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Je-eareI JaradIgm-
Zn[r +nin
Man com|ng to gr|ps w|th h|s env|ronment and to understand the nature
through exper|ence reason|ng and research
1 xPklNc{5ubsume o number of sources of informotion)
ersonal experlence |e body of know|edge and sk|||s der|ved from
encounters and acqua|ntance w|th facts and events |n h|s env|ronment
Lxperlence of oLhers
Sources beyond lmmedlaLe clrcle le auLhorlLaLlve sources
LxL8lLnCL Au1PC8l1? are r|ch|y fert||e sources of hypotheses but they
are common sense know|ng often based on haphazard events and use
|oose uncr|t|ca| manner and hence not sc|ent|f|c
8ackground Contd
Deduct|ve (Ar|stot|e) Irom who|e to part
Induct|ve (Iranc|s 8acon) Irom number of observat|ons
J k54kcn
Systemat|c contro||ed emp|r|ca| cr|t|ca| |nvest|gat|on of hypothet|ca|
propos|t|ons about the presumed re|at|ons among natura| phenomena Ie
Systemat|c contro||ed
8esearch ls a comblnaLlon of boLh experlence reasonlng and musL be
regarded as Lhe mosL successful approach Lo Lhe dlscovery of LruLh
(parLlcularly ln naLural sclences)

What's the D|fference 8etween

"Method" and "Methodo|ogy"?
-1echnlques for gaLherlng
-1he varlous ways of
proceedlng ln gaLherlng
- 1he underlylng Lheory and
analysls of how research does
or should proceed ofLen
lnfluenced by dlsclpllne
(Sandra Pardlng)
kesearch 1erm|no|ogy
W 'kesearch methodo|ogy
1he sLudy of research meLhods
'kesearch techn|que
A speclflc means approach or LoolandlLsuse whereby
daLa ls gaLhered and analysed and lnferences are drawn
W 'kesearch method
1he manner ln whlch a parLlcular pro[ecL ls underLaken
lL comprlses one or more research Lechnlques

Def|n|t|on of key terms used

- 8esearch can be deflned as an orlglnal lnvesLlgaLlon
underLaken ln order Lo galn new knowledge and
- 8esearch process can be descrlbed as a sysLemaLlc and organlsed
efforL Lo lnvesLlgaLe a speclflc problem LhaL needs a soluLlon
or an answer
- 8esearch meLhods refers Lo Lhe ways ln whlch research sLudles are
deslgned and Lhe procedures by whlch daLa are analysed
- 8esearch skllls are Lhe ablllLles of an lnvesLlgaLor Lhrough
acqulrlng knowledge and a way of Lhlnklng" Lo carefully
deflne a problem of lnLeresL ldenLlfylng key varlables
seeklng ouL relevanL lnformaLlon and sub[ecLlng proposed
soluLlon Lo rlgorous LesLlng

What |s kesearch?
What are the uses of research?
What are the types of research"
What |s kesearch?
W kesearch ls an acLlve dlllgenL and sysLemaLlc process of
lnqulry ln order Lo dlscover lnLerpreL or revlse facts evenLs
behavlors or theor|es or Lo make pracLlcal appllcaLlons wlLh
Lhe help of such facts laws or theor|es 1he Lerm teseotcb ls
also used Lo descrlbe a collecLlon of |nformat|on abouL a
parLlcular sub[ecL
1he word teseotcb derlves from Lhe ,lddle lrench and Lhe
llLeral meanlng ls Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhoroughly

