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U. K. Roy
Role of JavaScript
 Purpose → tell the browser how a document should
 Static → can view or print (no interaction)
 JavaScript Programming Language
 Developed by Netscape for use in Navigator Web
 Purpose → make web pages (documents) more
dynamic and interactive
 Change contents of document, provide forms and controls,
animation, control web browser window, etc.

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 2

JavaScript Flavors
 JavaScript
 Originally called LiveScript when introduced in
Netscape Navigator
 In Navigator 2.0, name changed to JavaScript
 Current version 1.5
 JScript
 MS version of JavaScript
 Current version 5.5

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 3

JavaScript Standard
 ECMAScript
 International, standardized version (Edition 3)
 Both versions (JavaScript and JScript) conform to
the standard
 Although both have proprietary extensions

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 4

JavaScript Language
 JavaScript
 Two formats:
 Client-side
 Program runs on client (web browser)
 Can save roundtrips between client and server
 Server-side
 Program runs on server
 Proprietary to web server platform

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 5

Client Side JavaScript
 Overview
 Scripting Languages
 Interpreted--not compiled

 Interpreter uses a scripting engine

 Converts code to executable format each time it runs
 Converted when browser loads web document
 Object Based
 Limitations
 Can not access File System
 Can not do Networking

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 6

First JavaScript Program
 The <script> Tag
 JavaScript programs are run from within an HTML
 <script> and </script>
 Used to notify the browser that JavaScript statements
are contained within

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 7

First JavaScript Program
 The <script> Tag
 language attribute
 Denotes the scripting language being used
 Default → JavaScript
 Other languages (e.g., VBScript) may be used
 Can also specify script language version
 No space between name and version
 Checked by browser, scripts ignored if browser doesn’t
support version
 For ECMAScript compatible browsers, omit version

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 8

First JavaScript Program
<title>My first JavaScript program</title>
<script language = "JavaScript"> Java Script Start Tag
document.writeln("Hello world!");

Java Script End Tag

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 9

JavaScript Program
 Two ways to create
 Incorporated directly into an HTML file
 Use <script> tag
 Placed in an external (source) file
 Use .js file containing only JavaScript statements
 Use src attribute of <script> tag to specify source of
JavaScript statements
 Browser ignores any JavaScript statements between <script>
and </script> tags

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 10

JavaScript Program
 Example:
<script language=“JavaScript” src=“c:\source.js”>
 Using JavaScript source files
 Makes HTML document neater (less confusing)
 Can be shared among multiple HTML files
 Hides JavaScript code from incompatible browsers
 Use a combination of embedded and non–
embedded code for finer granularity

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 11

Adding Comments
 Two types
 Line comments
 // ignore all text to the end of the line
 Block comments
 /* ignore all text between these symbols */

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 12

Browser Incompatibility
 Two methods
 Place JavaScript in external source file
 Enclose the code within HTML comments

<!-- beginning of HTML block comment

end of HTML block comments -->
 Alternate message display
 If browser doesn’t support JavaScript
 Use <noscript> & </noscript> to place alternate
message to users of incompatible browsers

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 13

Where to place?
 JavaScript can be put in the <head> or in the
<body> of an HTML document
 <head> section rendered before <body> section
 JavaScript functions should be defined in the
 This ensures that the function is loaded before
it is needed
 JavaScript in the <body> will be executed as the
page loads

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 14

JavaScript Elements
 Variables

 Literals

 Operators

 Control Structures
 Array

 Functions

 Objects

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 Untyped
 Undefined, if not given a value
 Can be declared with var keyword:
var variable = value;
 Example:

var sum; //undefined

var animal = “cat”;
var found = false;
var month = “April”;
var sum = 0;
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 16
Variables (Cont.)
 Can be created automatically by assigning a
variable = value;
 Example:
x = 1;
lang = “JavaScript";
 Can use typeof to discover a variable’s type
var pi = 3.1.41;
var greeting = “Hello World!”;
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 17
 The typeof prefix operator returns a string
identifying the type of a value.

type typeof
object 'object'
function 'function'
array 'object'
number 'number'
string 'string'
boolean 'boolean'
null 'object'
undefined 'undefined'
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 18
Variables (Cont.)
 Using var to declare a variable results in a
local variable (inside a function).

