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W Construct|on aggregate or slmply aggregaLe" ls a broad caLegory

of coarse parLlculaLe maLerlal used ln consLrucLlon lncludlng sand

gravel crushed sLone slag and recycled concreLe AggregaLes are a
componenL of composlLe maLerlals such as concreLe and asphalL
concreLe Lhe aggregaLes serve as relnforcemenL Lo add sLrengLh Lo
Lhe overall composlLe maLerlals AggregaLes are also used as base
maLerlal under foundaLlons roads and rallroads
W Coarse aggregate aggregaLes predomlnanLly reLalned on Lhe no 4
(476mm) sleves
W I|ne aggregate aggregaLe passlng Lhe 3/8ln sleve and almosL
enLlrely passlng Lhe no 4 (476mm) sleve and predomlnanLly
reLalned on Lhe no 200 (74mlcron) sleves
W Grave| granular maLerlal predomlnanLly reLalned on Lhe
no 4 sleve and resulLlng from Lhe naLural dlslnLegraLlon
and abraslon of rock or processlng of weakly bound
W Sand granular maLerlal passlng Lhe 3/8ln sleve and
almosL enLlrely passlng Lhe no 4 sleve and predomlnanLly
reLalned on Lhe no 200 sleve
W 8ank grave| gravel found ln Lhe naLural deposlLs usually
more or less lnLermlxed wlLh flne maLerlals such as sand or
W Crushed grave| Lhe producL resulLlng from Lhe arLlflclal
crushlng of gravel wlLh subsLanLlally all fragmenLs havlng aL
leasL one face resulLlng from fracLure
W Crushed stone Lhe producL resulLlng from Lhe arLlflclal
crushlng of rocks boulders or large cobblesLones
subsLanLlally all faces of whlch have resulLed from Lhe
crushlng operaLlon
W Crushed rock Lhe producL resulLlng from Lhe arLlflclal
crushlng of all rocks all faces of whlch have resulLed from
Lhe crushlng operaLlon or from blasLlng
W 8|ast furnace s|ag Lhe nonmeLalllc producL conslsLlng
essenLlally of slllcaLes and alumlnoslllcaLes of llme and of
oLher bases whlch ls developed ln a molLen condlLlon
slmulLaneously wlLh lron ln a blasL furnace
W S|eve ana|ys|s Lhe meLhod of deLermlnlng aggregaLe
gradaLlon and maxlmum aggregaLe slze
W Spec|f|c grav|ty ls used Lo deslgn and conLrol mlxes lL
ls deflned as Lhe raLlo of Lhe welghL of a subsLance Lo
Lhe welghL of an equal volume of waLer
W Compact|on ls Lhe denslflcaLlon of a maLerlal
resulLlng ln an lncrease ln welghL per unlL volume
W Dnder|y|ng so|| ls Lhere naLurally or may be hauled ln
Lo bulld a flll or embankmenL lL ls noL consldered Lo be
an aggregaLe lL ls sLrengLhened by compacLlon wlLh
heavy consLrucLlon equlpmenL before a base or
subbase ls placed on lL
W @haw|ng LranslLlve and lnLranslLlve verb melL Lo
melL or make someLhlng melL
W ras|on wearlng away of rock Lhe eroslon of
bedrock by conLlnuous frlcLlon caused by rock
fragmenLs ln waLer wlnd or lce
W dhes|on sLlcklng power Lhe ablllLy Lo sLlck flrmly Lo
W 8reakwater barrler proLecLlng land from waves an
offshore barrler LhaL proLecLs a harbor or oLher coasLal
area from Lhe full force of Lhe sea
W Gro|n sea wall prevenLlng land eroslon a sLrucLure
resembllng a wall bullL ouL lnLo a rlver or Lhe sea Lo
proLecL Lhe shore from eroslon
W etty breakwaLer a wall or oLher barrler bullL ouL lnLo a
body of waLer Lo shelLer a harbor proLecL a shorellne from
eroslon or redlrecL waLer currenLs
W Sta|||zat|on sLablllzlng of someLhlng Lhe acLlon of
becomlng sLable or of maklng someLhlng sLable
W 9erforat|on hole a hole made ln someLhlng
9r|mary sources
W edrock
W underwaLer sources
W Land sources
W rlable parLlcles
W MaLerlal flner Lhan no 200 sleve
W SofL arLlcles
W LlghLwelghL parLlcle
W Crganlc lmpurlLles
W 8eacLlve aggregaLes
W CherL
W y argemounLed dredges
W y ower shovels
W y uragllnes
W y ower Scrapers
W y ulldozers
W 8ange of Slzes
W CradaLlon
W ercenL 8eLalned
W CumulaLlve ercenL 8eLalned
W ercenL asslng
W AS1M C136
W AS1M C117
W AS1M u431
W AS1M u432
W AS1M u436
W LffecLlve slze
W Maxlmum slze of AggregaLe
W lneness Modulus
W unlformlLy coefflclenL
W Jell graded
W unlformly graded
W Cap graded or sklp graded
Surface area 4nr
volume 4nr