Cther 1ypes of kesearch

- uescrlpLlve focus on descrlblng relaLlonshlps
- LxplanaLory used as a flrsL sLep
- 1heory LesLlng / bulldlng LesL valldlLy of a Lheory
- ComparaLlve search for slmllarlLles / dlfferences
- LonglLudlnal over a looq perlod of Llme
- AcLlon research facL flndlng Anu lmprovemenL
- arLlclpaLory researcher ls a parLlclpanL
8as|c kesearch
W 8as|c (oJomeotol or pte) research ls drlven by a sclenLlsL's
curloslLy or lnLeresL ln sclenLlflc quesLlon
W 1he maln moLlvaLlon ls Lo expooJ moos koowleJqe noL Lo
creaLe or lnvenL someLhlng
W 1here ls no obvlous commerclal value Lo Lhe dlscoverles LhaL
resulL from baslc research
W lor example baslc sclence lnvesLlgaLlons probe for answers Lo
quesLlons such as
Pow dld Lhe unlverse begln"
JhaL are proLons neuLrons and elecLrons composed of"
JhaL ls Lhe speclflc geneLlc code of a human"
App||ed kesearch
W App||ed research ls deslgned Lo solve ptoctlcol ptoblems of
Lhe modern world raLher Lhan Lo acqulre knowledge for
knowledge's sake
W Cne mlghL say LhaL Lhe goal of Lhe applled sclenLlsL ls Lo
lmptove tbe bmoo cooJltloo
W lor example applled researchers may lnvesLlgaLe ways Lo
lmprove agrlculLural crop producLlon
1reaL or cure a speclflc dlsease
lmprove Lhe energy efflclency of homes offlces or modes
of LransporL
D|st|nct|on 8etween 8as|c
App||ed kesearch
W 1he dlsLlncLlon beLween baslc and applled research lsn'L
always clear
W Cne way Lo look aL lL ls Lo ask Lhe followlng quesLlon #ow
looq wlll lt be beote some ptoctlcol oppllcotloo teslts tom
tbe teseotcb?
lf a pracLlcal use ls only a few years away Lhen Lhe work can be
deflned as sLrlcLly app||ed research
lf a pracLlcal use ls sLlll 2030 years away Lhen Lhe work ls somewhaL
applled and somewhaL baslc ln naLure
lf a pracLlcal use cannot be env|s|oned ln Lhe foreseeable fuLure Lhen
Lhe work can be descrlbed as purely bas|c research
kesearch methods
W 1he scope of Lhe research process ls Lo produce some new
knowledge 1hls ln prlnclple can Lake Lhree maln forms
W Lxp|oratory research a new problem can be sLrucLured
and ldenLlfled
W Construct|ve research a (new) soluLlon Lo a problem can
be developed
W Lmp|r|ca| research emplrlcal evldence on Lhe feaslblllLy of
an exlsLlng soluLlon Lo a problem can be provlded
kesearch process
W enerally research ls undersLood Lo follow a cerLaln
sLrucLural process 1hough sLep order may vary dependlng
on Lhe sub[ecL maLLer and researcher Lhe followlng sLeps are
usually parL of mosL formal research boLh baslc and applled
lormaLlon of Lhe Loplc
W PypoLhesls
W ConcepLual deflnlLlon
W CperaLlonal deflnlLlon
W aLherlng of daLa
W Analysls of daLa
W Concluslon revlslng of hypoLhesls
D|scuss|on uest|ons
W JhaL Lype of research should be supporLed" aslc"
Applled" oLh"
W Jho should supporL research" overnmenL" lndusLry"
W Can our naLlon afford Lo spend huge sums of money on
research LhaL may have no pracLlcal beneflL"
W Should educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons concenLraLe on baslc
research or should Lhey be allowed Lo concenLraLe on
research programs LhaL mlghL be more proflLable ln Lhe
ua||t|es of Good kesearch
1 S?S1L,A1lCkeject the use of quessinq intuition but does
not ru/e out creotive thinkinq
2 CCn18CLLLuvoriob/es ore identified contro//ed wherever
3 LClCAL6uided by ru/es of /oqico/ reosoninq /oqico/
process of induction deduction
L,l8lCALProvides o bosis for externo/ vo/idity to resu/ts
3 8LLlCALLverified by rep/icotinq the study
SLLl CC88LC1lnui/t in mechonism open to pub/ic
scrutiny by fe//ow professiono/s
JhaL ls Lhe naLure of englneerlng
research" ls lL boslc or opplleJ research"
Def|n|ng kesearch
W kesearch |s def|ned as the systemat|c contro||ed emp|r|ca|
and cr|t|ca| |nvest|gat|on of hypothet|ca| propos|t|ons about
the presumed re|at|ons among natura| phenomenon
W 8esearch has three character|st|cs ln parLlcular whlch
dlsLlngulsh lL from experience and reosoninq Lhe oLher