 If you don't use var – the variable is a global


©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 19

 The typical bunch:
 Numbers 17 123.45
 Strings "Hello Dave"
 Boolean: true false
 Arrays: [1,"Hi Dave",17.234]

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 20

 Arithmetic operators
 +, -, *, /, %, ++. --,
 String operators:
 +
 Relation operator:
 ==, >, >=, <, <=, !=
 Logical operators:
 &&, ||, !
 Bitwise operators:
 &, |, ^, ~, <<, >>, >>>
 Assignment operators:
 +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, <<=, >>=, >>>=, &=, |=, ^=

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 21

Control Structure
 if;if/else
 switch/case

 for-loop
 break, continue
 for/in
 do/while; while

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 22

 JavaScript has array literals, written with brackets and
 Example: color = ["red", "yellow", "green", "blue"];
 var a = [1, 5, 7, 2];
 Arrays are zero-based: color[0] is "red"
 “empty” element
 Example: color = ["red", , , "green", "blue"];
 color has 5 elements
 Element is undefined unless assigned
 However, a single comma at the end is ignored
 Example: color = ["red", , , "green", "blue”,]; still has 5
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 24
Array Example
var a = [1, 3, 5, 7];
var sum = 0;
for(i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
sum += a[i];

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Ways to create Arrays
 Using array literal:
var colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
 Using new Array() to create an empty array:
 var colors = new Array();
 add elements to the array later:
colors[2] = "blue";
• color[0] and color[1] are added automatically
• Using new Array(n) with a single numeric argument to
create an array of that size
 var colors = new Array(3);
 Using new Array(…) with two or more arguments to
create an array containing those values:
 var cars = new Array(“Maruti",“Tata", “Ford");

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 26

Array methods
 length returns number of elements of an array
 reverse reverses array elements
 concat joins two or more arrays
 sort sorts the elements of an array
 push appends one or more element at the end
 pop removes and returns last element
 shift removes and returns first element
 unshift adds one or more element at the beginning

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 27

 The keyword function used to define a
function (subroutine):
function add(x,y) {
 The Function( ) constructor
 var f = new Function(“x”, “y”, “return x*y”)
 The constructor expects a number of strings last of
which is the function body

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 29

Functions as data
function square(x) {return x*x;}
 One can store it in a variable.
b = square; c = b(5);
 Functions can be assigned to array elements.
a = new Array(10);
a[0] = square; a[1] = 20;
a[2] = a[0](a[1]);

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Function Literals
 Function literals
var fun = function(x) {return x*x;}
a[0] = function(y) {return y+y;}
 Function constructors and literals give rise to
anonymous functions.
 Examples:
var y = (function f(x) {return x*x;})(10);

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Inner Functions
 Functions do not all have to be defined at the
top level (or left edge).
 Functions can be defined inside of other
 Scope
 An inner function has access to the variables and
parameters of functions that it is contained within.
 This is known as Static Scoping or Lexical Scoping.

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 32

Inner Functions
 Functions do not all have to be defined at the top level (or left
 Functions can be defined inside of other functions.
 Scope
 An inner function has access to the variables and parameters of
functions that it is contained within.
 This is known as Static Scoping or Lexical Scoping.

 Closure
 The scope that an inner function enjoys continues even after the
parent functions have returned.
 This is called closure.