1 1he volume of aggregaLe
may lnclude solld maLLer
plus pores ln Lhe parLlcles
plus volds 1hls ls called u|k
vo|ume of aggregate
2 1he volume may lnclude
solld maLLer plus pores ln
Lhe parLlcles buL noL volds
1hls ls called Lhe saturated
surfacedry vo|ume
3 1he volume may lnclude
solld maLLer only noL pores
or volds 1hls ls called so||d
4 1he welghL may lnclude solld
maLLer plus enough waLer Lo
flll Lhe pores plus free waLer
on Lhe parLlcle surface 1hls
ls called wet we|ght
3 1he welghL may lnclude solld
maLLer plus enough waLer Lo
flll Lhe pores 1hls ls called
saturated surfacedry
6 1he welghL may lnclude solld
maLLer only 1hls ls called
ovendry we|ght
W ulk Speclflc CravlLy
W ApparenL Speclflc CravlLy
W Speclflc CravlLy of Coarse AggregaLe
W Speclflc CravlLy of lne AggregaLe
kock from whlch mosL aggregaLe ls derlved ls of
Lhree Lypes accordlng Lo orlgln lgneous
sedlmenLary and meLamorphlc
1 Igneous rock was aL one Llme molLen and
cooled Lo lLs presenL form lL varles ln LexLure
from coarse gralns Lo glassllke smooLhness
dependlng on how qulckly lL cooled
Sed|mentary rock aL one Llme conslsL
parLlcles deposlLed as sedlmenL by waLer wlnd
or glacler MosL were deposlLed aL Lhe boLLom
of lake or seas 1he pressure of overlylng
deposlLs LogeLher wlLh Lhe presence of
cemenLlng maLerlals comblned Lo form rocks
1hese rocks generally shows sLraLlflcaLlon
lndlcaLlng Lhe way lL was lald down lL generally
breaks more easlly along Lhe llnes of
3 Metamorph|c rock ls elLher lgneous or
sedlmenLary rock LhaL has been changed ln
LexLure sLrucLure and mlneral composlLlon or
ln one or Lwo of Lhese characLerlsLlcs by
lnLense geologlc heaL or pressure or boLh lL ls
dense buL ofLen forms plaLy parLlcles
AggregaLe ls hard and sLrong buL lLs plaLy
shape ls undeslrable
W L|ghtwe|ght aggregates has a unlL welghL of
lne aggregaLes 70 lb per cu fL (1120 kg per m
Coarse aggregaLe 33 lb per cu fL (880 kg per m
lne and coarse aggregaLe 33 lb per cu fL (880 kg
per m
W Lxpanded s|ag or foamed s|ag ls a hard mass of
llghL welghL maLerlal whlch musL be crushed lnLo
aggregaLe slze
1ypes of LlghLwelghL AggregaLes
W D|atom|te
W I|y ash
W 9er||te
W Verm|cu||te
W C|nders
W Manufactured sands
L|ghtwe|ght aggregate ls someLlmes lncorporaLed lnLo concreLe
prlmarlly for heat |nsu|at|on
S@M C33 LlghLwelghL AggregaLes for lnsulaLlng ConcreLe speclfles a
maxlmum welghL of 12 lb per cu fL (dry loose welghL) for perllLe and
10 lb per cu fL for vermlcullLe
S@M C641 SLalnlng MaLerlals ln LlghLwelghL ConcreLe AggregaLes
descrlbes procedures for LesLlng Lhls Lendency
eavy aggregates are Lhose wlLh hlgher speclflc gravlLles Lhan
Lhose of aggregaLes ln general use alLhough Lhere ls no
deflnlLe llne separaLlng Lhem from ordlnary aggregaLes
naLural heavy mlneral aggregaLes and ferrophosphorus are
descrlbed ln S@M C638 ConsLlLuenLs of AggregaLes for
8adlaLlonShleldlng ConcreLe and general requlremenLs are
speclfled ln S@M C637 AggregaLes for 8adlaLlonShleldlng
kad|at|on Sh|e|d|ng ls also accompllshed by Lhe lncluslon of
naLural boron mlnerals or boron mlnerals heaLed Lo parLlal
fuslon as aggregaLes ln Lhe concreLe shleld 1hese are also
descrlbed ln S@M C638
1 Calclum chlorlde and Sodlum chlorlde
2 Llme
3 orLland cemenL or AsphalL cemenL
9ermea|||ty ls a measure of Lhe ease wlLh whlch a fluld
mosL commonly waLer wlll flow Lhrough a maLerlal
I||ter conslsLs of aggregaLe deslgned and lnsLalled for Lhe
purpose of holdlng back parLlcles larger Lhan a cerLaln slze
whlle leLLlng waLer flow Lhrough wlLh a mlnlmum of
W underdraln
W 1oe draln
W Cravel pack
W JaLer fllLer
W Sand fllLer
a. los .ueies .brasiou 1est ,Quaiit Coutroi 1ooi |or .reate)
.S1M C! aud C!
..SI1O 1o
a. AASHTO T-161
-resistance to disintegration and degradation
b. ASTM C88
-Use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate
I. Immerse Aggregate
II. Remove then oven dry
III. Repeat the cycle then record the observations
a. ASTM D1664
I. Aggregate is Completely Coated with Asphalt
II. Submerge in water for 16 to 18 hours
III. Visual Estimate
other ReIevant Aggregate Tests
WASTM C 136/AASHTO T 27; Standard Test Method for Sieve AnaIysis of
Fine and Coarse Aggregates
1his test method covers the determinotion of the portic/e site distribution of fine ond coorse
oqqreqotes by sievinq
S@M C 40 Standard @est Method for Crgan|c Impur|t|es |n I|ne
ggregates for Concrete
1his test method covers procedures for on opproximote determinotion of the presence of injurious
orqonic impurities in fine oqqreqotes thot ore to be used in hydrou/ic cement mortor or concrete
WlngredlenL for hoLmlx asphalL
WlngredlenL for porLland cemenL
Wackflll maLerlal
Wueslgns/accessorles for dlfferenL sorL
of Lhlngs

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