forms of problemsolvlng
1he Search Ior 1ruth
W I|rst research |s systemat|c and contro||ed baslng lLs operaLlons on Lhe
lnducLlvededucLlve model A backandforLh movemenL ln whlch Lhe
lnvesLlgaLlon f|rst operates |nduct|ve|y from observat|ons to hypothes|s
and then deduct|ve|y from these hypothes|s to the|r |mp||cat|ons ln order
Lo check Lhelr valldlLy from Lhe sLandpolnL of compaLlblllLy wlLh accepLed
W Second research |s emp|r|ca| 1he sclenLlsL Lurns Lo experlence for
valldaLlon sub[ecLlve bellef musL be LesLed agalnsL ob[ecLlve reallLy
W And th|rd research |s se|f correct|ng noL only does sclenLlflc meLhod have
bullLln mechanlsms Lo proLecL sclenLlsLs from error as far as humanly
posslble buL also Lhelr procedures and resulLs are open Lo publlc scruLlny
by fellow professlonals
W 8esearch ls Lherefore a comblnaLlon of boLh experlence and reasonlng and
ls regarded as Lhe mosL successful approach Lo Lhe dlscovery of LruLh
parLlcularly as far as Lhe naLural sclences are concerned
Sc|ent|f|c Method
Chooslng Lhe
roblem and sLaLlng
1he hypoLhesls
Codlng and
analyzlng daLa
uaLa collecLlon
8esearch deslgn
na||marks of 'Sc|ent|f|c kesearch'
W purposlveness %olmeJ ot specllc teseotcb)
W rlgour
W LesLablllLy
W repllcablllLy
W preclslon and confldence
W ob[ecLlvlLy
W generallzablllLy
W parslmony (noL saylng more Lhan absoluLely necessary)
na||marks of Sc|ent|f|c kesearch
- urposlveness
8esearch begun wlLh a deflnlLe alm or purpose
- 8lgour
ood LheoreLlcal basls
Sound meLhodology
- ApproprlaLe sample daLa collecLlon meLhod eLc
- 1esLablllLy
PypoLhesls can be LesLed when daLa ls collecLed
uo daLa supporL Lhe con[ecLures
na||marks of Sc|ent|f|c kesearch (2)
- 8epllcablllLy
Can oLhers repllcaLe Lhe resulLs"
- reclslon and Confldence
Pow close are flndlngs based upon sample Lo
Pow confldenL (probablllLy measure) can we be LhaL
our esLlmaLlons are correcL
- Cb[ecLlvlLy
Concluslons based upon facLs raLher Lhan [usL guL
na||marks of Sc|ent|f|c kesearch
- enerallsablllLy
Scope of Lhe flndlngs
- arslmony
Lconomy ln research models
SlmpllclLy of explanaLlon
Iramework for kesearch Des|gn
W 1here are three quesLlons cenLral Lo Lhe
deslgn of a research
1 What know|edge c|a|ms are be|ng made by the
researcher {inc/udinq the theoretico/ perspective)?
2 What strateg|es of |nqu|ry w||| |nform the procedures?
3 What methods of data co||ect|on and ana|ys|s w||| be
1he research
A |one|y and d|ff|cu|t process!
A|ternat|ve know|edge C|a|ms
W SLaLlng a knowledge clalm means LhaL researchers sLarL a
pro[ecL wlLh cerLaln assumpLlons abouL how Lhey wlll
learn and whaL Lhey wlll learn durlng Lhelr lnqulry
W 1hese c|a|ms m|ght be ca||ed |nqu|ry parad|gms or
ph||osoph|ca| assumpt|ons
W 1he baslc bellefs LhaL deflne lnqulry paradlgms can be
summarlzed by responses glven by proponenLs of any
glven paradlgm Lo Lhree fundamenLal quesLlons whlch
are lnLerconnecLed ln such a way LhaL Lhe answer glven
Lo any one quesLlon Laken ln any order consLralns how
Lhe oLhers may be answered
kesearch Methodo|ogy
W Some of Lhe meLhodologles
Llbrary SLudles
lormal ,eLhod
roLoLype uevelopmenL
Conceptua| Iramework
W ,eLhodology Lo be used for a research
depends on lLs concepLual framework
W ConcepLual framework explalns relaLlonshlp
beLween varlous concepLs ln Lhe research
W lL ls developed based on Lhe LheoreLlcal
framework whlch ls developed from Lhe
llLeraLure revlew
Sc|ent|f|c Method
ScientiIic method is the method involves the concepts oI :
Objectivity - Acceptability - Inductive Reasoning - Deductive Reasoning
objectivity inductive reasoning
Indicates the
attempt to observe
things as they are,
without IalsiIying
observations to
accord with some
preconceived world
Acceptability is
judged in terms oI
the degree to
observations and
can be
acceptability deductive reasoning
Reasoning Irom
experiments to
more general
hypotheses and
Irom theories
to account Ior
Common Research Process
LlLeraLure revlew
uaLa analysls