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 33

Example of Inner Function
 function fade(id) {
 var dom = document.getElementById(id),
 level = 1;
 function step () {
 var h = level.toString(16);
 dom.style.color =
 '#FF' + h + h + h + h;
 if (level < 15) {
 level += 1;
 setTimeout(step, 100);
 }
 else {
 level=1;
 setTimeout(step, 100);
 }
 }
 setTimeout(step, 100);
 }

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 Creating empty objects
var o = new Object();
 Using object literal
var point = {x:0, y:0};
var circle = {x:0, y:0, radius:10};
 Enumeration of properties using for/in
for(i in point)

for(i in circle)
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 36
Adding new properties

var center = new Object();

center.x = 0;
center.y = 0;
for(i in center)
center.x = 2;
for(i in center)

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 37

var book=new Object();

book.title = "Java script Book";

book.chapter1 = new Object();

book.chapter1.title = "Introduction";
book.chapter1.pages = 25;

book.chapter2 = {title:"Basics", pages:10};

alert("Outline: " + book.title + "\n\t" +

"Chapter 1 " + book.chapter1.title +"\n\t"
+ "Chapter 2 " + book.chapter2.title);

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 38

 It is a function which is invoked through new operator.
function Circle(x, y, r) {
this.x_coord = x;
this.y_coord = y;
this.radius = r;
var c = new Circle(1, 2, 3);
 It is passed a reference to a newly created empty object as the value
of a special “this” keyword.
 It is an initializer
 Constructors typically do not have a return value.

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Adding new methods

 Define new functions

 These functions typically operate on “this” object.
 Associate the functions as a method in an
 In the constructor of an object, make these
 Such a technique of defining method is space

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 40


function ComputeArea() {
return (3.14159 * this.radius* this.radius);
function Circle(x, y, r) {
this.x_coord = x; this.y_coord = y; this.radius = r;
this.ComputeArea = ComputeArea;
var c = new Circle(1, 2, 3);
alert("Area of the circle = " + c.ComputeArea() );

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 41

Setting properties
 Properties and methods can be added in object
function computeArea() {
return 3.141*this.radius*this.radius;
function Circle(x, y, r) {
this.x = x; this.y = y; this.radius = r;
this.computeArea = computeArea;
c = new Circle(2, 3, 10); d = new Circle(4, 5, 6);
c.color = “red”;
document.writeln(c.color); //OK
document.writeln(d.color); //error

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 42

Setting methods

 Example
function computePerimeter() {
return 2*3.141*this.radius;
c = new Circle(2, 3, 10); d = new Circle(4, 5, 6);
d.computePerimeter = computerPerimeter;
document.writeln(d.computerPerimeter()); //OK
document.writeln(c.computerPerimeter()); //error

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 43

Prototype Object
 Example
 A constructor function contains a prototype
 Each object initialized by one constructor
inherits/shares the same prototype object.
function ComputeArea()
return (this.PI * this.radius* this.radius);
Circle.prototype.PI = 3.14159;
Circle.prototype.ComputeArea = ComputeArea;
Circle.prototype.ComputePerimeter = ComputePerimeter;
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 44

 Prototype properties cannot be written by an

 Methods may be set to the properties of the
 Prototype is also an object and so, it inherits
prototype object of the “object” class by default.

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 45

function Company() {
this.name = "Hardware";

function Sales(t) {
this.territory = t;
Sales.prototype = new Company();

c = new Company();
s = new Sales("India");

document.writeln(c.name+" "+s.name+" "+s.territory);

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 46

The Object

 Properties
 constructor
 Methods
 toString
 valueOf
 Objects as associative arrays
 obj.property
 obj[“property”]

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 47

Associative Array Example

circle = new Object();

circle["x"] = 2;
circle.y = 3;
circle["radius"] = 4;
"+circle["y"]+" "+circle["radius"]);

