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Indirectness in Bad News Messages


Allow me to give you an offer you cant Refuse

Usually Bad news messages should be in the indirect

order There is exceptions, as when the reader prefer frankness Do it in a Positive Way

The General Direct Plan

Using a Strategic Buffer

Setting up the Negative News

Presenting the Bad News Positively Offering an Alternative Solution

Ending on a Positive Note

Using A Strategic Buffer

Use a buffer in indirect bad-news messages

Begin with a buffer that identifies the subject

Raises the topic of the message but does not indicate

what the rest of the message will say about it Giving them a chance to prepare for the negative news Some times the direct approach is best if ethical issues are involved

Setting Up the Negative News

Facts Involved in the decision

Explanatory Strategy before presenting the negative

news Cite the expert opinion of authorities whom both you and you r readers respect

Presenting The Bad News Positively

Refuse as positively as the situation permits

Make sure Negative message is clear.

Readers already expecting a negative message. Be certain that you are honest and clear. In the interest of our fairness Since you have broken the seal, state law prohibits

us from returning the product to stock State law prohibits us from returning to stock all such products with broken seal

Offering an Alternative Solution

Help Solve the readers problem

Showing Concern maintains goodwill

What are the other options ?

Ending on a Positive Note

End with specially adapted goodwill

Refused Request
Developing the Strategy

Setting Up the Explanation in Opening

Presenting The Explanation Convincingly Handling the Refusal Positively

Using a Compromise When Practical

Closing with Good Will

General Plan to Refused Request

Begin with words that indicate that indicate a

response to the request, are neutral as to the answer, and set up the strategy. Present your justification or explanation, using positive language and you viewpoint. Refuse clearly and Positively, including counter proposal or compromise when appropriate End with an adapted good will

Negative Announcements
Determining the Strategy

Direct or Indirect ? Indirect Order usually Better

Select a strategy that prepares the reader to accept the bad news The bad news should follow logically from your opening Word it positively Help people solve their problems and focus on any positive aspects Close with good will

Setting up the bad news

Positively Presenting the Bad News

Focusing on Next steps or Remaining benefits

Closing on a Positive or Encouraging Note

Thank you
Experiences are not always Positive

Learn how to deal with Negative Situations

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