%he Relationship between Problem statement Research Question, and Hypotheses
A Problem Statement is: a clear concise
description of the issues that need to be
created addressed and presented by
the researcher.
A Research Question is: a statement that
identiIies the phenomenon to be studied.
It must deIine the domain , the variables,
and its relationship
A hypotheses is: a speciIic statement oI
prediction. It describes in concrete (rather than
theoretical) terms what you expect will happen
in your study.
lead to Iormulate
research question/s
lead To Iormulate
kesearch uest|ons 1heoret|ca|
Mode|s and nypotheses
Lmplrlcal research normally sLarLs wlLh some o ptlotl tbeoty wblcb tbe teseotcbet Jevelops Lo Lry
Lo explaln and/or predlcL whaL happens ln Lhe real world 1he purpose of Lhe research ls Lo LesL Lhe
Lheory and posslbly reflne lL ln some cases research ls conducLed Lo develop Lheory (Lhe qtooJeJ
tbeoty opptoocb) bt tbls ls mcb botJet %ooJ mote tlsky) to Jo
8esearch CuesLlons
lnlLlally a research quesLlon ls formulaLed lor example
- ls programmlng language A more effecLlve Lhan programmlng language "
- JhaL are Lhe crlLlcal success facLors ln lmplemenLlng an L8 sysLem"
1heoreLlcal ,odels
1o be emplrlcally LesLed Lhe research quesLlon wlll need Lo be Lransformed lnLo a LheoreLlcal
model conslsLlng of LheoreLlcal consLrucLs (laLenL varlables) causal relaLlonshlps and measures
(observed varlables) 1he LheoreLlcal model ls generally developed based on analysls of Lhe
llLeraLure 1he LheoreLlcal model forms Lhe basls boLh for collecLlng and analyslng daLa and may be
modlfled as a resulL of Lhe research
A hypoLhesls deflnes an expecLed relaLlonshlp beLween varlables (based on causal relaLlonshlps ln
Lhe LheoreLlcal model) whlch can be emplrlcally LesLed
Why Do I Need to know About
D|fferent Methods?
W As a lulure pracl|l|orer.
To oe ao|e lo |rle|||gerl|y parl|c|pale |r researcr
projecls, eva|ual|ors, ard slud|es urderla|er oy your
W As ar educaled c|l|zer ...
To urderslard lre d|llererce oelWeer sc|erl|l|ca||y
acqu|red |roW|edge ard olrer ||rds ol |rlorral|or.
/ / // //. /// '/' // o /
:/// -/o//o
A|ternat|ve Mot|vat|ons for
- ure research
'ecause lL's Lhere'
ConLrlbuLe Lo absLracL LheoreLlcal
- App||ed research
'l have hammer so flnd a nall'
- Instrumenta||st research
'l have problem so flnd a soluLlon'
1ypes of research
W 1heoret|ca| or|entat|on
W lnvesLlgaLlon of fleld
W ldenLlfylng sLrengLhs weakness
W Acknowledglng areas for furLher developmenL and lnvesLlgaLlon
W usually lnvolves some Lype of llLeraLure search or revlew
W Deve|opment pro[ect
W SofLware sysLems
W Pardware sysLems
W rocess models
W ,eLhods and algorlLhms
W Lva|uat|on pro[ect
W Compare and conLrasLlng programmlng languages
W !udge dlfferenL user lnLerfaces
W Industrybased pro[ect
W llndlng a soluLlon LhaL beneflLs a real world problem
W rob|em so|v|ng
W 1he developmenL of a new Lechnlque
W lmprove exlsLlng pracLlce
1ypes of research
W 1heoret|ca|
W lnvesLlgaLlon of fleld
W ldenLlfylng sLrengLhs weakness
W Acknowledglng areas for furLher developmenL and lnvesLlgaLlon
W Descr|pt|ve
W 8evlewlng exlsLlng Lheorles
W uescrlblng Lhe sLaLeofLhearL
W 1esLlng exlsLlng Lheorles
W Lxp|oratory
W Seeklng new lnformaLlon
W ood for researchlng wlde areas
W LlLeraLure search quesLlonnalre
W Lxp|anatory
W Clarlfy phenomena
W ldenLlfy relaLlonshlp
W Causa|
W Assesslng effecLs of lndependenL varlables on dependenL ones
W rob|em so|v|ng
W ueveloplng/consLrucLlng
aslc research meLhods
W CuanLlLaLlve research (eg survey)
W CuallLaLlve research (eg faceLoface
lnLervlews focus groups slLe vlslLs)
W Case sLudles
W arLlclpaLory research
C|ass|f|cat|ons of kesearch
- CuanLlLaLlve
ueals wlLh numbers hard facLs" sLaLlsLlcs
vlew of an absoluLe" world (poslLlvlsm)
- CuallLaLlve
ueals wlLh sofL facLs" lnLervlews exploraLory and descrlpLlve
vlew of a relaLlve world (relaLlvlsm)
W CuanLlLaLlve research (Lhe word 'quanLlLaLlve' comes
from Lhe word 'quanLlLy') lnvolves lnformaLlon or
daLa ln Lhe form of numbers 1hls allows us Lo
measure or Lo quanLlfy a whole range of Lhlngs lor
example Lhe number of people who llve below Lhe
poverLy llne Lhe number of chlldren beLween
speclflc ages who aLLend school Lhe average
spendlng power ln a communlLy or Lhe number of
adulLs who have access Lo compuLers ln a vlllage or
W A common way of conducLlng quanLlLaLlve research
ls uslng a stvey Surveys usually lnvolve fllllng ln a
quesLlonnalre 1he usefulness of a survey ls LhaL Lhe
lnformaLlon you geL ls sLandardlzed because each
tespooJeot Lhe person who fllls ouL Lhe
quesLlonnalre ls answerlng Lhe exacL same
quesLlons Cnce you have enough responses Lo your
quesLlonnalre you can Lhen puL Lhe daLa LogeLher
and analyse lL ln a way LhaL answers your teseotcb
pestloo or whaL lL ls you wanL Lo know
SclenLlflc 1echnlques
- LaboraLory experlmenLaLlon
- lleld experlmenLaLlon quaslexperlmenLal
- lorecasLlng
lramework for 8esearch ueslgn
Elements of nquiry
AlLernaLlve knowledge Clalms
SLraLegy of lnqulry
Approaches to
,lxed ,eLhods
Design Processes
Of Research
1heoreLlcal lens
uaLa collecLlon
uaLa analysls
By the researcher
Into practice
JhaL ls Lmplrlcal 8esearch"