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 48


db = new Array();
db["abc"] = "abc123";
db["xyz"] = "xyz123";
db["user1"] = "user1";
for(i in db)
document.writeln(i+" "+db[i]+"<br>");
passwdgiven = prompt("password","");
if(db[username] == passwdgiven)
else alert('error');
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 49

db = new Array();
db["abc"] = "abc123";
db["xyz"] = "xyz123";
db["user1"] = "user1";
for(i in db)
document.writeln(i+" "+db[i]+"<br>");
passwdgiven = prompt("password","");
if(db[username] == passwdgiven)
else alert('error');
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 50

neighbors = new Object();

neighbors[3] = true;
neighbors[80] = true;
neighbors[4] = true;
if(neighbors[2] == true)
alert('not a neighbor');

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 51


neighbors = new Object();

neighbors[3] = true;
neighbors[80] = true;
neighbors[4] = true;
if(neighbors[2] == true)
alert('not a neighbor');

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 52


colors[“black”] = “#000000”
colors[“red”] = “#FF0000”
colors[“green”] = “#00FF00”
colors[“blue”] = “#0000FF”
colors[“magenta”] = “#FF00FF”
colors[“yellow”] = “#FFFF00”
colors[“cyan” = “#00FFFF”
colors[“white”] = “#000000”
for(t in colors)
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 53
Built-in Objects

 Array
 Methods: length, reverse, concat, sort, push, pop
 String
 Methods: charAt, length, indexOf, substr
 Date
 Methods: get/set Day, Month, Year, Hours, Minutes,

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 54

Regular expression

 A pattern user for

 Validation
 Search & Replace
Regular Description

\d Matches any digits- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

\w Matches and letter (either case), number or
\s Matches any of the white space characters such as
space, tab and new line

. Matches any character except a new line

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 56
Regular expression

Regular Description

{x} Matches x occurrences of pattern

{x, y} Matches at least x but not more than y occurrences of
the pattern
{x,} Matches at least x occurrences of pattern with no upper

? Matches none or one occurrence of the pattern

+ Matches one or more occurrence of the pattern
* Matches none or more occurrence of the pattern

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 57

Regular expression

Regular Description

/^ Start of string or line

$/ End of string or line

\<special Matches a special character such as new line (\n), tab

character> (\t) or a character that is a part of the syntax (e.g. {)

\i Case insensitive

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 58

Regular expression

Description Regular Expression

Floating point number /^\d*\.?\d+$/

Integer /^\d+$/
Date /^\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}$/

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 59


function isNumber(str) {
isprice = /^\d*\.?\d+$/;
return isprice.test( str );

function isDate(str) {
isdate = /^\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}$/;
return isdate.test( str );
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 60
Predefined Objects
 JavaScript also includes some objects that are
automatically created for you (always
 navigator
 window
 document
 screen

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JavaScript Object Hierarchy

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Accessing objects
 JavaScripts objects are accessed as:
 parent.childName
 parent.[“childName”]
 parent.[indexOfChild]
 getElementById(elementId)

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 63


<form name="myform">
<input name="aTextBox" type="text">
<script language="javascript">
function set() {
myform.aTextBox.size = 10;
myform.aTextBox.value = 'Some Text';

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 64

<form name="myform">
<input name="aButton" type="button" value="ClickMe">
<script language="javascript">
function display() {
document.writeln('value ='+myform.aButton.value+'<br>');
document.writeln('name = '+myform.aButton.name+'<br>') ;
document.writeln('value = '+myform[0].value+'<br>');
document.writeln('value = '+myform["aButton"].value);

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 65

JavaScript Events
 JavaScript supports an event handling system.
 You can tell the browser to execute javascript
commands when some event occurs.
 Sometimes the resulting value of the command
determines the browser action.

