cct is o:ci:a:, cail, wo:| t|at :cqui:cs coi:g t|c
sauc wo:| :cctitivcl,.
O ocializi:g a:c catc|i:g u wit| c:so:al :cws ui:
O kcvicwi:g t|c ca,`s sc|cculc ui:
O o scciiic tas| is ccii:cc
O cciiic tiuc liuit |as :ot |cc: :oviccc
O li|cl, to a:isc i: tcuo:a:, situatio:s
O !c:io:ua:cc sc|cculcs a:c |ucgcts |avc |cc: iulicc .
O ucati:g |oss o: |c, cvc:ts oi t|c ca,

O kac|cl is a: ciiicic:t :o|cct ua:agc: io: souc cxtc:t.
O |c |as a: ciiicic:c, oi oo. oi t|c :o|cct.

what does the oase tell you about what
it is like to be a projeot manager?
O !:o|cct \a:agc: !:oviccs Di:cctio:, oo:ci:atio: a:c
l:tcg:atio: to t|c !:o|cct Icau
O olvc out t|c :o|lcus a:c ci:cct t|c tcau ucu|c:s io: t|c
O Discuss wit| t|c tcau ucu|c:s w|c: cvc: got a: issuc a:c gct
t|ci: iccas too
O lcci:g !:o|cct status uccti:gs, suall ciscussio:s to coo:ci:atc
a:c i:g:atc

O :ga:izatio: !la::i:g
O G:cat :clatio:s|i wit| i:civicuals a:c :ga:izatio:al t:uctu:c
O l:ic:cl, :clatio:s|i wit| ot|c: ua:agc:s, tcau ucu|c:s a:c
O oo:ci:atcs |c: |oss a:c ucatcs cvc:, t|i:g to |c: |oss
O As a gooc lcacc: :o|cct ua:agc: uust |c a|lc to :ovicc
co:vi:ci:g :cso:scs to t|c iccas a:c suggcstio:s a:c gai: t|c
suo:t i:ou t|c sta|c|olcc:s.
O :cqucst o|: to i:vcstigatc t|c :o|lcu iuucciatcl,.
O s|c ccciccs to gct cquiuc:ts io: t|c :o|cct t|:oug| cx:css
cclivc:, quitc ca:lic: t|a: t|c, la::cc.

O :c gooc cxaulc is w|c:c kac|cl goi:g a:c tal|i:g to
t|c u:c|asi:g agc:t assig:cc to |c: :o|cct, o: gctti:g
:cccssa:, cquiuc:ts to t|c :o|cct sitc ca:lic: t|a:
O Also w|c:c s|c wal|s cow: to t|c ua:|cti:g ua:agc:s
oiiicc to cla:ii, o: t|c :o|lcu t|c, cauc u wit|.

IlAl Yu::::::::::

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