Lmplrlcal research meLhods are a class of research meLhods ln whlch empltlcol obsetvotloos ot Joto ote collecteJ
lo otJet to ooswet pottlclot teseotcb pestloos wblle ptlmotlly seJ lo academlc research Lhey can also be
useful ln answerlng pracLlcal quesLlons
Lmplrlcal research ls any acLlvlLy LhaL uses dlrecL or lndlrecL observaLlon as lLs LesL of reallLy
1he empltlcol teseotcbet ottempts to Jesctlbe occtotely tbe lotetoctloo betweeo bls losttmeot %wblcb moy be
os slmple as Lhe human eye) and Lhe enLlLy belng observed 1he researcher ls expecLed Lo callbraLe hls
lnsLrumenL by applylng lL Lo known sLandard ob[ecLs and documenLlng Lhe resulLs before applylng lL Lo unknown
ln pracLlce Lhe accumulaLlon of evldence for or agalnsL any parLlcular Lheory lnvolves planned research deslgns
for Lhe collecLlon of emplrlcal daLa Several Lypographles for such deslgns have been suggesLed one of Lhe mosL
popular of whlch comes from Campbell and SLanley (13) 1hey are responslble for popularlzlng Lhe wldely clLed
dlsLlncLlon among preexperlmenLal experlmenLal and quaslexperlmenLal deslgns and are sLaunch advocaLes of
Lhe cenLral role of randomlzed experlmenLs ln educaLlonal research
Lng|neer|ng' kesearch
W Make artefacts Lo enable effecLlve
lnLervenLlons Lo be underLaken ln a parLlcular
W 8reak artefacts Lo ldenLlfy Lhe llmlLs of Lhelr
appllcablllLy effecLlveness or usefulness
Lng|neer|ng 1echn|ques
- Construct|on
ConcepLlon (based on a body of Lheory)
deslgn creaLlon or proLoLyplng and LesLlng of
an l1 arLefacL
- uestruct|on
eneraLlon of new lnformaLlon abouL an
exlsLlng class of l1 arLefacLs by LesLlng an
lnsLance of Lhem or applylng lL ln new ways