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Events example
 load
 Happens when an object (document) is loaded

 focus
 Happens when an object becomes active

 blur
 Happens when focus is lost

 click
 Happens when an object (such as button, checkbox, reset, submit,
hyperlink) is clicked
 mouseOver
 Happens when mouse pointer is placed on an object

 mouseOut
 Happens when mouse pointer is removed

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 67

Events example
 change
 An element lost the focus when it was changed
 reset
 Happens when an object (usually a form) is reset
 submit
 User submitted an object (usually a form)
 select
 Some text is selected
 abort
 User action caused an error
 Error
 An error occurred
 unload
 Object was exited
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 68
Events Handlers
 Event handlers are created as follows:
onEvent = "Code to handle the event"
 ‘onLoad’ event Example
<script language = "JavaScript">
function inform() {
alert('You are using
<body onLoad="inform()">

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 69

Events Handlers
 ‘onClick’ event Example

<script language = "JavaScript">

function handler() {
alert('I said not to click me');
<input type="button" value="Don't click me"

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 70

Events Handlers
 ‘onMouseOver’ and ‘onMouseOut’ events Example

<script language = "JavaScript">

function handCursor(o) {
function normalCursor(o) {
<a onMouseOver="handCursor(this)"
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 71
Events Handlers
 ‘onClick’ event Example
<script language = "JavaScript">
function multiply() {
with(document.multiplication) {
result.value=x.value * y.value;

<form name="multiplication">
<input type="text" name="x" size="5">x
<input type="text" name="y" size="5">=
<input type="text" name="result"
<input type="button" value="Add"
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 72
Events Handlers
 ‘onSubmit’ event Example
<script language="javascript">
function check() {
return confirm("Do you agree to display
non-secure item?");

<form name="myform" action="eventHandling.htm"

onSubmit="return check()">
<input name="aButton" type="submit"

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 73

Window Object
 Properties

name name of the window

opener object caused to open this window
document document currently being displayed
frames[] list of windows opened from this window
location location object that represents current URL
status status bar
parent parent window of the current window
self the current window
top top window in a list of framed windows

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Window Object Properties (Contd.)
 Properties

closed A Boolean value that indicates whether the window is

history list of URLs that the current window has loaded
screen screen object

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Window Object Methods
 focus(), blur()
 alert(), prompt(), confirm()
 setTimeOut(), clearTimeOut()
 setInterval(), clearInterval()
 moveBy(), moveTo()
 resizeBy(), resizeTo()
 open(), close()

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Window Object Methods
 focus()

This function will give the focus to the window


 blur()
- This function will take the focus away from the


©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 77

Dialog Examples
 alert("message")
- The string passed to the alert function is displayed in an alert
dialog box.

alert("This is a test");
 Prompt
n = prompt(“Enter your name”, “”);
 Confirm
msg="Do you want to continue?"
document.writeln("<h1> Proceed </h1>");
document.writeln("<h1> Stop </h1>");

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 78

setTimeout() & clearTimeout()
 setTimeout(code, timeout)
- Used to call a function after the specified time in milliseconds.

<script language="javascript">
function check() {
<body onLoad=“timeId=setTimeout('check()',50000)">

 clearTimeout(timeID)
 - Remove a timeout that was set using the setTimeout function.

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 79

setInterval() & clearInterval()
 Sometimes want something to occur periodically.
 setInterval(code_string, interval)
- Causes code_string to be called periodically
- code_string—typically a function but can be any legal JavaScript
- Interval—specified in milliseconds.
<script language="javascript">
function showTime(){
status = new Date();
<body onLoad=“timeID=setInterval(‘showTime()',1000);">
 clearInterval(timeID)
- Removes a repetitive timeout that was set up using the setInterval
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 80
setInterval()— another example
<body onLoad="setInterval('check()',100)">
<script language="javascript">
function check() {
with(document.login) {
if(userId.value != "" && passwd.value != "")
if(userId.value == "" || passwd.value == "")

<form name="login">
User Id<input type="text" name="userId"><br>
Password<input type="text" name="passwd"><br>
<input type="button" name="submit" value="Submit"
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 81
moveBy() & moveTo()
 moveBy(x,y)
- The window is moved the specified number of pixels
in the X and Y direction.
 moveTo(x,y)
- The window is moved to the specified X and Y pixel
location in the browser.

