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Latifa Jafari Mariam Osadze

Immigration trends in France in 20 century

Immigration originated from within Europe (Belgian, Italian, Spanish, polish) and Africa (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia and western and central Africa)

Economic and labor reasons

During the world wars: immigrants were required to sustain the French war effort After world war: social and demographic reasons

The former French farmers in 1950 and 1960

The former settlers (Algeria and African immigrants) Foreign workers

Racial discrimination and segregation

police reaction: (identity controls) unemployment rates, problems to finding the jobs discrimination in employment sector

Confrontation of cultures

Second generation and identifying problems

Obstacles of Assimilation process

Definition Housing in France (HLM, Subsidized Housing ) History Legal framework for housing CECODHAS Current situation Toulouse

The public housing is form of housing tenure where the property is owned by government authority. A key function of social housing is to provide an accommodation that is affordable to people on low incomes. In some countries qualifying families may own a social housing property rather than renting it

is the main social program, designed to provide the housing to people with low salary.

Habitations logement modr or HLM

19th century, for factory workers

World War II
New construction plan (villes nouvelles) HLM (low-rent housing)

There are specific criteria The people who have not high salary rent the houses provided by the government for low price They are for everyone no origins is regarded For employed or non-employed Etc. Over 4 million units about 41% of rental accommodation

Built by private sector

When you get helped to pay the rent Determined by salary

You pay about 30% of your monthly income

General principle :the right to housing and freedom of choice

The Code du commerce (commercial code) as a corporation; The September 10, 1947 Act on the status of cooperatives; HLM legislation and regulations: construction and housing code; Federal code of ethics

Established in 1988 European level In membership 45 regional and national federations over 21 million homes across the European Union For everyone working-group is in France Sustainable urban WG, chaired by Georges Bullion (USH - Union Sociale pour l'Habitat,)

The buildings showing their age

produce more, produce better and produce everywhere

Creation of suburban ghettos High unemployment Racial discrimination

is a cabinet member in the Government of France The current position is linked to the Minister of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing and the position is held by JeanLouis Borloo.

social housing program InToulouse manages over 15,000 homes or 30% of social housing stock in the Toulouse area.

Wikipedia INFORMATION AND CONSULTATION IN THE FIELDOF SOCIAL HOUSING IN FRANCE by Philippe Gustin and Clarisse Dubois EN_Cooperatives d'habitation en France Neglected neighbourhoods create new Paris underclass A report by UN Habitat http://libcom.org/history/what-happened-after-paris-suburb-riots-2005 http://focus-migration.hwwi.de/France.1231.0.html?&L=1 http://homepages.uel.ac.uk/u0106050/FrenchImmigrationHistory.htm http://www.citymayors.com/society/paris_immigrants.html

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