kesearch Methodo|ogy |n I1
Llbrary SLudles
lormal ,eLhod
1he use lconbased user lnLerface wlll make
lL easler for prlmary schools' sLudenLs Lo use
a sofLware
lgger companles use hlgher level of
auLomaLlon LhaL smaller companles
y represenLlng program maLhemaLlcally
we can prove wheLher Lhe program ls
correcL or noL
1he flrsL compuLer was lnvenLed by a
,usllm sclenLlsL by Lhe name of !amsyld al
kasyl ln Samarkand
Je can develop a sofLware Lo mark essays
kesearch Des|gn
W AfLer Lhe meLhodology has been ldenLlfled
W 1he alm of research deslgn ls Lo plan Lhe
sLraLegy LhaL wlll be used ln research
kesearch Des|gn
W ,usL ldenLlfy LlsL of Lasks
W lf lL lnvolves daLa collecLlon ldenLlfy how
Lhls wlll be done
W ldenLlfy mllesLone" and dellverables"
W ueLermlne Llme needed for each Lask
W ueLermlne Lhe cosL for each Lask
kesearch Des|gn
W LxperlmenL
ueLermlne all Lhe varlables
ueLermlne sLeps ln Lhe experlmenL
ueLermlne conLrol experlmenL
uo Lhe experlmenL and Lhe conLrol experlmenL
uaLa Analysls
8eporL JrlLlng
CuallLaLlve daLa analysls
(Interpretation oI words and text)
Qualitative data analysis describes and
summarizes the mass oI words generated
by interviews or observational data. It
allows researchers to seek relationships
between various themes that have been
Qualitative data analysis oIten contain
content analysis that leads to emerge oI
themes and patterns.
CuanLlLaLlve uaLa analysls
(Interpretation oI numerical data)
Quantitative data analysis oIten contain
descriptive statistics and inIerential
1) Descriptive statistics include
measures oI central tendency
2) InIerential statistics is a set oI
measurements can be regarded as
measurements on a sample oI items Irom a
population Thus, it make inIerences about
the population Irom the sample.
kesearch Des|gn
kesearch Des|gn
W Survey 8esearch (CuanLlLaLlve)
ueLermlne 8esearch CuesLlons
ueLermlne SLaLlsLlcal PypoLhesls
ConsLrucL survey lnsLrumenL
uo plloL LesL Lo deLermlne Lhe valldlLy of Lhe
ueLermlne meLhod for daLa collecLlon
opulaLlon and sampel selecLlon
uaLa CollecLlon
SLaLlsLlcal daLa analysls
8eporL JrlLlng
kesearch Des|gn
W Survey 8esearch (CuallLaLlve)
ueLermlne 8esearch CuesLlons
ConsLrucL survey lnsLrumenL
uo plloL LesL Lo measure Lhe valldlLy of Lhe lnsLrumenL
ueLermlne meLhod of daLa collecLlon lnLervlew
observaLlon focus group
opulaLlon and sample selecLlon
uaLa CollecLlon
CuallLaLlve daLa analysls
8eporL JrlLlng
Is a term ascribed to the characteristic being
investigated, and can take any value in a reasonable
range. For example, blood group, blood pressure, age of
patients being studied.
Independent variable
The variable which is
assumed to determine the
values of the dependent
(response) variable. For
example, blood pressure
could be deemed to respond
to changes in age.
ependent variable
The variable which is
assumed to respond to the
values of the independent
(explanatory) variable. For
example, blood pressure
could be deemed to respond
to changes in age.
kesearch Des|gn
W roLoLype uevelopmenL
roblem analysls Lo deLermlne Lhe sofLware
SofLware ueslgn
SofLware lmplemenLaLlon
W Conslder Lhe use of sofLware componenLs
W use rapld proLoLyplng" Lechnlque
SofLware 1esLlng
Analyze resulL
8eporL JrlLlng
kesearch Des|gn
W Llbrary 8esearch
ueLermlne research quesLlons
Search for maLerlals ln order Lo answer Lhe