<input type="button"
<input type="button"
onClick="moveTo(0,0)" value="MoveTo">
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 82
 Causes to open a new (child) window
 Options
 width, height, top, left, resizable, menubar, scrollbar,
toolbar, location, status

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<script language = "JavaScript">
function showReport() {

<form name="addition">
<input type="button" value="Report"
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 84
Multiple windows & frames
 Frame within a window is another window
 Relationship between multiple frames:
 Use of frames[ ], parent, top properties.
 Example: frames[1].frames[2], parent.frames[1],
 For a top-level window, parent is equal to self.

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 85

Multiple windows & frames
 Each window and frame defines an
independent execution context.
 Script in one frame can use variables and
functions defined in script of another frame.
 Example
 parent.frames[0].i = 4;
 parent.frames[0].f( )

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 86

Multiple windows example
 <!– multipleWindows.htm-->

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The location object
 Properties
 href entire URL
 protocol URL protocol name including ‘:’
 hostname URL host section
 host URL hostname and port
 port URL port section
 pathname URL pathname section
 search URL query string section
 Methods
 reload() current window document is reloaded
 replace(URL) not placed in history object

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 88

Location example
<!—location1.jsp -->
<script language="javascript">
function logout() {
if(confirm("Are you sure to
<input type="button" value="Logout"
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 89
The history object
 Properties
 current - The current document URL.
 length - The number of entries in the history object.
 next - The URL of the next document in the history object.
 previous - The URL of the last document in the history object
 Methods
 back() - Go to the previous URL entry in the history list
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Go Back"
 forward() - Go to the next URL entry in the history list
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Go Forward"
 go(relPos | string)
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Go Back"

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 90

Document Object
 document object implements DOM
 Documentinterface
 HTMLDocument interface

 But it also supports methods and properties not

part of the DOM specification.
 While not standardized, widely supported by
JavaScript implementations in most browsers.

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 91

Document Object
 Predefined object: document
 document properties
 alinkColor,
 vlinkColor,
 bgColor,
 fgColor,
 linkColor,
 title,
 URL,
 forms[],
 images[],
 anchors[]
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 92
write() and writeln()
 Helpful for generating portions of the document
 Inserts text as part of the document as it is being
 Writing can be done only from within <Script> tags.
 Writing the document from an event handler
overwrites the current document instead of appending
to it.
 This is often a lot easier than creating DOM nodes and
manipulating DOM tree.
 But, it only works during the initial parse.
 If you need to insert, rearrange, and otherwise modify
content after the page is loaded, you need the DOM
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 93
The Document Object Model
A standard to describes the structure and style
of documents (HTML, XML and others)
 Standardized by W3C

 programmers can build documents, navigate

their structure, and add, modify, or delete
elements and content
 Platform and Language neutral—designed to
interact with many programming languages.

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 94

The Document Object Model
 Itviews HTML documents as a family tree-like
structure of elements and text, embedded
within other elements
 Elements (almost every), the text they contain
and their attributes can be referenced by
walking through the DOM tree
 New elements can be created, contents can be
modified and deleted on the fly

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 95

The Document Object Model
 Each object is a Node

<P>This is a paragraph</P>
<P> element node (parent)
This is a paragraph text node (child)

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 96

<P>This is a <B>paragraph</B></P>

| |
This is a <B>

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 97

Attribute Node
<P ALIGN="right">This is a <B>paragraph</B></P>

<P> ----------------
____|___ |
This is a <B> |
| right

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 98

The entire document
<P ALIGN="right">This is a
| |
| |
<P> ---------------- My home page
_____|____ |
This is a <B> |
| right
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 99
Another example
 <p title="The test paragraph">This is a sample of some <b>HTML you
might<br>have</b> in your document</p>
| |
childNodes attributes
________|_______________ |
| | | title = 'The test paragraph'
'This is a sample of some' b 'in your document'
| | |
'HTML you might' br 'have'