Analyze flndlngs
8eporL JrlLlng
kesearch Des|gn
W lormal ,eLhods
roblem analysls
ueLermlne Lhe sulLable formal model Lo be used
W AnalyLlc ,odel
W SLochasLlc ,odel
W CompuLaLlonal ,odel
uevelop Lhe model
Analyze Lhe model by uslng sulLable Lechnlque
8eporL JrlLlng
kesearch Des|gn
W Llbrary 8esearch
ueLermlne research quesLlons
Search for maLerlals ln order Lo answer Lhe
Analyze flndlngs
8eporL JrlLlng
kesearch Des|gn
kesearch Des|gn
W Lxample 1 A research may lnvolves
Survey 8esearch 1o obLaln users requlremenLs
roLoLype uevelopmenL
LxperlmenL 1o evaluaLe Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe
kesearch Des|gn
W Lxample 2 A research may lnvolves
Llbrary 8esearch 1o develop a new Lechnlque
roLoLype developmenL
LxperlmenL 1o deLermlne Lhe effecLlveness of
Lhe Lechnlque
Assess|ng Methods
W 8esearch CuesLlon(s) ls/are key
W ,eLhods musL answer Lhe research
W ,eLhodology guldes appllcaLlon
W LplsLemology guldes analysls
W All musL lnclude rlgor"
1est|ng the Waters
W Pow do you come up wlLh a good research
W Pow do you deLermlne lf Lhe meLhod you plan
Lo use wlll answer your quesLlon"
W JhaL eplsLemology should you use Lo analyze
Some ragmat|c Gu|de||nes
W reflecL Lhe sLaLe of knowledge of Lhe domaln
- reflecL Lhe sLaLe of knowledge of research meLhodology
- comblne research Lechnlques such LhaL Lhe weaknesses of
each are complemenLed by Lhe sLrengLhs of Lhe oLhers
- reflecL Lhe naLure of Lhe domaln and of Lhe phenomena
- produce daLa LhaL reflecL Lhe phenomena LhaL can be
valldaLed and LhaL can be analysed
- ensure Lhe research meLhod ls pracLlcable
- ensure Lhe resulLs wlll be publlshable
- ensure Lhe resulLs wlll be relevanL Lo Lhe world
key Cons|derat|ons to Des|gn our
kesearch Approach
W Pow can LhaL lnformaLlon be collecLed ln a reasonable
fashlon eg quesLlonnalres lnLervlews examlnlng
documenLaLlon observlng sLaff and/or cllenLs ln Lhe
program conducLlng focus groups among sLaff and/or
sLudenLs eLc"
W Pow accuraLe wlll Lhls lnformaLlon be"
W Jhen ls Lhe lnformaLlon needed (so by when musL lL
be collecLed)"
W JhaL resources are avallable Lo collecL Lhe
W Pow wlll Lhls lnformaLlon be analyzed"
1he Importance of Methods and
1he mosL common error made ln readlng
and conducLlng research ls overlooklng Lhe
meLhodology and concenLraLlng on Lhe
concluslons ?eL lf Lhe meLhodology lsn'L
sound Lhe concluslons and subsequenL
recommendaLlons won'L be sound"
aLrlcla oubllambrell addlLlons mlne
Wr|t|ng and Lng|neer|ng
kesearch aper
1 What are the mot|vat|ons for th|s research work? lor a
research paper Lhere ls an expecLaLlon LhaL a problem has
been solved LhaL no one else has publlshed ln Lhe
llLeraLure 1hls problem lnLrlnslcally has Lwo parLs 1he flrsL
ls called Lhe peop|e prob|em 1he people problem ls Lhe
beneflLs LhaL are deslred ln Lhe world aL large for example
some lssue of quallLy of llfe such as saved Llme or
lncreased safeLy 1he second parL ls Lhe techn|ca| prob|em
whlch ls wby Joesot tbe people ptoblem oot bove o ttlvlol
soltloo? 1here ls also an lmpllcaLlon LhaL prevlous
soluLlons Lo Lhe problem are lnadequaLe wbot ote tbe
ptevlos soltloos ooJ wby ote tbey looJepote? llnally
Lhe moLlvaLlon and sLaLemenL of Lhe problem are dlsLllled
lnLo a research quest|on LhaL can be addressed wlLhln Lhe
conflnes of Lhls parLlcular paper