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 100

Walking through the DOM tree
 Suppose x points to <P>
x.parentNode //<BODY>
x.childNodes[1]/x.childNodes.item(1) //<B>
document.firstChild.firstChild.lastChild //<B>
document.firstChild.childNodes[0].lastChild //<B>

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 101

Special Elements
document.documentElement //<HTML>
document.body //<BODY element>

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 102

Node properties
 nodeName
 tagName
 nodeType
 1an element
 2an attribute
 1a text
 nodeValue
 null for element node
 text for text node
 value of attribute for attribute node
 attributes
 childNodes
 parentNode

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 103

Node methods
 hasChildNodes()

 appendChild()

 insertBefore(newChild, refChild)
 removeChild(oldChild)

 removeNode(boolean removeChildren)
 replaceChild(newChild, refChild)

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 104

Referring text nodes
 Reading node value
 Setting node value
 theParagraph.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue
=‘bold bit of text’;

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 105

Getting an element
 getElementsByTagName(tagName)
 Returns array of all tags
var x = getElementByTagName(‘B’)[0]
var x = getElementByTagName(‘P’)[0].lastChild

 getElementsById(Id)
<P ALIGN="right">This is a <B
var x = document.getElementById(‘par');
ue='bold bit of text';

//see example1.htm
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 106
Referring Attributes
 Getting all attributes
 x.attributes

for(i=0;i<x.attributes.length;i++) {
y = x.attributes[i].nodeValue
 Getting a specific attribute
if(!x.getAttribute(‘align’)) {
//if exists
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 107
Referring Attributes
 Setting a specific attribute


 Removing an attribute

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 108

Creating nodes
 document.createElement()
var par = document.createElement('p');

 document.createTextNode(text)
var textNode = document.createTextNode('Some

 createAttribute("attributeName")

 cloneChild(node)

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 109

Adding Inserting nodes

insertBefore(newElement, targetElement)

insertAfter(newElement, targetElement)

replaceChild(newChildNode, oldChildNode)

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 110

Creating nodes example
var theNewParagraph = document.createElement('p');
var theBoldBit = document.createElement('b');

var theText1 = document.createTextNode('This is a');

var theText2 = document.createTextNode(' paragraph');




©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 111

Deleting nodes

x = document.getElementsByTagName('p')[0];

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 112

 Any element in the body of a html page is
represented by an object of HTMLElement
 This class is the base of many other classes
such as: Input, Anchor, Document, Form,
Image etc.
 Classes derived from Input class include
CheckBox, Button.

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 113

| |
Document Element
| |
HTMLDocument HTMLElement

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 114

 An HTMLElement is accessed as:
 d.images[i]

 d.anchors[i]

 d.forms[i]

 d.forms[i].elements [j]
 d.elementName

 d.formName.elementName

 d.all[i]

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 115

HTMLElement:Properties, Methods
 IE properties:
 all[ ], children[ ], className, document, id,
innerHTML, innerText, offsetHeight, offsetLeft,
outerText, outerHTML, sourceIndex, style,
 IE methods
 contains(target), getAttribute(AttribName),
insertAdjacent HTML, insertAdjacentText()

©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 116

Changing Content

 Each HTMLElement has a number of properties

 innerText, innerHTML, outerText, outerHTML
 Example
<DIV style = "font-style:italic">
<P Id = par1 STYLE = "font-style:normal">
A fairly short paragraph </p>
<SCRIPT> var d = document.all.par1 </SCRIPT>
<Input = button value= "Change InnerText"
onClick = "d.innerText = 'How are <B> you</B>'">
<Input = button value= "Change InnerHTML"
onClick = "d.innerHTML = 'How are <B> you</B>'">
</form> </DIV>
©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 117
Inserting Content
 Two methods of each element
 insertAdjacentText(where, text)
 insertAdjacentHTML (where, text)

value of where: BeforeBegin, AfterBegin, BeforeEnd,


©U.K.R., 2008 JavaScript 118

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