Wr|t|ng and Lng|neer|ng
kesearch aper
2 What |s the proposed so/ution? 1hls ls also called Lhe
hypothes|s or |dea 1here should also be an answer Lo Lhe
quesLlon wby ls lt belleveJ tbot tbls soltloo wlll wotk ooJ
be bettet tboo ptevlos soltloos? 1here should also be a
dlscusslon abouL bow tbe soltloo ls ocbleveJ %JeslqoeJ ooJ
lmplemeoteJ) or ls aL leasL achlevable
3 What |s the research works evo/uotion of the proposed
so|ut|on? An ldea alone ls usually noL adequaLe for
publlcaLlon of a research paper 1hls ls Lhe concreLe
engagemenL of Lhe research quesLlon JhaL argumenL
lmplemenLaLlon and/or experlmenL makes Lhe case for Lhe
value of Lhe ldeas" JhaL beneflLs or problems are
Wr|t|ng and Lng|neer|ng
kesearch aper
4 If you are a reader of the paper you may ask What |s your
ana|ys|s of the |dent|f|ed prob|em |dea and eva|uat|on? ls
Lhls a good ldea" JhaL flaws do you percelve ln Lhe work"
JhaL are Lhe mosL lnLeresLlng polnLs made" JhaL are Lhe
mosL conLroverslal ldeas or polnLs made" lor work LhaL has
pracLlcal lmpllcaLlons you also wanL Lo ask s tbls teolly
qoloq to wotk wbo wolJ woot lt wbot lt wlll toke to qlve
lt to tbem ooJ wbeo mlqbt lt become o teollty?
S What are the contributions? 1he conLrlbuLlons ln a paper
may be many and varled eyond Lhe lnslghLs on Lhe
research quesLlon a few addlLlonal posslblllLles lnclude
ldeas sofLware experlmenLal Lechnlques or an area
6 What are future directions for th|s research?
1he research process (1)
- ldenLlfylng a sulLable research or pro[ecL area
8eevaluaLe your weaknesses ln Lhe flelds
use your flrsL degree lf posslble
LlsLen Lo your lnner self !
- SLarL Lhe research wlLh a research quesLlon or problem
- ,eaL oLher pro[ecL sLudenLs or oLher research candldaLes
- llnd a supervlsors or supervlsors
1he research process (2)
- JrlLe a research proposal
ackground Lo Lhe problem
ro[ecL alms and ob[ecLlves
8esearch quesLlon/ roblem sLaLemenL
,eLhodologlcal approach
oLenLlal usefulness / conLrlbuLlon
- ldenLlfylng quanLlLaLlve and or modelllng skllls requlred
- uraw a research proLocol esLabllsh key mlle sLones
- ldenLlfy addlLlonal skllls or course requlred
- ulld up a neLwork of communlLy of scholars
- Schedule presenLaLlon and wrlLLen work dellvery
- 8emember research ls a collaboraLlve endeavour!

1o research or not to research?

- CosL of Lhe research
Cholce of meLhods
- 1he poLenLlal value of Lhe research
- Puman facLors (personnel lssues eLhlcal lssues)
- lnLernal or exLernal pollLlcs
- 1lme
8u||d|ng a Systemat|c kesearch
Leadershlp and
eople and
rocess and
CulLure and

Ia||ures |n Cu|tura| Infrastructure

W oor leadershlp
W oor organlzaLlon
W oor communlcaLlon
W oor empowermenL
W oor knowledge managemenL

Common Causes of Ia||ure W|th|n

the kesearch rocess
W oor goal deflnlLlon
W oor allgnmenL of acLlons Lo goals
W oor parLlclpaLlon ln Leams
W oor monlLorlng of resulLs
W oor communlcaLlon and access Lo lnformaLlon
W oor resources
W oor skllls
1hank you for your k|nd
- o forLh and research
- buL be careful ouL Lhere

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